Politics and Religion

Re: There is nothing "brutally honest" about your statement...it was however
borabora 15 Reviews 992 reads
1 / 39

Did it ever happen?

RFK died during the primaries. So, that was different.

Supposing Hillary goes belly up before the Election Day, will the DNC elevate Kaine and find a VP candidate for him? Or, pick a new presidential candidate and continue Kaine as VP candidate? How will Bernie supporters react?

What if Trump dies before the Day? What will the RNC do? Celebrate privately?  

Or, will it be like in Cuba? Rush his son, daughter or son-in-law into the slot to ride on public sympathy?

Note: This is just a fun exercise. Don't get all worked up as usual

stucaboy 107 reads
2 / 39
Nnoway 13 Reviews 155 reads
3 / 39

...incapacitated before the inauguration.  

If a candidate died after receiving their party's presidential nomination (hasn't happened yet, though 1 VP has died & in 1972 Tom Eagleton, McGovern's Vice President pick, famously withdrew post-nomination due to his mental health history surfacing), their party would hold an emergency committee meeting for delegates to vote for a new nominee, at that point it's whoever the party thinks has the best chance at still winning the election, whether it's the runner-up from the primaries or somebody who wasn't even previously running for president, and that person requires a majority vote from the national committee in order to receive the nomination.

If Presumed President-elect Dies Between Election Day & Electoral College Vote

As far as the Electoral College goes (this would come into play if the candidate died between election day and the Electoral College vote in early to mid December), federal law says the electors are free to vote for whoever they like. States could have differing rules about who they are to vote for, however.

If Presumed President-elect Dies Right After Electoral College Votes but before Congress certifies electoral college's vote

Congress is not bound by any law to accept the votes for a dead candidate. (happened one time back in the 1890's I think) so theoretically you could have Congress and Congress alone deciding the presidency.

Should the death occur after Congress Certifies Electoral College ballot Vice POTUS-elect would become President.

If there is a delay beyond January 20th,  then the Speaker of the House would become the President pro term until the oath is taken.  

After taking the oath, the Vice President would take over and be sworn in.  

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 11:27:50 PM

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 107 reads
6 / 39
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 148 reads
7 / 39

" Crazy Uncle Joe" was always my 1st choice anyway. Too much baggage with HRC, Monica, e-mails, now this health issue.
Keep in mind what fuels so many Trump supporters is animus toward Hillary. If she were to drop out, Biden or Kaine would win in a landslide.

That said, if secretary Clinton is still on the ticket, she definitely has my vote. Even a corpse would be preferable to Trump.
Posted By: borabora
Did it ever happen?  
 RFK died during the primaries. So, that was different.  
 Supposing Hillary goes belly up before the Election Day, will the DNC elevate Kaine and find a VP candidate for him? Or, pick a new presidential candidate and continue Kaine as VP candidate? How will Bernie supporters react?  
 What if Trump dies before the Day? What will the RNC do? Celebrate privately?  
 Or, will it be like in Cuba? Rush his son, daughter or son-in-law into the slot to ride on public sympathy?  
 Note: This is just a fun exercise. Don't get all worked up as usual.  

borabora 15 Reviews 146 reads
8 / 39

Thanks for a very informative post.

What is the final step for a President-Elect to be declared as the President? Is it the oath? If so, what if the Predident dies soon after while taking oath or seconds after, but before the VP-elect has not completed the oath yet?

Posted By: Nnoway
...incapacitated before the inauguration.  
 If a candidate died after receiving their party's presidential nomination (hasn't happened yet, though 1 VP has died & in 1972 Tom Eagleton, McGovern's Vice President pick, famously withdrew post-nomination due to his mental health history surfacing), their party would hold an emergency committee meeting for delegates to vote for a new nominee, at that point it's whoever the party thinks has the best chance at still winning the election, whether it's the runner-up from the primaries or somebody who wasn't even previously running for president, and that person requires a majority vote from the national committee in order to receive the nomination.  
 If Presumed President-elect Dies Between Election Day & Electoral College Vote  
 As far as the Electoral College goes (this would come into play if the candidate died between election day and the Electoral College vote in early to mid December), federal law says the electors are free to vote for whoever they like. States could have differing rules about who they are to vote for, however.  
 If Presumed President-elect Dies Right After Electoral College Votes but before Congress certifies electoral college's vote  
 Congress is not bound by any law to accept the votes for a dead candidate. (happened one time back in the 1890's I think) so theoretically you could have Congress and Congress alone deciding the presidency.  
 Should the death occur after Congress Certifies Electoral College ballot Vice POTUS-elect would become President.  
 If there is a delay beyond January 20th,  then the Speaker of the House would become the President pro term until the oath is taken.  
 After taking the oath, the Vice President would take over and be sworn in.  

