Newbie - FAQ

There are 1345 women reviewed in Denver your home town
GaGambler 1320 reads

including Jenifer, the very well reviewed young lady you recently saw. If even ten percent of them meet your standards, you can see a new provider a week for almost three years without repeats. That might not be an unlimited supply, but I am sure it will do for starters.

I am glad your second session was better than the first. To answer your original question, IMO it is your obligation to other hobbyists to walk if you've been misled. I will not offer a single cent to a ROB or B&S provider. It's the only way we can stop the practice. If you put up with it, you are tacitly condoning the practice.

I just had a horrible first experience.  I saw someone's picture on the internet and booked an appointment for an incall session.  Someone completely different showed up at the door.  Similar, but much older and uglier.  I was not sure if I could just turn around.  So, I just went in and got nothing out of her except a very boring massage.

What have you other guys done in the past?

By the way, she had no reviews, but I thought she was beautiful enough.  I will never take that chance again.  

Guys!!  Always go to someone with many reviews!!

(link removed by moderator)

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 11:49:44 AM

It is really, really a shame to have this as a first experience. After you take some time to regroup, you should definitely seek out a well-reviewed TER provider.

I'm pretty new to the hobby and I'll tell you something I've learned. It's not worth going by the photos so much. The providers never look exactly like their photos. Photos are a deceptive medium and you rarely see their face. Find the physical type you prefer – older, younger, shorter, taller, skinnier, heavier, blond brunette – then ignore the photos and go by the reviews. If a provider gets 8-10 on looks and 9-10 on performance, you will have your world rocked. Pretty much guaranteed. Good luck.

looks of the person, you are free to simply state that you must have the wrong house and turn and walk.

If, on the other hand, it is the same person but her photos were old and/or super touched up; it is pretty much encumbent on you to do the session and then report on your findings to the TER readers.

You said. . .

"If it is the same person but her photos were old and/or super touched up; it is pretty much encumbent on you to do the session"

I have to disagree. He was talking about her not looking like the same person. If she was misrepresenting herself even though it's the same person then I'd feel OK walking. If she was only slightly different then personally, I'd stay. If she was some where in between and I walked, I offer maybe 1/3rd donation for her trouble. I know you used the wording "prettry much", which could leave an out. I just wanted to elaborate from my viewpoint.

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 3:50:36 PM

If the pictures are old and/or super touched up I would never ever feel that I was obligated to do the session. I have even excused myself and walked just because I did not like her attitude when I got there. But if the pictures are not a fair representation of her, that is just a sign of worse things to come if you stay.
just my .02 cents. LOL

use TER as your starting point, not to cross-reference from somewhere else.  Search the reviews from your area for what you like (there are enough search factors to cover everything except sticking live lizards up your ass).  For your first several (3-4) experiences, only see someone with ten or more reviews from reviewers with 8 or more reviews apiece.

This site is a gateway to nirvana if used well.  USE IT.  There are enough of us out there that have the experience to weed through the chaff - AND STILL WON'T DO IT, because we don't HAVE TO now.  This Hobby is peopled with some of the scum of the earth who are only looking to fuck you over rather than fuck you well.  This site has skimmed the scum off for us, so there is no need to dive back into that murky liquid in hopes of getting lucky with some non-reviewed pseudo-beauty-pageant winner who turns out to look like a truck driver and smell like a sewer.

I always get a kick out guys who say: "she was beautiful or She was too hot to pass up, or I thought she was beautiful enough"  This presupposes that there are not absolutely fucking beautiful providers reviewed on this site.  I guaran-Goddamn_tee you that you will find more women who are hotter, more beautiful, and absolutely breathtaking in the reviews of this site than you will on any ad site.

Good Luck and stop fucking around.

sometimes I get a hankering for the truck driver looking, sewer smelling skanks.

*sniff* reminds me of dear old mom

TER is a great cross-reference and a great review board. Most TER hobbyists I know use ad sites such as Eros as a starting point, how else are you going to know who is visiting, etc. Don't get me wrong, a newbie should stick with well reviewed ladies when first starting out, but there are many great ad sites to visit and then check here for reviews.                     I think to imply that TER has a never ending supply of absolutely beautiful providers is stretching it quite a bit. We also have a huge listing of ugly and sub par providers...that list goes on and on and on. LOL  Besides, new ladies are added to TER's database every day by someone going to see them and then reviewing them, that is how most get added.

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 10:35:45 PM

there is more than enough great and beautiful providers on TER for a Newbie to get started with.  My point is that a Newbie is not going to find anything better  on the ad sites than he will here when starting out, and it is MUCH safer starting here.

