Politics and Religion

Facts ? or just a couple of left-wing nut jobs mouthing delusions (e)
nuguy46 89 reads


Second source confirms Traitor Trump dossier  


They don't really need it because he's already proven he doesn't give a shit about Americans because everything he's done so far has been to fuck over Joe Lunch Bucket while helping Big Business.......but I guess it's nice to have insurance.

TwoMints93 reads

Please list right here the things that Trump has done to fuck over "Joe Lunch Bucket".

I'm waiting.

Posted By: dbentertain
Second source confirms Traitor Trump dossier  
 They don't really need it because he's already proven he doesn't give a shit about Americans because everything he's done so far has been to fuck over Joe Lunch Bucket while helping Big Business.......but I guess it's nice to have insurance.

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