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Re: "Sugar daddy" relationships can have a wide latiude of meaning....
zisk 86 Reviews 3338 reads
1 / 30

It's often listed as one of the services from the provider on several of the indy host server sites. I know its stands for Long Term Relationship, but what does that imply?

That the provider is looking for repeat clients? But then in what way is that a "service"?

White_Shadow 10 Reviews 1918 reads
2 / 30

Zisk, I may be wrong or may be too elementary in my assumption but I always just assumed she was at a point in her life when she is looking for a SO in her life.

I am surprised by the number of ladies in the industry who do not seem to have a SO.  Most of the ladies I have seen who post that on various ads are in their 30's or older.

Now your question has me wondering also if I was in error on my assumption.

IMALLIN 82 Reviews 1468 reads
3 / 30

that she will consider an exclusive sugar daddy relationship. If you could trust each other, regular bbfs would be a nice perk.

jazz32 24 Reviews 2645 reads
4 / 30

Sometimes a gal will withdraw from the business, for a VERY SUBSTANTIAL monthly stipend, and make herself exclusively available to a sugar daddy.


zisk 86 Reviews 3154 reads
5 / 30

is it worth adding this to the newbie acronym manual?

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1683 reads
6 / 30

First of all it most of the providers I see rarely even date much less have SO's. One of the sacrifices of escorting for a living is relationships. Yes, you will see some ladies post here that they are married or have boyfriends but my experience with my last three long term favs was that when they were with a guy they were not working. When a girl in this business drops out of site this is often one of the reasons. Realisticaly not many men could handle having an escort as a GF or wife.

That being said, you don't advertise for an SO...well at least not on your escorting web site.

What is being referred to is an fact the possibility of an exclusive long term arrangement. For pay.

White_Shadow 10 Reviews 1681 reads
8 / 30

I thought after reading Zisk's post that I was missing something.  Thanks for the education guys.  Now it makes much more sense to me.

Any ideas of how much it would cost to be in a LTR with a lady?

zisk 86 Reviews 1656 reads
10 / 30

I can afford to feed the parking meter but I still want to know how much change to get out of my pocket.

DC. 51 Reviews 1279 reads
11 / 30

be stupid rich to pay it.  Stupid as in never caring about the cost.  The quote is very rarely used about parking meters.

How's that boredom going?


zisk 86 Reviews 1629 reads
12 / 30

does that answer your question?

DC. 51 Reviews 1323 reads
13 / 30
RinaTakami See my TER Reviews 1574 reads
14 / 30

That's something rare escorts template has on their options to check off.  I assume it means arrangement, but I don't know if the ladies even know what it means.

balathazar 1 Reviews 1447 reads
15 / 30

BBFS!! Are you kidding? Just because it may be a "sugar daddy" situation does not mean you go bbfs. The gent is still paying the lady for sex, and that gent has done so with other ladies as well as that lady doing so with other gents. Just because it comes to the term "sugar daddy" does not mean she isn't still seeing other guys or him seeing other providers.

Guys and gals cheat on their partners all the time and that is when a great deal of emotional attachment is involved, cheating on a sugar daddy or sugar baby would not even be a second thought.

I know you prefaced it with "if you could trust each other", but that would mean a real relationship built on trust and not a sex relationship built on money which is exactly what a "sugar" type situation is. There is in no way ever to trust either partner in a sugar daddy/baby situation not to have sex with others. Thus bbfs in these situations should never happen. If you want a regular bbfs type girl, go find a ltr girlfriend or wife.


tokai 1555 reads
16 / 30

and when they do, they don't care how much it costs because it is easier for them to pay the parking ticket than to get change for a $100.

If you have to ask, you can't afford it. People who can afford it don't care how much it costs.

tokai 1646 reads
17 / 30

I've seen one lady advertise for $5k/mo. I think that gets you once a week. The price goes up if you want more frequent dates (on-call, so to say).

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2326 reads
18 / 30

but the salient feature of the relationship is that in exchange for a regular and substantial gift, the client and the provider no longer watch the clock, and are free to spend all day or several days together.

Of course, the gift has to be proportional to the amount of time spent overall, and the amount when looked at on a hourly basis is very discounted from the normal hourly rate.  On the other hand, the knowledge that the provider has of a steady income with someone with whom (hopefully) she is fond of makes this a win-win situation.  The client (Who is obviously very taken with the provider.) has the advantage of seeing someone for extended periods for a reasonble rate.