WE know how to check out the properties line of an Eros ad for red flags; have seen enough posts to spot possible stock photos; have probably been burned enough to know what is too good to be true; and have the credibility and enough TER self esteem to post ISO's on the the local board or through PM.  Newbies don't.  The point of my post was to drum into the newbies that they will find what they are looking for here a lot more safely.

Personally, I will find enough providers here for my hobby purposes so that I will most likely not use the ad sites again. I'm from an area though that has a wealth of providers to choose from.  That's my preference, and I know that there are a number of other experienced hobbyists that may prefer to start with the ad sites and cross reference, and more power to them.  If you look a few threads down though, and at this one (and about a hundred more on this board and others) you will have to agree that Newbies shouldn't.

My point is that it makes no difference whether you use TER as a 'one stop shop' or visit ad sites and check their references here, just as 'safe' either way, just depends on what you prefer.  New hobbyists come here for advice, not to have ideas 'drummed' into them. You have great ideas and good advice, but others may have varying opinions that also work, so repeatedly referring to 'we and us' as if you are speaking for all experienced hobbyists might not be wise...just my .02cents.

appreciate it, but I was not trying to write for everyone.  I used the WE in reference to experienced hobbyists who know how to spot red flags or cross reference, not in reference to hobbyists that prefer to just use TER.  I used US to reference the ones I've seen from other posts and through PM's that do only use TER.

My only point was that Newbies should stick to TER first until they learn the ins and outs of cross referencing.  I think I even specifically stated that others still prefer to start with ad sites, and I also made no judgment about that.

I wrote my initial post more for other newbies that read the board rather than just the thread initiator, who seems to have learned his lesson. Judging from the posts I've seen, both in real time and when I look back through the pages on this board, I think some of them do need to have these lessons "drummed" into them.

But I do see your point and will try to be clearer in the future.

Good luck

-- Modified on 2/23/2008 10:19:48 AM

DickWart1343 reads

...just walk away confidently.  And if they ask you anything else, act as if you're deaf and don't look back.

Yeah, they know you were at the "right door", and they'll know by your leaving what you thought of them.  That's all the MORE reason to do just what I prescribed.  And this is EXACTLY why I stick to incall!

This is PAGE 1 material for your Newbie Primer.
Learn it, live it, know it.

I made another investment today to make up for my disappointment.  I found a lady whose reviews were awesome.  Since I am a newbie, it was difficult to pass through her screening process.  I basically had to beg her and reveal basically every personal information I had to gain her trust, which was a huge risk for me.  Many times, I questioned myself many times whether all I was going through would be worthwhile or not.  In the end, however, I had an amazing experience with her!  I learned another lesson.  Patience pays off in the hobbiest world.

ALWAYS make sure that any new lady you are planning to see is well reviewed!  TOFTT is always a risk, both from the classic B&S scenario you encountered originally, plus it brings LE risk into play.  Now that you had a great second time out, hopefully you have gained a reference that you can use for meeting other ladies.  If the experience with her was amazing, reward her with a second gets even better!

your research and see well reviewed ladies, you will be rewarded with many great experiences.  Patience pays dividends that you don't need to report on your 1040 form.

If she's good looking or similar looking enough I would stay, but at that point, I'm still going to be horny.

In the days before the internet, everyone was always taking a risk and never sure what a provider was going to look like until you arrived.  I used to read ads in the back of the LA Weekly or pick up an LA Express.  I've hooked up with some amazing women from the back of the Weekly for example.  But, I have walked up and into some places and decided that I'm not going spend my money on her because I wasn't attracted to her.  It's my money and my fantasy.

Anyway, I usually say that I'm not comfortable and leave.

Now, that TER is around hardly anyone should have bad experiences. RESEARCH!!!  Do that and you'll never go wrong.  And, that goes for pretty much anything.

Someone is initially always going to TOFTT, but you don't have to be that someone if you don't want to if you read the reviews.  On the flip side you might find a real gem that you won't want to share.

GaGambler1321 reads

including Jenifer, the very well reviewed young lady you recently saw. If even ten percent of them meet your standards, you can see a new provider a week for almost three years without repeats. That might not be an unlimited supply, but I am sure it will do for starters.

I am glad your second session was better than the first. To answer your original question, IMO it is your obligation to other hobbyists to walk if you've been misled. I will not offer a single cent to a ROB or B&S provider. It's the only way we can stop the practice. If you put up with it, you are tacitly condoning the practice.

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