Newbie - FAQ

How do my customers post reviews????sad_smile
Jamie1234 See my TER Reviews 3012 reads

It just seems kind of confusing to my customers when I ask them to post for me. They say that they don't know where to find the place for it.

at the top of the page you will see the tap for "reviews" they click that, then on the left had menu bar theres a button for "submit reviews".  th rest they should be able to figure out by following the instructions.

they have to be a member of TER to post a review.

hope this helps a little.

and get make sure your provider profile properly set up. You will need a website with the TER logo on the first page as well.

she was asking how do her CUSTOMERS post reviews. She doesn't need the logo on her site, or even to be a member of TER to get reviews.

to get a review.  She only needs a compliant link (website or mall ad) to get a review, not to be registered as a provider or have compliant ads on TER (Banner requirement).

This is what I posted to the thread below yours sweetie:

At the top, where there are tabs that say from left to right, "reviews", "site reviews", "discussion boards", etc, they should click on "reviews". On the left hand side of the screen towards the bottom, should be a button that says "submit review". Click on that. Your customer then follows the steps, fills in all the information. Its pretty easy. Heres the thing though. If the guy doesnt have any history with TER, his review is not going to be approved, especially if you are new as well. Having a "history" with TER would involve things like seeing a well reviewed girl, and submitting a review of his own on her. Shes legit, therefore his review is more likely to be accepted. Also VIP membership of course, but also participating in the discussion boards. If a guy has good history with TER, his review will most likely be approved. Once your first review gets approved, that page with your name and all your info is your "profile". It will have your TER ID# on it, and you can give it to your customers so it's easier for them to find you. Just some info for you to know. Hope this helps! Make sure to read the "Newbie Manual" inside and out. And then all over again! xoxo

There are a few monumentally stupid members out there who, despite their obvious lack of innate intelligence, have managed to successfully submit reviews.  That tells me that whenever I hear of a client telling a provider that he couldn't figure out how to submit a review, he has to be lying.

It really is that easy to submit a review.  And if it does happen to have errors, TER will tell him what they are and will usually hold his hand through the process if needed.

It's intentionally designed to be a little time consuming, but it is very easy.

Chances are that they just don't want to go through the trouble or are too nervous to join the site so that they can submit the review.

Advertise on TER with compliant ads on your regional board, and you will attract TER members who will give you reviews.

Good luck

It can be a time consuming prospect!

This applies to a guy who I saw last week (it was our 3rd session)... This guy has seen girls all over the country (He has photos on his computer to prove it- trust me, the guy is a hound ;) .)  He had logged in as a non-paying member, but I was his first review... He got a message saying the whole "at this time we are choosing not to accept reviews from first time reviewers" or whatever... So I told him to write reviews of a bunch of the other girls he has seen and submit them and also to participate on the boards... and then to try to re-submit my review...

Several people I know have had this same problem. It does get frusterating when people take time out of their busy lives to write reviews, only to have them rejected... and not every guy is all that computer savy or willing to jump through hoops.

she specifically stated that her clients couldn't find where to submit the review.

The issue that you are talking about derives from TER's efforts to reduce the incidents of review fraud.  Brand new reviewers, who submit reviews for either brand new providers or providers with large gaps of time between their last reviews are given much more scrutiny than more prolific reviewers.

Some reasons for this are:

Reviewers will submit a false review of an inactive provider for VIP credit and pick the inactive provider in hopes that nobody will challenge, or

Providers will submit self reviews under a guy's handle

Established reviewers build credibility because there has been opportunity for the reviews to be challenged.  New reviewers usually don't have difficulty submitting for established providers because the second reason above is less applicable.

Good luck

...and OBVIOUSLY if her reviewers can't find the SUBMIT REVIEW BUTTON, they are NOT established reviewers... I was giving her a heads up about possible problems she may encounter as a result...


Wow I just logged on to check my post to see if i had responses. Everyone is very helpful thank you. TER members have given me a lot of information and I am a little overwhelmed but I really appreciate the responses.

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