Politics and Religion

Re: It looks like the Black Leadership is looking for any excuse to back Obama and abandon Hillary..
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2632 reads

Not exactly a news flash!

There is a thing in this country know as ethnic bloc voting.  Pretty much every identifiable ethnic goup in this country practices it, for good and for ill.  And for at least the last 150 years or so.   Why  AAs should be expected to be  any different, and not be enthused about  Senator Obama simply because Senator Clinton has been the "presumptive" Democratic nominee for what seems like the entirety of the Bush maladministration, puzzles me.

You write :

"When are the Democrats and other wishful thinking liberals going to realize race comes first with most Blacks?  They don’t like Democrats they just hate Republicans."  

You're probably just a little bit more right than wrong when you utter this harsh truth.  But, again, for howmany whites would race come before political party? For how many of the Republican "Solid South'" all of whom were staunch Democrats 55 years ago? And if NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg should run as an independent presidential candidate, I'll be interested indeed to see which ethnic voting blocs fall his way and which fall away from him.

I must say I have not been especially enamored of Senator Obama, because of his inexperience, his media slickness, and the emotioanaly satisfying but essentially empty messages he mouths [just like the rest of the candidates out there].  But the desperation of Senator Clinton, and her willingness so quickly to abandon the high road, does indeed generate much sympathy and interest in  me for for Senator Obama.

I say let the game here proceed, it's getting interesting.

Jack Daniels2029 reads

When are the Democrats and other wishful thinking liberals going to realize race comes first with most Blacks?  They don’t like Democrats they just hate Republicans.

Black Leaders Question Clinton Remarks
The New York Times
Posted: 2008-01-12 22:14:38
Filed Under: Elections News
WASHINGTON (Jan. 12) - The Clinton campaign moved Friday to try to quell a potentially damaging reaction to recent comments by Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton that have drawn criticism from African-Americans just as the presidential primary campaign reached Southern states with significant numbers of black voters.

In a call on Friday to Al Sharpton’s nationally syndicated talk radio show, Mr. Clinton said that his "fairy tale" comment on Monday about Senator Barack Obama’s position on the Iraq war was being misconstrued, and that he was talking only about the war, not about Mr. Obama’s overarching message or his drive to be the first black president.

There’s nothing fairy tale about his campaign,” Mr. Clinton said. “It’s real, strong, and he might win.”

Mr. Clinton’s fairy tale line and a comment by Mrs. Clinton that some interpreted as giving President Lyndon B. Johnson more credit than the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for civil rights laws have disturbed African-Americans, who saw them as unfair and diminishing the role of civil rights activists. The frustration comes as a Jan. 26 Democratic primary looms in South Carolina, where up to half of the Democratic electorate could be black.

Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina and the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, said this week that he was disappointed in the comments, a worrisome matter for the Clintons since an endorsement of Mr. Obama by Mr. Clyburn could carry weight in the primary.

On Friday evening, Mr. Clyburn, who is traveling overseas, issued a statement saying he intended to remain neutral in the early race. Mr. Clyburn, who aides said spoke with Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama, said he wanted to make sure all candidates had an equal opportunity.

“I encourage the candidates to be sensitive about the words they use,” Mr. Clyburn said “This is an historic race for America to have such strong, diverse candidates vying for the Democratic nomination.”

Others continued to take issue with the remarks, including Representative Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Democrat of Illinois and an Obama supporter.  
“Following Barack Obama’s victory in Iowa and historic voter turnout in New Hampshire,” Mr. Jackson said in a statement, “the cynics unfortunately have stepped up their efforts to decry his uplifting message of hope and fundamental change.”

Trying to tamp down the criticism, the Clinton campaign urged prominent black supporters to speak out on their behalf and remind the public of their long record of working for minority rights and benefits.

“I know of no government leadership couple about who I could say more,” said Frederick C. James of Columbia, S.C., a retired bishop of the A.M.E. Church and a civil rights advocate who has worked with both Dr. King and the Clintons.

