Politics and Religion

I hereby declare you SPOTY ineligible!
JackDunphy 390 reads


Is this nurse acting in reckless disregard of public safety. Or is she rightfully standing up for reason, science and subsequent civil rights.  

 Personally; I laud her actions.

salonpas384 reads

.....who have successfully treated all their Ebola patients who have now been released? It's just politics and shows what useless slime balls these politicians are, both Democrats and Republicans.  

Posted By: RRO2610
Is this nurse acting in reckless disregard of public safety. Or is she rightfully standing up for reason, science and subsequent civil rights.    
  Personally; I laud her actions.

all they have is fear, they will run with anything they think is giving them politcal advantage that they are saving us.

Slime Balls for sure.   These assholes of politicians should go back and check how Canada handled SARS 10 years ago.

Military and healthcare careers are two of those occupations. Where the individual has to act like a professional and follow their employers instructions, and proper protocol when instructed to do so.  

Most people would call this personal responsibility.

Had this young woman any commonsense, she would obey the quarantine instructions to avoid legal recourse. In the event she was carrying the virus and infected another individual.

You are the biggest "authoritarian" I've ever seen on this board. I know it's normal for a 'Conservative' to question 'Liberal' view points(and vice versa); but you NEVER question the State or police. NEVER!  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Military and healthcare careers are two of those occupations. Where the individual has to act like a professional and follow their employers instructions, and proper protocol when instructed to do so.  
 Most people would call this personal responsibility.  
 Had this young woman any commonsense, she would obey the quarantine instructions to avoid legal recourse. In the event she was carrying the virus and infected another individual.

Which in turn makes me rather liberal in my convictions.

She is health care worker and government is not her employer.  

Where the fuck did you get the idea of the government being her employer?  

She is nurse who volunteered, most probably with Doctors without Borders.  

As usual, Repubscums are jut bloviating without hearing what the medical community is saying. Scumbags doesn’t like truth, science or math hence Low Mass of Intelligence (LMoI)

She is indeed responsible, she is following science instead of stupidity.

Whether or not the nurse is on a payroll is not the issue. The issue is professionals are required to adhere to protocol.  

The nurse claims she is not infected with EVD, which hopefully and most likely is in fact true. Another fact is the nurse is not a doctor who is trained in the diagnosis of EVD, if she were she would be considered a doctor and not a nurse. Does this woman disagree with the institution which grants her the privilege of holding a nurse license?  

I would classify this as science, disagreeing with science.

GaGambler394 reads

This post by him may actually disqualify him for the SPOTY's, I'll check with the rules committee to see if one great post can nullify hundreds of stupid ones.

OTOH bigdumbass and AnnoyingFungus appear to be the two clear frontrunners for the title, even with the return of FIDIOT who seems to unexpectedly NOT want the title, although just on name recognition alone he still has a shot. lol

Next you'll be talking about responibilty to the public at large?

Isn't this the 60's where we get to do whatever we want?

the mentally challenged Repubscums who are ignoring science and making a political issue of Ebola.  

Cuomo got in the middle of it and fucked himself.  

Why are repubscums retaliating against health care volunteers?

86H13LTP274 reads

infected are Heathcare professionals who were either over there or picked it up from others who were .  

Her , the nurse who flew to Cleveland and back and the Dr. who ran around NYC should all be charged with reckless endangerment .  

Oh , I forgot about the NBC woman who ignored quarantine . She should be charged too

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 3:05:17 PM

86H13LTP343 reads

home . Do you think afterwards he hasn't slipped off and banged the one he was doing while she was gone ?  

If anybody should get it , it's people on here.

JackDunphy363 reads

who doesn't give a fk what her fellow citizens think or feel or the government, which is responsible for public safety.

She is in her 14th minute of fame.

86H13LTP388 reads

the designated time is up .  

She should show the same compassion for her neighbors as she did for the people she was working with in Africa

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 2:34:29 PM

No, No. No Miss Thang. You get your butt back in that house and stay put! Who does she think she is? Trust me..... even the virus is smarter than she is. I'm sure she's educated and a real giver, but this is inappropriate. Your rights are not being violated. You're being asked to have some precaution and common decency for others. Not EVERYTHING is about rights. Sometimes you do things for the greater good and because you have good character

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