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 11:27:50 PM

borabora 15 Reviews 111 reads
9 / 39

Wasn't there a Hollywood plot of this kind? Can't remember the movie title.  

Posted By: Laffy
I looked at Twitter this morning and Righties are going crazy with, "That was a body double that came out of the apartment after the real Hillary collapsed."  

bigguy30 93 reads
11 / 39

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
" Crazy Uncle Joe" was always my 1st choice anyway. Too much baggage with HRC, Monica, e-mails, now this health issue.  
 Keep in mind what fuels so many Trump supporters is animus toward Hillary. If she were to drop out, Biden or Kaine would win in a landslide.  
 That said, if secretary Clinton is still on the ticket, she definitely has my vote. Even a corpse would be preferable to Trump.  
Posted By: borabora
Did it ever happen?  
  RFK died during the primaries. So, that was different.  
  Supposing Hillary goes belly up before the Election Day, will the DNC elevate Kaine and find a VP candidate for him? Or, pick a new presidential candidate and continue Kaine as VP candidate? How will Bernie supporters react?  
  What if Trump dies before the Day? What will the RNC do? Celebrate privately?    
  Or, will it be like in Cuba? Rush his son, daughter or son-in-law into the slot to ride on public sympathy?  
  Note: This is just a fun exercise. Don't get all worked up as usual.  

GaGambler 130 reads
12 / 39

"reluctantly honest" perhaps, but nothing brutally honest at all about your admission that Hillary sucks as a candidate and will suck worse as POTUS.

As for HRC, the odds are dropping, you might get that even money bet yet, but of course if the real odds ever drop to even money, the chances of you taking the bet drop to about zero.

For the record, the bookies have Bernie as a 25-1 shot to win and Crazy Uncle Joe at 50-1. On the other side of the aisle Paul Ryan is 40-1 with Kasich almost off the board at 250-1, even longer odds than Gary Johnson at 100-1

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 114 reads
13 / 39

Check below link. With all of this, she still holds a narrow lead. When he's tied or ahead of her, get back to me then. Then again, if you think Trump is so great, why hasn't he been leading her all this time ?

Time will tell.
Posted By: stucaboy
-- Modified on 9/12/2016 8:39:59 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 118 reads
14 / 39
mattradd 40 Reviews 110 reads
17 / 39

I had a friend, last year, whose allergies developed into pneumonia, which cause hm, because he didn't take care of it, became dehydrated. Plus, I've been, myself, diagnosed with pneumonia without using an r-ray. The real doctors call it a stethoscope.  ;)

GaGambler 113 reads
18 / 39

and that is of course that Hillary is a liar, not exactly new information, but it is worth keeping on the front page for the voters to remember come November, assuming of course Hillary is still even on the ballot come November

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 112 reads
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ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 98 reads
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& if you haven't belatedly figured this out, you're dumber than you look, which in your case, is quite an" accomplishment."

In re to both candidates, both need to release detailed medical reports, including EEG details. In re to that, with Trump,  there'll be nothing there. Take that whatever way you choose.
Posted By: GaGambler
and that is of course that Hillary is a liar, not exactly new information, but it is worth keeping on the front page for the voters to remember come November, assuming of course Hillary is still even on the ballot come November.  
-- Modified on 9/12/2016 11:35:04 AM

stucaboy 120 reads
21 / 39

the media loves her.  With all that she only has a 3% lead?  One more cough or tripping event and its all over.  Might want to warn Warren to start deleting her e-mails and covering her doings in Massachusetts.  What she can't hide is her voting record.

GaGambler 143 reads
22 / 39

This story really seems to have legs to it.  

Just in the last hour or two Trump is now at 3-2, he was at 3-1 just a few days ago and was at 7-4 only a couple of hours ago.

Even more interesting are the new odds on Bernie Sanders at 18-1 and Crazy Uncle Joe at 25-1. All this in the last hour or so.

Your personal feelings about Trump aside, the fact that he is even in the running against the woman who was supposed to simply waltz into the White House with only token opposition is amazing. The voters really are fed up with "business as usual" for someone like Trump to be getting so much support, especially when BOTH major parties are against him.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 125 reads
23 / 39

Posted By: borabora
Wasn't there a Hollywood plot of this kind? Can't remember the movie title.  
Posted By: Laffy
I looked at Twitter this morning and Righties are going crazy with, "That was a body double that came out of the apartment after the real Hillary collapsed."  

followme 121 reads
24 / 39

You must be competing against yourself for the most boring and several other categories too.

