Politics and Religion

Argentine President Javier Milei has a message for Big P:
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“The Pope is a communist.”

His Holiness was asked what he would say to the deniers of climate change:

"There are people who are foolish.  And foolish even if you show them the research, they don't believe it.  Why?  Because they don't understand the situation or because of their interest.  But climate change exists.

Posted By: BigPapasan

His Holiness was asked what he would say to the deniers of climate change:  
 "There are people who are foolish.  And foolish even if you show them the research, they don't believe it.  Why?  Because they don't understand the situation or because of their interest.  But climate change exists.
The climate is cooling, we have entered a new Grand solar minimum that will last till 2053.  

It’s not the Co2 stupid it’s the Sun 🌕

-- Modified on 5/1/2024 1:13:06 AM

So let’s review what I’ve said here about CO2. CO2 is a linear molecule. O=C=O. When the oxygen molecules move up and down or together right to left, this movement causes the molecule’s charge to change. This is called a “dipole moment”. These dipole moments are defined by Planck’s Constant. This means that CO2 can only absorb infrared energy as it relates to these movements.  


This means you only have a CO2 absorption ban between 14-16um and one just below 5um. And we can disregard the ban just below 5um because it falls outside of the IR reflecting off earth’s surface.  


Now I have said that the absorption ban at 14um-16um is no big deal because there is a *saturation point*. To review, our current atmosphere has 417 parts per million of CO2 in it (ppm). At only 20ppm CO2 absorbs 50% of the available energy available at 14-16um. CO2 needs to be at least 150ppm or all plants on earth would die. After 200ppm you get into 90% of the available energy being absorbed. At 400ppm everything has been absorbed.  

So what happens is you reach a saturation point. Add more CO2 to the system and it stops getting hotter.  

Now, that’s one hell of a claim. Do I have anything to back this up? Why, yes, I do.  




So what is our atmosphere made of? Well, almost 80% is nitrogen. About 20% is oxygen. Neither of these molecules are greenhouse gasses. But there’s several trace gasses that are. For instance, ozone is a greenhouse gas. We rely on ozone to absorb most of the UV that comes from the sun, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas.  

Nitrous oxide is also a greenhouse gas. But like ozone, it exists in very small quantities. I believe it’s only formed from lightning strikes and it slowly breaks down when mixed with the water vapor of clouds.  

And then we have methane and CO2. Methane exists in very small quantities. We measure CO2 in parts per million, but methane is at only 1700 parts per *billion*.  

But did anyone notice that something is missing? The most abundant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere isn’t any of these, but is in fact water vapor.  

Cloud cover is dynamic and always changing. This makes it difficult to factor into the overall climate picture. The climate cult’s solution has been to just ignore clouds. That is until now. A new research paper has looked into this and found that changes to cloud cover could explain a significant amount of changes to the climate.

From up and down and still somehow
It’s clouds’ illusions he recalls
Willy really doesn’t know clouds…AT ALL

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: willy’s looked at clouds from both sides now…
From up and down and still somehow  
 It’s clouds’ illusions he recalls  
 Willy really doesn’t know clouds…AT ALL
Well, it appears... you haven't looked at the evidence Jabba. Just what your koolaide millers sell ya. Soooooo climate change is real but the planet ain't warming up its cooling down.  

go get yourself a Tesla Battery and wire up your treadmill to it, GET ON IT ! ! ! and get going Jabba!

My post went right over your head.  

It must really suck to be so stupid.

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