Politics and Religion

Re: Biden Surrogates Denying Criminal Activity On The Sunday Talk Shows
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 544 reads
1 / 20

Biden 'willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,' but won’t face charges, special counsel says.
Of course the Biden DOJ won't prosecute Biden.

LostSon 43 Reviews 37 reads
2 / 20

Seriously this will only strengthen the perception of a corrupt administration. 🙄

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 51 reads
3 / 20

The DOJ determined that Biden was not cognitively competent to stand trial!   So they had to send the vegetable out to a press conference to stress that he's a-okay.  Then promptly confuses the president of Egypt as president of Mexico.
And of course he denied every finding of the Hur's DOJ report.
Obama has to be shitting in his mom jeans.  

impposter 49 Reviews 51 reads
4 / 20

Have you watched the sworn depositions of the Trump children, Eric, Ivanka, and Junior? Since so many posts are being pulled recently, I will paraphrase rather than waste time to find the links and extract exact quotes from the sources: the videotaped and transcribed depositions themselves.  
DoJ: Is that your signature? Did you sign that form in 2021?  
Eric: I'm not sure. I don't think so. It does look like my signature.
Ivanka: It looks like my signature but I don't remember signing that.  
Junior: That's my signature. I signed it but I didn't know what I was signing. I sign a lot things without knowing what I am signing. You wanna make something of it? You think that's important? I don't.
And variations on:
D: [documents] What did you mean when you wrote to the lender, "I will send my father's certified financial statements to you by express mail." and "Did you send these financial statements to the lender?"
E: I don't remember writing that. and I don't remember.
I: I don't remember writing that. and I don't remember.
J: I don't remember writing that. and I don't remember.
And variations on:
D: In your email to the lender dated 2019, you wrote, "Occupancy is 95%" even though you knew that occupancy was only 40%. Is that true?
E: I don't remember if I wrote that or if someone else wrote it.
I: I don't remember if I wrote that. I don't even know which property that email might be referring to. I lied about them all.  
J: 95. 40. 78. 22. Those are just numbers. I don't remember all the numbers.  
D: Were you involved in planning the 2017 Inaugural events and authorizing spending of the $107 million budget?  
I: No, I wasn't involved.
D: Your emails, your signed invoices, committee meeting notes with your statements, testimony from others ...
I: Oh, I forgot about all that stuff. I might have approved those decisions and signed off on them but I really don't remember.
D: Did you agree to pay the Trump Int'l Hotel these amounts for ballrooms, etc. when similar space and services at other venues was offered to you at less than half the cost?  
I: I didn't know anything about that.
D: emails, bids, quotes, numbers with your signatures
I: I didn't have anything to do with  those decisions.
D: emails, meetings, testimony from others
I: Oh, now I'm starting to remember ... I guess I did make those decisions and authorize those payments.  
Maybe the Trump "children" are too immature with incompletely developed nervous systems to be able to remember things that they themselves did in the context of their full time work from 2 to 10 years ago. [I am differentiating between work product and trivia: "Did you attend Les Mis in 2015?" Yes, it was great. "Who sang the role of Cossette?" Huh? What? I don't remember that!]
And I could dig out and quote from Trump's own depositions filled with "I don't know"s and "I don't remember"s and flat out lies and made up crap.  
Trump, in deposition, doubles down on 'Access Hollywood' remarks about grabbing women.
"... "It's true with stars that they can grab women by the p----?" Trump was asked [by lawyer Kaplan].
"Well, if you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true," Trump said. "Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately, or fortunately."
"And you consider yourself to be a star?" Trump was asked.
"I think you can say that, yeah," he said. ..."
Homo sapiens (modern humans) did not appear until ~200,000 to 300,000 years ago, NOT 1 million years ago.
Language did not evolve until ~50,000 years ago.
Characteristically human culture (tools, etc.) did not appear until ~40,000 ya.
Human societies did not start to form until ~15,000 ya.  
(Different sources give slightly different timelines, but there were NO HUMANS or HUMAN SOCIETIES 1 million years ago ... except in Trump's universe. "I would like to call my caveman friends Grok and Ung as witnesses for the defense!")

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Press conference train wreck
The DOJ determined that Biden was not cognitively competent to stand trial!   So they had to send the vegetable out to a press conference to stress that he's a-okay.  Then promptly confuses the president of Egypt as president of Mexico.  
 And of course he denied every finding of the Hur's DOJ report.  
 Obama has to be shitting in his mom jeans.  

