Politics and Religion

In his defense, I don't think that is quite true about him
GaGambler 89 reads

From what I understand, rather than him heading to a church for his daily handout, he insisted on them bringing it to him.

Here is the difference between Chrstians, even the worst of them, compared to Muslims on the gay issue.

The worst of the Bible Thumping Christians believe that God will punish those sinners by casting them into an eternal lake of fire, where they will burn for eternity. Pretty harsh stuff, right? Of course it's only harsh if there really is a lake of fire and an invisible sky daddy to punish them. The Muslims OTOH not only believe that they will suffer for eternity, but that eternity should start "right now" and by their own hand, throwing them off of buildings or mowing them down in clubs instead of letting "God" mete out their punishment. It's one thing to wish someone to die, it's quite another to actually kill them. One day the looney left will figure this out. Yeah, sure they will.

JakeFromStateFarm502 reads

Multiple reports say Mateen was known at Pulse, having visited there several times.  He also may have used gay dating sites and chat rooms.  Not exactly the model of an Islamic terrorist.

..a self-hating gay man who spent all his life portraying the opposite. A fraud in need of a Freud.

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