You're Welcome
In Welchers We distrust

FatVern 103 reads
25 / 39

So you think Trump will beat her surrogate?

Nnoway 13 Reviews 103 reads
26 / 39

I always liked the Clintons and wouldn't mind Hillary at all but with all of her baggage and her being so deeply unpopular I'd just rather see somebody else as long this person is competent, reasonably well regarded in the country and, unlike what we have now, is generally respected by his peers and his colleagues around the world. Just please no more outsiders, novices or "sons of".

GaGambler 149 reads
27 / 39

I would say that you "are better than that" but come to think of it, even in your previous persona, you really aren't any better, any smarter, or certainly any wittier than your SPOTY brethren. I guess that accounts for your use of stupid memes and gifs, when you have no words of your own, post a gif and prove you're an idiot.

What I find astounding is the new betting line about Hillary not even being on the ballot at 3-1, I have been pointing to this possibility for well over a year, mainly to ridicule by the lefties of this board. Well, it might not have happened yet, but you might have done well by cowardly ducking my offer of a fair bet.

GaGambler 90 reads
28 / 39

Your post raises an interesting question, Just what kind of a feeding frenzy would HRC dropping out at this late stage of the game cause?

There are no less than three people who could garner a lot of support from the various factions of the Democratic party. You have Bernie Sanders, who by virtue of the millions of votes cast for him in the primaries has the most legitimate claim to take her place and the one name Cheesy conveniently left out. Next you have Kaine as the nominee as VP who has next to no name recognition and who quite frankly comes across as kind of a doofus, and lastly we have Crazy Uncle Joe.  

As much as the Dems loved watching the GOP almost tear itself apart trying to undo the will of the people, watching the Dems turn on each other and fight amongst each other for who takes Hillary's place could be VERY VERY interesting to watch.

JakeFromStateFarm 115 reads
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Once Bernie Sanders started winning primaries it was clear this wasn't going to be a coronation because of Clinton's high negatives.  Nice straw man, GaGa.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 112 reads
30 / 39

A narrow win is still a win. & with Trump polling as poorly with voters of color who make up 38% of the electorate, dooms him to failure.

However, it all hinges on the debates. We'll see what happens then
Posted By: stucaboy
the media loves her.  With all that she only has a 3% lead?  One more cough or tripping event and its all over.  Might want to warn Warren to start deleting her e-mails and covering her doings in Massachusetts.  What she can't hide is her voting record.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 104 reads
31 / 39

Which you conveniently failed to mention. You've certainly lost your stature in here, particularly since you were deposed as board mod, though you delusionally behave  like you still hold that position. Not that you had much stature in here in the first place.

Btw, great board count.
Posted By: GaGambler
I would say that you "are better than that" but come to think of it, even in your previous persona, you really aren't any better, any smarter, or certainly any wittier than your SPOTY brethren. I guess that accounts for your use of stupid memes and gifs, when you have no words of your own, post a gif and prove you're an idiot.  
 What I find astounding is the new betting line about Hillary not even being on the ballot at 3-1, I have been pointing to this possibility for well over a year, mainly to ridicule by the lefties of this board. Well, it might not have happened yet, but you might have done well by cowardly ducking my offer of a fair bet.

stucaboy 137 reads
32 / 39

stand for one hour or keep her mouth in check?  Take a for-real pill "sonny".

borabora 15 Reviews 128 reads
34 / 39
borabora 15 Reviews 159 reads
35 / 39

Will she not survive until the Election Day? Will she not complete her 4-yr term if elected?

What's scary about her medical history?

DVT -1998, 2009. Common condition, no big deal. May lead to PE, again not scary.
Blood clot in the brain, 2011: Was this CVST? She's past the acute stage. No worries.
Head concussion, 2013: Past the acute stage. Low risk now.
Takes Eliquis: Good
Hypothyroidism: Very common condition, especially among women. Easy to treat. No change in life expectancy.