LostSon 43 Reviews 34 reads
5 / 20

Posted By: impposter
Re: Press conference train wreck
Have you watched the sworn depositions of the Trump children, Eric, Ivanka, and Junior? Since so many posts are being pulled recently, I will paraphrase rather than waste time to find the links and extract exact quotes from the sources: the videotaped and transcribed depositions themselves.  
 DoJ: Is that your signature? Did you sign that form in 2021?  
 Eric: I'm not sure. I don't think so. It does look like my signature.  
 Ivanka: It looks like my signature but I don't remember signing that.  
 Junior: That's my signature. I signed it but I didn't know what I was signing. I sign a lot things without knowing what I am signing. You wanna make something of it? You think that's important? I don't.  
 And variations on:  
 D: [documents] What did you mean when you wrote to the lender, "I will send my father's certified financial statements to you by express mail." and "Did you send these financial statements to the lender?"  
 E: I don't remember writing that. and I don't remember.  
 I: I don't remember writing that. and I don't remember.  
 J: I don't remember writing that. and I don't remember.  
 And variations on:  
 D: In your email to the lender dated 2019, you wrote, "Occupancy is 95%" even though you knew that occupancy was only 40%. Is that true?  
 E: I don't remember if I wrote that or if someone else wrote it.  
 I: I don't remember if I wrote that. I don't even know which property that email might be referring to. I lied about them all.  
 J: 95. 40. 78. 22. Those are just numbers. I don't remember all the numbers.  
 D: Were you involved in planning the 2017 Inaugural events and authorizing spending of the $107 million budget?  
 I: No, I wasn't involved.  
 D: Your emails, your signed invoices, committee meeting notes with your statements, testimony from others ...  
 I: Oh, I forgot about all that stuff. I might have approved those decisions and signed off on them but I really don't remember.  
 D: Did you agree to pay the Trump Int'l Hotel these amounts for ballrooms, etc. when similar space and services at other venues was offered to you at less than half the cost?  
 I: I didn't know anything about that.  
 D: emails, bids, quotes, numbers with your signatures  
 I: I didn't have anything to do with  those decisions.  
 D: emails, meetings, testimony from others  
 I: Oh, now I'm starting to remember ... I guess I did make those decisions and authorize those payments.  
 Maybe the Trump "children" are too immature with incompletely developed nervous systems to be able to remember things that they themselves did in the context of their full time work from 2 to 10 years ago. [I am differentiating between work product and trivia: "Did you attend Les Mis in 2015?" Yes, it was great. "Who sang the role of Cossette?" Huh? What? I don't remember that!]  
 And I could dig out and quote from Trump's own depositions filled with "I don't know"s and "I don't remember"s and flat out lies and made up crap.  
 Trump, in deposition, doubles down on 'Access Hollywood' remarks about grabbing women.  
 "... "It's true with stars that they can grab women by the p----?" Trump was asked [by lawyer Kaplan].  
 "Well, if you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true," Trump said. "Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately, or fortunately."  
 "And you consider yourself to be a star?" Trump was asked.  
 "I think you can say that, yeah," he said. ..."  
 Homo sapiens (modern humans) did not appear until ~200,000 to 300,000 years ago, NOT 1 million years ago.  
 Language did not evolve until ~50,000 years ago.  
 Characteristically human culture (tools, etc.) did not appear until ~40,000 ya.  
 Human societies did not start to form until ~15,000 ya.  
 (Different sources give slightly different timelines, but there were NO HUMANS or HUMAN SOCIETIES 1 million years ago ... except in Trump's universe. "I would like to call my caveman friends Grok and Ung as witnesses for the defense!")
Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Press conference train wreck  
 The DOJ determined that Biden was not cognitively competent to stand trial!   So they had to send the vegetable out to a press conference to stress that he's a-okay.  Then promptly confuses the president of Egypt as president of Mexico.  
  And of course he denied every finding of the Hur's DOJ report.  
  Obama has to be shitting in his mom jeans.  

Seriously how long did that take you?  

Not even that idiot Icky read all of that 🙄

LostSon 43 Reviews 38 reads
6 / 20

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Press conference train wreck
The DOJ determined that Biden was not cognitively competent to stand trial!   So they had to send the vegetable out to a press conference to stress that he's a-okay.  Then promptly confuses the president of Egypt as president of Mexico.  
 And of course he denied every finding of the Hur's DOJ report.  
 Obama has to be shitting in his mom jeans.  
I’m not sure “THEY” sent him out I think he did that all on his own before Obama could get there and stop him.

cks175 44 Reviews 27 reads
7 / 20

Pathetic. Kristen Welker on MTP actually pressed Biden Campaign Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu on his answers but Mitch only deflected.

LostSon 43 Reviews 40 reads
8 / 20

Posted By: cks175
Re: Biden Surrogates Denying Criminal Activity On The Sunday Talk Shows
Pathetic. Kristen Welker on MTP actually pressed Biden Campaign Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu on his answers but Mitch only deflected.
Of course they did! The damage control efforts here look like the crew of the titanic racing around after the ship hit the iceberg.

impposter 49 Reviews 43 reads
9 / 20

I just looked up their ages.  Junior DoB 1977 = 46 yo. Ivanka DoB 1981 = 42 yo. Eric DoB  1984 = 40 yo.  
My suggestion that their mental lapses are not due to slow neural development. It is more likely familial juvenile onset cognitive decline to dementia. We already know that it runs in their family.