The negative reaction was unusual for the Clintons, who have been extremely popular with blacks. But Mr. Obama is becoming a rallying point for African-Americans as well, and some blacks worry there will be efforts to undercut him on racial grounds.

“Voters have to decide for themselves what they think of this,” said Bill Burton, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, declining to discuss the matter further.

Mr. Clinton, in his radio interview, disputed any notion that he had been impugning Mr. Obama personally.  He said he was addressing a specific issue that, he believed, had not been given sufficient scrutiny: Mr. Obama’s position on Iraq and a statement by Mr. Obama in 2004 that he could not say how he would have voted on the war had he been in the Senate, though he did not believe the case for war had been made.

Mr. Clinton said the 2004 view was at odds with Mr. Obama’s position that he, unlike Mrs. Clinton, has always been against the war. “I said that story is a fairy tale,” Mr. Clinton said. “Now that doesn’t have anything to do with my respect for him as a person or his campaign. I have gone out of my way not to express any personal disrespect for him and his campaign.”

Mr. Obama’s campaign said Mr. Clinton was engaging in revisionist history about his record on the war. Donna Brazile, a leading Democrat and African-American who had criticized Mr. Clinton, on Friday appeared willing to accept his explanation. “Bill Clinton is a soldier in the fields for people of color,” Ms. Brazile said on CNN. “At this point, we are willing to let this lie.”

Bill Clinton is a soldier in the fields for people of color,” Ms. Brazile said on CNN. “At this point, we are willing to let this lie.”

Well he got Clinton and lie in the same couple of sentences and I have no doubt  Bill Clinton is a liar.

Not exactly a news flash!

There is a thing in this country know as ethnic bloc voting.  Pretty much every identifiable ethnic goup in this country practices it, for good and for ill.  And for at least the last 150 years or so.   Why  AAs should be expected to be  any different, and not be enthused about  Senator Obama simply because Senator Clinton has been the "presumptive" Democratic nominee for what seems like the entirety of the Bush maladministration, puzzles me.

You write :

"When are the Democrats and other wishful thinking liberals going to realize race comes first with most Blacks?  They don’t like Democrats they just hate Republicans."  

You're probably just a little bit more right than wrong when you utter this harsh truth.  But, again, for howmany whites would race come before political party? For how many of the Republican "Solid South'" all of whom were staunch Democrats 55 years ago? And if NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg should run as an independent presidential candidate, I'll be interested indeed to see which ethnic voting blocs fall his way and which fall away from him.

I must say I have not been especially enamored of Senator Obama, because of his inexperience, his media slickness, and the emotioanaly satisfying but essentially empty messages he mouths [just like the rest of the candidates out there].  But the desperation of Senator Clinton, and her willingness so quickly to abandon the high road, does indeed generate much sympathy and interest in  me for for Senator Obama.

I say let the game here proceed, it's getting interesting.

kerrakles1290 reads

very quick to the defense of MLK while practicing nothing MLK stands for. Talk about being hypocritical. This has nothing to do with who said what, but everything to do with uneducated and ill informed blacks to get riled up.

Black America always will make everything into a race. After all, white mans ancestors caused all their problems.

But both campaigns are playing up to one key endorsement, Rep. James Clyburne's. The Candidate he endorses will probably take most of the South.

But it's going to be hard for Clyburne to forget what Bill Clinton did for Blacks. With all Clyburne's experience with Clinton, I think he might just conclude, as many people would, that Obama just doesn't have the experience. This quote is not going to sway him.

To be honest, I couldn't find anything about either Hill or Bill's comments that were racially insensitive. But I coudln't help at laugh at the irony of the party who invented PC baloney being hoisted on their own petards so to speak.

At any rate, any bad press for Hillary is fine by me :)

Timbow1426 reads

If Obama loses SC he is done . I doubt he will but if he does all the other Southern states will abandon him and Hillary will get the blacks support.

-- Modified on 1/13/2008 8:21:47 PM

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