Unless she is hiding something, her revealed medical history is not too worrisome.

borabora 15 Reviews 80 reads
36 / 39

This is freaking hilarious!!!!👍🏿

Posted By: meinarsche
 Doppelgänger - a look-alike or double of a living person, sometimes portrayed as a paranormal phenomenon, and is usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck. In other traditions and stories, they recognize one's 'double-goer' as an evil twin.  
 The word 'doppelgänger' is often used in a more general sense to describe any person who physically or behaviorally resembles another person.   Wikipedia  
 A fine German word that I've most often seen in comic books, and now during this - our strangest of strange presidential elections.    
 Your first reaction to the idea that Hillary has a body double might be, ''that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!''  Be that as it may, but for high-profile politicians to hire body doubles for a variety of reasons is not without plenty of historical precedents: off the top of my head, I can name Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler, Uday & Saddam Hussein, and Andy Kaufman.  
 The idea started yesterday subsequent to Hillary's (the real one) early, hasty exit of the 15 year anniversary 9/11 memorial, held at Ground Zero. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DLY-10oumo   The essential crux of the story is that, after being unceremoniously, with feet-dragging, and wearing only 1 shoe Hillary (still, the real Hillary), was shoved into her waiting ambulance-cum-van where she then either died or became simply too fucked-up beyond the point of redemption.    
 120 minutes after this public spectacle, Hillary (the Doppelgänger) was next seen emerging from Daughter Chelsea's apartment building with new-found-pep-in-her-step and a-smile-all-the-while!    
 During the interval that both Hillarys were offstage, several strange developments occurred, including  forcing the media to cease all recordings at the 9-11 ceremony and being prevented from leaving to follow the Clinton motorcade.    
 It was during this time that the Clinton campaign started both memes that Hillary (the real Hillary) was "overheated" but had been taken to her daughter's home on East 26th Street where she was "doing fine," and about how  Hillary's Doctor had "diagnosed her with Pneumonia on Friday, given antibiotics and told to rest."    
 To their credit, those proposing this body-double theory have published some hinkey photographic evidence comparing real Hillary with fake Hillary (different body types, different facial features and differing body habitus.  
 Here's the main 5 bullets  
 1.  The Hillary Body Double weigh less than Hillary – it’s impossible to lose that much weight in just a couple of hours. I noticed the hips and thighs are different.  
 2.  The Hillary Body Double looks ten years younger than the one who collapsed earlier at 9/11 ceremony.  
 The finger and nose controversy – they just don’t match they said.  
 3.  Hillary hardly ever carry her own purse – yep, the Democrat Madam sure don’t! And the picture that surfaced shows the new Hillary carrying her purse different shoulder. NOTE! Women don’t switch shoulders when it comes to their purse.  
 4.  Her famous handler, medic team and Secret Service entourage were missing when she reemerged. If she was rushed to a hospital because she was in critical condition, that’s where they would be – not at Chelsea Clinton’s apartment    
 Here's the link - what do you think?  http://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/1996  
 1.  They claimed Hillary was NOT taken to a hospital after she collapsed yesterday where she was thrown into the back seat like a ‘side of beef’, a senior law enforcement told the  Daily Beast .    
 2.  Why would you take a sick person who just collapsed to her daughter’s apartment when you should be taking her STRAIGHT to the hospital?  
 3.  Why would you ALLOW someone sick and who just collapsed to REEMERGE in public on a street ‘FULLY RECOVERED’ two hours after her medical episode when she should be in a complete bed rest. If she has ‘pneumonia’ as her doctor said, why did they let her talk to a little girl who could get infected with her virus.  
 4.  Why did they allow her to leave WITHOUT her famous handler, her usual medic team and Secret Service?  
 5.  If Hillary FULLY recovered two hours after she collapsed, why announce later she is recovering in her NY house and has to cancel her California fundraising?  
 Personally, if this is true, I think that it would be easy enough for some 3rd party to compare fingerprints or digitized voice graphs to reveal the true lay for the last word about the matter.  
                              Before: FAT ASS!                   After:  NON-FAT ASS!

Nnoway 13 Reviews 106 reads
37 / 39

Many of those who officially endorsed Trump did it really (like really really) lukewarmly and wouldn't move a finger to help him (like Ryan) and/or constantly threatening to revoke their endorsements (McConnell). You know that they all secretly root for Hillary and will sure pull the leather for her in a privacy of the voting booth. So does 90% of the mass media, yep, including that on Fox

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 108 reads
38 / 39


Posted By: stucaboy
stand for one hour or keep her mouth in check?  Take a for-real pill "sonny".

GaGambler 92 reads
39 / 39

I clearly stated earlier the line on Trump is now down to 3-2, he was 3-1 only a week or so ago.

It's been a VERY bad week for the Clinton camp.

Now please at least try to keep up, I would repeat my offer for a fair market wager, but I know I'd be wasting my breath.

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