Politics and Religion

It’s even worse than I first thought.
inicky46 61 Reviews 752 reads
1 / 18

In yesterday’s PA primary, Nikki Haley, who dropped out weeks ago, still got more than 100,000 votes. If those Republican protests votes go to Biden in November Trump is in serious trouble. This may be true even if they just stay home.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 29 reads
2 / 18

Normally I’d say Trump can coast to victory as Biden is shedding support from all directions. But the deep state obviously rigged the last election and paid zero price for doing so. So why wouldn’t they do it again?

inicky46 61 Reviews 29 reads
3 / 18

Haley actually got more than 150,000 votes, leaving Trump only 83% of votes cast. Biden, however, got 93% of votes cast even though he also had a defeated rival on the ballot, Dean Phillips.
Now show us some evidence the 2020 race was rigged. Trump has yet to do that.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 37 reads
4 / 18

If the 2020 election wasn’t rigged the Democrats wouldn’t be using lawfare against Trump now.

RespectfulRobert 28 reads
5 / 18

I'll await your list.
And btw, why do you think Trumps own hand picked investigative firms said the election was NOT rigged? Those damn facts getting in the way again, huh Willy?  
Trump is going to lose again and your party will be in absolute ruin and tatters. You guys learned nothing from Nixon stepping down and now you will pay the price for your hero worship. Bigly.

inicky46 61 Reviews 31 reads
6 / 18

Your totally non-responsive answer is noted. Thanks for proving you’ve got nothing.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 28 reads
7 / 18

I’ve proven you wrong countless times on this board and you’ve never conceded a point once. When shown you’re wrong you either won’t admit it or you just ignore it. So why should I even go to the trouble? If you want to know the evidence I’ve presented that the election was stolen then just do a search of my past posts on the subject.

cks175 44 Reviews 33 reads
8 / 18
inicky46 61 Reviews 34 reads
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You are totally intellectually bankrupt. As for having "proven" me wrong I call bullshit. I doubt you've even done it ONCE. So once again you have asserted a blatant falsehood.
Please stop lying, Willy.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 29 reads
10 / 18

Your sophistry is such a bore.

LostSon 43 Reviews 32 reads
11 / 18

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Thanks for admitting you won't bother to provide facts for your rebuttals.
You are totally intellectually bankrupt. As for having "proven" me wrong I call bullshit. I doubt you've even done it ONCE. So once again you have asserted a blatant falsehood.  
 Please stop lying, Willy.  
Of course, the Delusional narcissist says this, intellectually bankruptcy is your stock in trade. BTW how did you get your phone back? Or did you have your nephew sneak a new one into you?  

Ya know, let's take up a collection for Icky's Nurse, get her a spa day or something for putting up with a grumpy old dirty bastard.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 21 reads
12 / 18

...to vote for Haley.  150,000 Republicans got off their asses and went to the polls to vote AGAINST Trump.  Most of them will not be voting FOR Trump in November.  They'll either vote for Biden, 3rd party or stay home.

cks175 44 Reviews 26 reads
13 / 18

That’s 12% of the Dem votes cast. Bottom line there’s a significant number of disaffected voters from both parties and it’s going to be an interesting election.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 21 reads
14 / 18

PA registered voters (as of 10/23/23):
Democrats - 3,897,179
Republicans - 3,451,289
Independents - 1,298,104

cks175 44 Reviews 25 reads
15 / 18

Trump in this instance. That said, PA is shaping up to be one of the closest battleground elections on the map.

impposter 49 Reviews 50 reads
16 / 18

"I don’t know precisely how the Dems stole the election, but I do know they stole it. Everyone with a lick of sense and the integrity to speak the truth knows they stole it. ..."  
That amounts to ZERO proof, especially in the face of PROOF that the 2020 election was one of the most secure elections in US history: Numerous hand recounts in numerous states. Numerous investigations of every crackpot allegation, including two paid for by Trump. Numerous confirmations of vote tabulations matching voter registrations. A handful of fraudulent ballots were almost all due to REPUBLICAN voters [spouses or children casting votes for deceased relatives]. "50,000 dead people voting [in GA alone]" was 12 dead people voting, at most. ... And on and on.
No Italian satellites changing votes. No Jewish space lasers. No Venezuelan hacking. ... And on and on.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Why bother?
I’ve proven you wrong countless times on this board and you’ve never conceded a point once. When shown you’re wrong you either won’t admit it or you just ignore it. So why should I even go to the trouble? If you want to know the evidence I’ve presented that the election was stolen then just do a search of my past posts on the subject.

inicky46 61 Reviews 23 reads
17 / 18

Can't you come up with anything new?
That's a rhetorical question.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 27 reads
18 / 18

willy had almost THREE YEARS to prove the 2020 election was stolen but the best he could come up with on 9/14/2023 was: "I don’t know precisely how the Dems stole the election, but I do know they stole it."

willy's idiocy is straight from a Bill Maher bit - "I don't know it for a fact...I just know it's true."
Maher's bits are funny but nowhere near as hilarious as willy's REAL LIFE stupidity.  

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