Politics and Religion

GOP rep. says people can't tell diff between Arabs & Hispanics...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2228 reads

...Buck McKeon said this while trying to scare people into thinking that terrorists will disguise themselves as Latinos to sneak into the country.  Of course the moe-ron doesn't realize that not all Ay-rabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Ay-rabs.


He probably should have included Indians too, don'tcha think Curly?  They're watching you...


difference between Hispanic, an Arab, or an Indian, but they themselves can tell the difference..

I can tell difference between an Indian guy and Pakistani guy by just talking with him for about 10 minutes, just like Latinos can probably tell difference between guys from different Spanish speaking countries..

Hey..If you want to include Indians in the list, and you get your jollies by saying that, by all means go ahead.  

By providing amnesty, they are only going to make matter worse and its WRONG !!! to give amnesty to people who started their relationship with America by breaking the law....

-- Modified on 8/12/2013 6:16:31 PM

...non-whites as "others."  Remember after 9/11 when Sikhs were attacked.  You can tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim but your yokel Republican brethren can't.

Or how about George Allen who called a guy "Macaca" because he looked vaguely foreign and Allen couldn't identify his ethnicity.  Allen was a serious contender for the Republican nomination for President.  BTW, "Macaca" is S.R. Sidarth, an American of Indian origin.

The Republican party of Nov 2012 is not going to be the same Republican party of 2016 or 2020. It would be far more tolerating of the minorities..They will have to change or W, would be the last GOP President.  

You do have a valid point though. Some of the rhetoric from the GOP leaders does hurt people. Not me per se, but hurts lot of people.  

Its rather ironic that the GOP of Lincoln who freed the Blacks is a little slow to get around the minorities. Till they do, we the minority, will have to rally around the Party..

regressive groups such as the Tea Party.  

W may very well be the last republican president for while. Republicans are methodically pissing of of Latinos, Asians, GLBT, Millennials, elderly, blacks, and the elderly with many of their stand on various issues.

or are either blind or in denial..

My vote is both.. :D

Millions upon  millions of  white guys are dim , too much inbreeding for much too long .
    It takes you ten minutes to tell if they are speaking Hindi or Urdu ?  
Can you tell if they are from Pakistan or India if they speak Hindustani and  they aren't  
praising Allah ?  
White man got America by breaking the law and  never signed  a treaty he would keep .
  Native Americans used to call their immigration problem , Pale Face .
Gunpowder made men out of city sissies ,  and then there was genocide .  
  A Guatemalan can recognize a Mexican in an instant , like a Hatfield and McCoy .
   Someone from the Spanish Azores would not recognize the difference .


Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
difference between Hispanic, an Arab, or an Indian, but they themselves can tell the difference..  
 I can tell difference between an Indian guy and Pakistani guy by just talking with him for about 10 minutes, just like Latinos can probably tell difference between guys from different Spanish speaking countries..  
 Hey..If you want to include Indians in the list, and you get your jollies by saying that, by all means go ahead.  
 By providing amnesty, they are only going to make matter worse and its WRONG !!! to give amnesty to people who started their relationship with America by breaking the law....

-- Modified on 8/12/2013 11:51:28 PM

a little too literally.  

And there is no such language as Hindustani..Lol.. Where did you come up with that shit?

When I realized my teachers were telling lies while slowing down my quest for knowledge ,
  I edumacated myself .

 Like my ninth grade History teacher , just because you preach it's so , doesn't make it true .  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
And there is no such language as Hindustani..Lol.. Where did you come up with that shit?
Like most  Americans who don't know which way is up  ,  I believe a North wind  
is blowing towards the North .  

Just check their pantry to see if they have refried beans or hummus. :)

peninsula and a Mexican.  

And you forgot to mention muslim-Mexicans.

felatto69535 reads

I cant tell a difference either. soon the mexican will outnumber the humans.

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