Sometimes, the client will cover certain of the provider's living expenses such as rent or even automobile, but I think that's more done in the movies than in real life.

I doubt that either party sees this as a SO type of relationship, and the client and the provider will see other people, for the most part.

It is also subject to cancellation at any time by either party.

White_Shadow 10 Reviews 1182 reads
19 / 30

It is only those of us who can afford it who would ask.  

I really had no idea of the cost invovled, but I thought the figure given below at $5,000 per month was much lower than I anticipated.  I thought it would be well into 6 figures per year.

I have a very good friend who set up a "friend" of his in a home near the beach.  The house is titled in her name (BIG MISTAKE on his part).  

Amazingly though, after a couple years, he told me it is just like being married.  Unfortunately, he didn't go into it with an easy out for both parties.

PS... how did you get the name Dixie Chicken coming from the Boston area?

DC. 51 Reviews 1316 reads
20 / 30

As mrfisher said below, there are different degrees of the sugar daddy arrangement.  True exclusivity would most likely take it into a six figure amount for the year because you would probably have to match or exceed the normal yearly take.  

No matter how you slice it, Marriage is at least as expensive to maintain and MUCH more expensive to end. lol  BTW, Your friend should have used a realty trust.

As to my username, I used to be rayjjr, but had to change it, so I picked the title of my favorite song about the hobby.  Interestingly enough, it's about something similar to our discussion.  In case you're interested, the lyrics are below.

Dixie Chicken by Little Feat (the last verse ties it together.)  :-)

I've seen the bright lights of Memphis
And the Commodore Hotel
And underneath a street lamp, I met a southern belle
Oh she took me to the river, where she cast her spell
And in that southern moonlight, she sang this song so well

If youll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

We made all the hotspots, my money flowed like wine
Then the low-down southern whiskey, yea, began to fog my mind
And i dont remember church bells, or the money I put down
On the white picket fence and boardwalk
On the house at the end of town
Oh but boy do i remember the strain of her refrain
And the nights we spent together
And the way she called my name

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

Many years since she ran away
Yes that guitar player sure could play
She always liked to sing along
She always handy with a song
But then one night at the lobby of the Commodore Hotel
I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well
And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song
And all the boys there, at the bar, began to sing along

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland, Down in Dixieland

jazz32 24 Reviews 1913 reads
21 / 30

While it is cheap, actually free, the rare escort template does have it complications.  Smarter gals see that the checklist, and the many miss-informed definitions, can be skipped altogether.

This site is run by some non-native English speakers.  They have collected a laundry list of escort terms  Many of there definitions, like A-Level, are outright wrong!!!


RinaTakami See my TER Reviews 1427 reads
22 / 30

I admit I'm a former rare escort user.  What they offer is wonderful for a free service, but they are located in Europe and the customer support is horrible.  I agree that some of their terms are off the mark and some of the stuff in user admin panel is just confusing.

Timbow 1456 reads
23 / 30

Dixie chicken great song LF rocks .Look at your theme song and sing along to this sweet collage :)

Timbow 1547 reads
24 / 30

Yep if the girl says with a sly smile I have been having one sponser lately thats the ticket :)

gtbeatdawgs 9 Reviews 1989 reads
25 / 30
zisk 86 Reviews 1619 reads
27 / 30

Have you never seen a rich person use a checkbook? I would think they'd like to know what number to write in the little box. Or do they all just hand over a blank check for whatever they want to purchase?

My comment on parking meters was being a little facetious, by trying to "literally" interpret the quote. But if you are going to take it that seriously, your reply misses it by a mile.

zisk 86 Reviews 1343 reads
28 / 30

By the way, the wide button on the left of your keyboard is called a caps lock. Punch it once.

Timbow 1634 reads
29 / 30

Glad you enjoyed it . Can you please post a link to your site :)

Bodercollie 1701 reads
30 / 30

“Any ideas of how much it would cost to be in a LTR with a lady?”

One of our local ladies advertises an Exclusive Companion Rates :One Week $4,000, Two Weeks $7,000,  One Month $12,000,  One Year $250,000.  I don’t know how much play time this allows the exclusive companion, but her normally hourly rates is $350.

I always interpret LTR to mean she is primarily interested have regulars that will see over the long run rather than non repeater clients

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