LostSon 43 Reviews 35 reads
10 / 20

Posted By: impposter
Re: This may be your longest BUT  T R U M P ! ! ! Yet…  
I just looked up their ages.  Junior DoB 1977 = 46 yo. Ivanka DoB 1981 = 42 yo. Eric DoB  1984 = 40 yo.  
 My suggestion that their mental lapses are not due to slow neural development. It is more likely familial juvenile onset cognitive decline to dementia. We already know that it runs in their family.
All of your hand wringing and pointing to Trump and his family is an attempt to divert from the disaster of the special counsel report followed up by the press conference THAT CONFIRMED that Biden is much further down the drain than has been thought.

Look I get it, kackles as PRESS  

😳😳😳 H O L Y  F U C K I N G  S H I T !  

If she becomes the president your side is STUCK with her!! THERE WILL BE NO STEPPING DOWN FOR BIG MIKE….

Seriously there won’t  

Then the ONLY WAY she gets elected is steal the vote 2.0 AND YOU KNOW IT!!!

followme 29 reads
11 / 20

I just looked up your family tree

found out you are the sap

2024 - GOP

inicky46 61 Reviews 42 reads
12 / 20

Since he claims to be so upset when someone repeats a line or phrase, how many times has swallow called someone "soy-boy?" Dozens? Hundreds?
I'm too lazy to look but let me know.
Then suggest he jump back on The Urban Dictionary (his favorite site for stealing snappy lines) and find something new to bore us with.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 31 reads
13 / 20

You should probably leave this topic alone.  It only reminds people that the DOJ has not ruled that any of the Trumps are incompetent to stand trial.  But they officially ruled that Biden is incompetent to stand trial.  You should probably talk about other things.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 30 reads
14 / 20

you simpleton.  The correct simile is “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”

LostSon 43 Reviews 30 reads
15 / 20

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Your post needs “damage control efforts”…
you simpleton.  The correct simile is “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”
I give this deflection attempt a meager 1.19 on a 1 to 10 scale.  

Your daddy’s performance in front of the press the other night was  B A D bad and ya know know it. Even Hillary is worried…

Start bracing for President Kackles 😳

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 34 reads
16 / 20

from some oddsmakers that if Kackles is the nominee, she has only a 3% chance of beating Trump.  The same oddsmakers had Biden at a 30% chance.  I trust the oddsmakers more than the media polls.  They have skin in the game.

followme 38 reads
17 / 20

How many times have I said this or that? It is really pathetic that it bothers you so much that you want to know. That is a sad, sad life when something like that bothers you.  

I’ve used soy-boy considerably less than you have cried urban dictionary, and I don’t care or want to know how many times you have used that one or anything else you say even though it is more often than not someone else’s line or phrase or a variant of something someone else has said.

Also it is considerably less than your constant childish whining about my lines and phrases. You are just so, so sensitive which is not surprising since you are a submissive beta.  

You wanting to know how many times I used this line or that shows an unhealthy obsession.  
But I understand why. It is because you are jealous of me and at the same time admire me and look up to me so much that the obsession causes you to follow me all over the boards.

You are by you own admission lazy….yeah there is a trait to be admired.


At Backstabbing post-puller we laugh

2024 = 28

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 32 reads
18 / 20

This is the weakness of coalition parties. They have to throw a bone to black identity types because they make up a large part of the coalition. But other blue collars might be more impressed with actual competence rather than skin color. So which faction do you kowtow to to keep your coalition together.

cks175 44 Reviews 25 reads
19 / 20

The controversy surrounding Special Counsel Hur’s report has started to fade, but it’s still news. Surprised to see even NBC News pushing back on the White House spin that Biden was completely exonerated.

The controversy over special counsel Robert Hur’s characterization of President Biden’s memory has obscured one of the most surprising findings in his report – that Biden knowingly kept classified materials at home for years and failed to turn them in.
In another development this week that was overshadowed by all the Trump trial news, Special Counsel Bur’s team pushed back on Biden’s angry claim that Hur “dared” to ask him about Beau’s death. It turns out, according to the Special Counsel, that it was Biden who raised the topic of Beau’s death.  Apparently Biden forgot that (no surprise there), or he’s lying through his teeth in a pathetic sympathy ploy (also a very believable, precedent confirming story).

LostSon 43 Reviews 27 reads
20 / 20

From the article  

“That is perhaps the report’s most damaging finding: Biden knew he had classified documents in 2017, but there is no evidence he took steps to turn them in.

But the report says the special counsel was unable to conclusively identify those documents, and therefore prosecutors could not prove to a jury exactly what that 2017 comment referred to.”

Soooo those documents are… just out there in the wind????

T H E N!!!

Also from the article.

“The ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, was helping Biden write a memoir about his son’s death called “Promise Me, Dad.”

The report says Biden also shared with Zwonitzer classified information on three occasions from notebooks Biden had compiled during his time in office. Biden then stored those notebooks in insecure locations, it says.

The report also says “the evidence shows convincingly” that Biden knew the notebooks contained classified information. But it also acknowledges that prosecutors would not be able to prove to a jury that the exact passages Biden read to the ghostwriter were classified.”



Are you lefties clamoring for 4 more years of this insanity followed by kackles taking over?????????

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