Newbie - FAQ

Newbie dilema
pink floyd 6063 reads

I'm new to the hobby. My first encounter was in March and another in early April. New to TER. I feel I should post a review about number #2 because it was a rip, but these providers have our names and phone numbers and could seek revenge if given a poor review. It's obvious that providers monitor this site and I can't afford the risk. I've learned the hard way once, don't want to repeat the experiance.

. . . but now that you bring it up, a provider knows that you could post on TER or any of the other sites about her if she tried to cause you trouble, so aren't you both kind of safe?

It would ruin her income, also wouldn't a provider have to be kind of extraordinarily unstable to try to seek "revenge" just because you gave her a bad review?

Also, if you only go with women who have lots of positive recent reviews, it is highly unlikely that she's going to retaliate in any way over a bad review.

well first of all you should be using a go phone. that would eliminate one problem. you give first and last name?? hmmmmm?

Gothicman4616 reads

You do no one a favor by not writing a review. You help send a bad provider on to another career and you help other hobbyists avoid getting ripped off by her. Ripoff artists can cause you many problems, including peronal safety problems. They are the bane of this business and getting as many of them as possible to leave the business due to getting no clients is a good outcome.
Get a VIP membership on this site. It is only $50 for three months. Once you have the membership use reviews to select honest, hardworking providers.

CaptainKennedy4831 reads

Actually, I agree with the limitations of TER with regard to negative reviews as it relates to many providers...the "better" ones want real full name and work info and the common advice is to provide it if you want to hobby without severe choice limitation.  Most hobbyists can not afford the risk of retaliation...even if small. I guess the hobyist must beware and accept that a well reviewed provider may be well reviewed because  things too negative may not be posted for the above reason.  Of course this applies only to the ones that screen, and many ROBs do not screen and require this info.

Sorry you had a bum experience.  Did you pick people based upon TER reviews?  There is also a rip of section which warns about such folks.
 You can write your review under your TER name.  If these folks know what it is then change it.  You can get the point across without saying identifying things like "On Mar 17, after a bottle of Baileys I staggered into . . . "
 What you have done is TOFT (Take one for the team).  Now let the team know what happened.  You will benefit from the experience of others through both finding terrific ladyies and avoiding rip offs in the future.

Having had a bad experience once, which by addmission was my own fault, I posted a negative review here at the review.  It never saw the light of day.

pink floyd4280 reads

Thanks for the feedback. As I stated, I'm new to TER and didn't know about the reviews. This place will certainly be my reference for any future daliances. The ID thing is the problem, though. In each instance, my name and phone number were required for verification and my drivers license checked when we met. My understanding was that if I lied about my identity, the meeting is over...

That's not good news. If the powers that be exclude bad reviews, what's the point of the forum? Did you use offensive or abusive language, or was your review matter-of-fact?

The Advisor5846 reads

Negative reviews are not excluded by TER; in fact, TER has a complete section devoted to rip-off providers:

Your review was likely rejected for one of the reasons specified in the 'Review FAQ' (see link below).

but the TER staff try to be fair to everyone, both client and provider.  You've admitted that your poor experience was your fault, so why should her reputation take a hit???

Hats off to you, you submitted an honest review, always the best.

If your encounter was a real ROB experience - you paid for a session and got absolutely nothing in return and/or she bolted with your cash - then write it that way.  Chances are she has done this many times and won't know who your are.  Make sure your TER handle won't give you away and give a review date as March to throw her off.
However, if it was a matter of she didn't perform as advertised (no DFK or FS but did a HJ or CBJ) or it was a rushed session, then grade it accordingly and stick to the facts
See my review of Dallas as an example of writing up a bad experience if you want

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