
Not sure where the went, maybe KOP? Right around the corner from VF (e)
FatElvis 23 Reviews 486 reads


chefrobo1051 reads

Where did all the girls go in Valley Forge?

by Nikki AND Missy! So much for the city of brotherly love! (umm, that doesn't sound quite right in this context, does it?).

Dammit... I challenge them to a summer afternoon in the historical park with a blanket, picnic and fun in the sun!!!  LOL

C'mon ladies!! Where's the love? It's right here, that's where ;)

and here too! i'm a lover not a hater:) sometimes I get a lil snarky, lol.  
forgive me?

Not that it matters...I love you both....!


Posted By: FatElvis
C'mon ladies!! Where's the love? It's right here, that's where ;)

awww! I'm sorry. that did sound kinda pissy... I'm a lover not a hater:)

ps: the picnic sounds more like a reward than a challenge;) lol. would we be under the blanket at some point? ;;

and poking a bit of fun at the thread. lol.

As for being under the blanket... depends upon how bold we choose to be? ;)

the risk + the cost = I am so sorry darlin', perhaps if you book a multiple hour appt or get your friends to book as well-;) lol
just playing! (not really! hahahaha)

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