Politics and Religion

Had LaGuardia, Koch, Dinkins, etc.
The Moose 26 Reviews 2085 reads

been mayor on 9/11/01, they to, would have hightailed down to lower Manhattan around 9:10 A.M...Rudy gets too much credit for doing what ANY mayor would have done on that awful day...

AManLike AnyOther3347 reads

That's right. I am pulling for him to our next PRESIDENT OF THE US> . In NYC he has stopped teh crime rate, made the city secure agianst terrior attacks, and has made sure the garbage is picked on time. On 9/11 he was there in charge to show everybody how he was handling the mess. He made good desicions that let everybody feel good about what happened. I live in Southern Cal, but my sister lives in NYC and she says that Julinaiai was there when it happened and that he said a lot of good tings. He is the right man for job as pres. and I hope that we all support for his good wrok.

Also look into a spell checker (it is built-in on Firefox).

It is Rudy, not Rudi.  It is Guiliani, not Juliana or Julianaiai.  I couldn't imagine my backing a candidate for dog catcher if I couldn't correctly spell either his first or last name.

The former mayor of NYC has his good points, but he "made the city secure agianst terrior attacks" (sic).  (BTW, sic means that I am copying your spelling mistakes.)  What as mayor of NY could he have done to prevent terror attacks?  What did he do to prevent NY from receiving its 2nd attack on 9/11?

been mayor on 9/11/01, they to, would have hightailed down to lower Manhattan around 9:10 A.M...Rudy gets too much credit for doing what ANY mayor would have done on that awful day...

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