Politics and Religion

The beginning of your 12 step program?
LostSon 43 Reviews 9 reads

Step one admit you have a problem… 😵‍💫

Step one admit you have a problem… 😵‍💫

ran on immigration and crime. You’d think New Yorkers would favor the candidate who addressed the immigrant and crime issue because abortions are readily available. But they elected the “abortion candidate. “

because she had been a Democrat for many years and re-registered to run for this seat, but distanced herself from Trump, who was willing to endorse her if she endorsed him.  Former Democrat who is a new Republican who did not align with Trump is an automatic loser.  Abortion had little to do with it.  

-- Modified on 2/14/2024 2:59:41 PM

She wasn’t MAGA. In fact Trump criticized her for not embracing him during the campaign.

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