Newbie - FAQ

What a great idea!regular_smile
Teach4U 99 Reviews 3756 reads

When I started out in the hobby, I couldn't have gotten 2 the point I'm at without some help thanks BOSAZ! I highly recommend having someone there when things go wrong or right.

Ok, so I'm not Donald Trump nor do I have a lucrative job position open and I'm not really looking for an apprentice.
Maybe instead I'd be a mentor
I may look for one or maybe two guys from Los Angeles that's interested in learning what I've learned through the past years of being in the hobby.
maybe like a pass it forward type of good fortune.

Anyone new to the hobby intersted in a mentor?
Besides LA, I've got extensive knowledge of TJ, I've been going for many years and used to be a part of the old redsnake gang.What's Redsnake? The first and probably at it's high point, the best TJ  pay website. All others now fall in it's shadows.
I'm planning a run for the border very soon...

If interested, shoot me a PM here or send an e-mail to

[email protected]

-- Modified on 4/19/2006 12:04:24 AM

When I started out in the hobby, I couldn't have gotten 2 the point I'm at without some help thanks BOSAZ! I highly recommend having someone there when things go wrong or right.

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