Politics and Religion

As I said below: the election of the first Black POTUS has really unhinged some people. (eom)
9-man 1422 reads


shaka7002712 reads

Or even the planet Krypton.

First he was supposed to born on Kenya, no then Hawaii before it was a state, no then Indonesia, no then back to Hawaii. Make up your mind already people.

Well, frankly it's complete nonsense, utter nonsense.

Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii was admitted as a state on August 21, 1959;that would make Obama a natural born U.S. citizen. The department of health director in Hawaii has confirmed and verified Obama's  birth certificate.    

Unfortunately some people are only looking for their insane version of the truth,
and some people like Berg are just looking for attention and free meals..

GaGambler1755 reads

it one of your own that's unhinged, not some crazy right wing fanatic.

Neither party has a monopoly on nut jobs, but at least in this case you can't blame the righties.

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