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Help me interpret this situation
jon54 7 Reviews 2945 reads

I have been posting here about my desire to visit my 1st provider while on a trip to SD in the summer.  I just felt that seeing a local gal was too risky due to my job and my marital relationship.  Well, my juices got going the other day so I checked reviews of local gals and looked for one that was more mature with good (7-9) reviews.  I sent her an email and we chatted back and forth and then I sent her a text message as she requested.  

I thought it would be good for me and her to meet over a drink so I would know her and she me and she agreed but wanted to meet in her apartment.  I thought this was a bit bold considering we haven't met and I only gave her general info about myself.  I did tell her I was a member here.
Should I be worried?  She has several pages of good reviews here.

You said that you sent her an email, did she get screening information?  Is the meeting for drinks off the clock, or for a fee?  If you were not screened and are concerned, I would not see her.  Being a member on here just means that you have paid your membership, not that you are safe for her to see.

I didn't give her any specific information other than I am a financial exec here in our city.  The "appointment" wasn't for sex, but so I could meet her and she me.  I think I even said if I liked her, I would set up a time for later in the week.  Again, I was going to meet her in a public place and it was then then that she invited me to her incall.

I just checked again and she has 4 full pages of reviews and her lowest was a 6 and most were in the 7-8 range with a few 9's.  I might follow up with the offer at her apartment knowing it is just a greet and meet and I can tell her I can't stay long.  She has been impressively texting me back asking to set a time.  The day I was going to meet her, I ended up in the Dr office for 6 hours and just didn't have the energy after that.

Since you are only going to talk over drinks, she might feel free to see you without more in-depth screening, since nothing is going to happen illegally. However, unless she stated otherwise, the time you're spending together is on the clock. It does seem unusual, and even more so if it's off the clock.

The implication, at least my interpretation, was it was off the clock.  I will confirm that fact when I text her again.  she has been very nice but wanted the email conversation to change to text, I guess so there is less evidence?

I would have to second that.  You said a trip to SD do you mean San Diego?

Also, she probably senses that you are a newbie, or you have told her that in a previous email, and she is trying to work with you by agreeing to meet you for a drink.  However, unless she has already given you the address, you will probably find that there will be a three or four call system directing you to the apartment when you get to the general location.

This is sometimes used for further security so that she can watch you arrive and see if you arrive alone.  Don't sweat it if it happens, as it is not uncommon when the lady works out of an apartment instead of a hotel.

If she has already given you the address, then she has verified you to her satisfaction and is willing to have you come in for a drink for your own comfort.

The overwhelming odds are that she is legitimate if she is well reviewed on TER (multiple reviews, not just good scores); and the only possible risk is that she has somehow been co-opted by LE.  That risk is slim to none, but there are no guarantees.  Ultimately, you will have to go for it or not depending on your comfort level, but what you have described so far does not raise any red flags IMHO.

BTW, never assume that it is off of the clock and bring the donation with you because you will more than likely be jumping her bones if you have that drink.  She knows that as well, which is one of the reasons she is agreeing to it. :-)

Good luck

In your OP you stated "I thought it would be good for me and her to meet over a drink..."  

I would hazard a guess that she does not consider it to be off the clock.  You asked for some of her time.  Clothed or naked; her time is what she sells. So be careful, if you are interested in her, you don't want to start off on the wrong foot.

I'm not really sure why you think you need to have drinks beforehand.  If you want to get to know her a bit better then schedule a longer appointment.  Realize though that she is probably not going to share much personal info.  Except for the sex talk, it'll probably be even less revealing than the conversation you would get from the person in the seat next to you on your airline flight.  Most ladies keep a line between their work and personal lives.  Some don't, but most do.

Best of luck to you.

Drinks are usually in 90 minutes sessions and most providers.  Some providers are strictly business.  They offer a great GFE/PSE but do not wish to seen public for the same reason you do not want to be seen.  Think about it

Seems odd to me.  Most, not all but most, will not meet for free to "check out each other".  We screen you and then make the appointment or don't.  I am not saying I have never had a drink with a client - but never before a first meeting.

With 4 pages of reviews.... She is maybe a Pro, and I assume she knows what she is up to and what her "intention is". Seduction when face to face works in mysterious ways. Especially over a couple drinks....if your generous and she knows what she is doing your more likely to come out the pocket some... just my thought...

Ashley Stone

"not a pro"

Personally I have not heard of this.

However, she may be looking at it as an investment...

She knows your new most likely. Perhaps she figures if she can spend 30 minutes with you, you will turn into a regular client. In which case her investment of 30 minutes is probably well worth it.

Who knows, maybe she is thinking if you are only comfortable with an initial 'meet & greet', she can convert you into an instant customer if things are going well and you hit it off. I don't see any red flags being raised here with her level of reviews.

You may in fact want to stick a couple hundred in your pocket in case thigs go well and you really want to have soe fun with this woman. I can guarantee she will be up for it and sometimes newbys need that little push. I've been there...

I told her that I was a total newbie and had been lurking around TER trying to figure out the hobby.  As I have read the various eamils, I have come to the conclusion that he wanted me to come to her apartment because she could convert me that day and if she didn't feel comfortable with me, she hadn't lost much.  I sent her a text last night and asked to see her on Tuesday.

Hi Jon54, I pride myself on being very careful and thinking things through, forcing myself to confront everything that could go wrong and developing plans for any contingency.

In your case however, I think you are over-analyzing the situation. This hobby, as with just about any other activity in life, is based on probabilities. In any game of chance, the further you can swing the odds in your favor the better, but you will start to experience diminishing returns at some point. You'll never make yourself 100% safe or even 99% safe. You'll get to the point where you're putting in large amounts of time and effort to bump it from 96.5% to 96.6%, that's what I mean by diminishing returns. Being in the financial industry I'm sure you get this.

This is a risky hobby but it's not rocket science.  

I think you're afraid of doing this and are finding ways to avoid taking the plunge by continuing to gather more information and advice. It's colloquially called paralysis by analysis.

I also think that in your caution you're actually making yourself more vulnerable. Now you're talking about walking into a situation where you might have sex with a provider on the spur of the moment, after drinks. You're just meeting for drinks right? As soon as you do that you'll be thinking with your little head and all your careful planning will be out the window. Not to mention the fact that you've been texting back and forth with this provider for a while now. Does your SO see the bill? That's what I mean about being so careful that you're actually leaving more clues laying around for your SO to find.

Find a well reviewed provider who has explicit instructions about appointment making and donation protocol, set up a time with her and go. When you get there try your best to make sure you're not walking into a mugging. Do everything covered, even BJ. If you're clean, respectful and have a envelope full of money she is going to be fine with you. This isn't dating. Get this thing done and then tell us how it went.

I have, of course, considered the fact that you're a troll. If that's the case, nice troll, but the advice everyone on TER has provided will be helpful to other n00bs as well.





Keep in mind Jon, it is all about the clock! Make a date and have some fun man!

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