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Some advice on posting a review
calcajun850 3 Reviews 4584 reads

I'm new to the hobby and to TER and would like to post a review on an established provider. Is there any way to copy over most of her profile info so I don't have reenter it again???

pussyliker4385 reads

No.Probably the reason for that is because if she cuts or dyes her hair,gains or loses weight,has breast implants or has any other changes in her appearance,they want to keep it as updated as possible.Although she may appear the same as all of the other reviewers saw her,you still have to re-enter all of the info again.

...however, if you use a browser with tab capabilities, like Firefox, or open a 2nd instance of MS internet explorer, it is easy to copy and paste what is already known of a lady!!!

-- Modified on 4/15/2006 12:52:38 PM

skisandboots3585 reads could just enter in the info, which takes virtually no time at all.  Are we really this lazy or bored that we've got nothing better to discuss?  So, is this the year Jeter gets one for the thumb?

pussyliker3355 reads

Or you could just either ignore his question completely or answer his question without being ignorant and ahem..."muddying up this thread" {remember that phrase tough guy?} by once again providing absolutely nothing to a post of yours.Just a little note there genius,this is the newbie board.And while his question may seem dumb to you in the same way that your responses ARE dumb to me,it was an honest question that he asked.You asked if we are so lazy or bored that we couldn't find anything better to discuss,yet you manage to respond to it anyway? For the 3rd time,get a life!

skisandboots4193 reads

...But, since you took your gloves off...nice help out on the "coed" question (LOL).  BTW, I have a life.  So much so, that I find a great deal of humor in just about everything.  You don't know how much joy you add to my life ;-)

Either both you can acquire vintage deuling pistols and meet in a country that still allow dueling to settle this situation between you. OR!!!, you can realize that we are here because we are men that love to F..., and resolve the situation through constructive backchannel mail.

pussyliker4087 reads

So I manage to get one wrong every now and then.And how many have you managed to help out with your oh so witty sarcasm? I also admitted that I hadn't heard of coed used in hobbying before so at least I admitted it.But at least I managed to try to answer the question without trying to be a wise a$$. I see we're still muddying up the threads aren't we? Once again,nothing to add to the thread huh? Oh well,we all get our jollys one way or another.Glad I could help give you part of a life! Consider it my gift to you! LOL!!

atl_mgr3167 reads

I really appreciate it when the established hobbyists stop by to help out.  Please act accordingly...

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