New York

Re:All thumbs!-- than ks for advice (eom)
Sean1215 35 Reviews 3737 reads
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There has been a lot of debate in this forum if Craig’s List is a good place for the hobby. Some find it worthless site, promoting rip off artists. Some people find it a good resource to find UTR women who just want a simple roster of regulars.

I am in this latter group, definitely. I have found some great girls who charge less than $$$, offer GFE and are totally cool.  I’ve also had a few hits- nothing serious, just inconsiderate agency stuff, and/or less than wonderful service.  There are some earlier threads about this, and I thought it would be a good idea to get my thoughts down and to start a healthy debate about the listings on CL. I will definitely be able to learn from you, and I am looking forward to your comments.

While I have only done the NYC site, here is my recipe for success on Craig’s List:

First off, avoid any listing with references to Web cams, porn sites, chat sites, or IM services. These have nothing to do with finding good provider. Also, avoid any listing where a deposit is required. Both of these types of listings are certainly a TRO.  Also, I avoid AMPs, but some people like the shower and cup of coffee routine.  

I never believe many of the listings: “I’m just a little farm girl” and “Vixen will comply with your every desire” are almost always BS. I hate ALL CAPS LISTINGS, and look for simple, listings with a simple photo, price, measurement and age. Also, I prefer incall.

So about the photo. If it is a composed, studio shot with a high production cost of an amazing model it’s probably  a B&S. Look at the photo, if it is amateurish, of a cute young thin provider on a futon or against simple backdrop like an apartment wall that is much better sign.

I prefer to deal with independents rather than agencies on craig’s list. If it is an agency, you are much more prone to B&S since you can get the “she’s not here today but you can see…” runaround.  Also, you won’t find the listing of (say) three Russian friends who share their own apartment. Besides, the best agencies like BDJ and MC don’t go for CL.

There. That will eliminate 80% of the listings.  You can (and should) cross reference the CL listings here. CL will never replace TER or TBD, since a simple review search can land you a great encounter. CL does not offer this facility, and it can be tedious going there and eiminating so many of the posts. I find however, it is kinda fun surfing through the CL though, seeing what kind of wacky stuff people will post. Just remember, if it is too good to be true, it probably is just that.

I am looking forward to your comments. Sorry I’m not naming names or giving links. Happy hunting on CL!


jeanrobie 45 Reviews 4809 reads
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Just my two cents:

1.  Use the CL search engine to see if a provider is really independent or if she posts under different names (always a bad sign).  Lately the agencies and scammers have gotten wise to this and post their phone #s in odd ways to make such searches impossible, but you can still search by name or turns of phrase, etc.

2.  I've had my best experiences with women who don't post photos or phone #s so you have to email them first.  This is how the real non-pros usually operate, if you want to go the non-pro route.

3.  Avoid providers who post incessently--most likely they're agencies who have hired someone to post every ten minutes or whatever.

4.  Likewise, avoid providers who post at weird hours.  Unless someone specifically posts an ad, for instance, which says "It's 4:30 a.m.  Is anyone still awake" why on earth would anyone post an ad at 4;30 a.m.?  It's an automated poster or someone hired to do it--not someone you want to see.

5.  Avoid long-winded ads, ads with funny pictures, ads with jokes, and ads with complicated, hard-to-read information.  Ads should be brief and easy to read.  In my opinion, providers who post weird/long/complicated ads are a little bit nuts and should be avoided (personally, I think this is a good rule for over-complicated providers' websites, too).  For example, there's a MILF in NJ and a masseuse in NY called "V" who look interesting--but their ads are as complicated as an IRS filing schedule and that makes me nervouse.

6.  For the same reason, avoid providers who call themselves "courtesans."  It's pretentious and, in my opinion and for what it's worth, indicates nutiness.

7.  Avoid the providers who get flamed.  I know there are a lot of jerks who flame providers on CL and it's unfair to demonize the victim, but I think it's usually a sign that something is amiss.  Recently there was a pretty masseuse from Hong Kong who posted goofy ads all the time--she looked good and had some good notices on other boards, but she was flamed mercilessly and cruelly:  the underlying problem seemed to have been that she double or triple booked appointments which angered patrons who retaliated by flaming her.  She didn't deserve the abuse, but obviously there were problems there best avoided.

8. Remember that the posters on CL are usually not regulars:  they may do it once or twice or whatever and then never again.  It isn't like the regular advertisers on Eros or whatever--they usually aren't reviewed and you probably won't be able to find them again.  This means there are no practical means of insuring honesty, consistancy, and quality.  So be very very wary.

stl6468 5 Reviews 3819 reads
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Your points are excellent, especially about the rationale for using CL and evaluating the photos.

I don't have time to write a longer response now, but the one addition I'd offer is, if the posting has a phone #, search other CL listings for it.  Recently there was a CL list of phone #'s that led to ripoffs.  It had a long list of #'s that were for different photos, and all apparently bogus.

I was going to start a thread to draw attention to it, but this seems a better spot to do that.

Hope it helps -- and good luck to everyone, too.

Craigs Shit List 4388 reads
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does this topic come up every 2 days? Guys that use CL are dim bulbs begging to be pick pocketed. Yes, I'm sure there is one pearl in a bucket of rotting fish, but who needs the B&S, ripoffs, and drug addicts? Wake the fuck up!

Sean1215 35 Reviews 4152 reads
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stl6468 5 Reviews 20620 reads
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I wondered when this creep would show up. He hides behind this alias and surfaces whenever a thread even mentions CL.

See TheEdge7's reply to him when he started this garbage last week.  

The kindest thing that can be said about CSL is he or she is a "one trick pony" that is an example of those cowards who hide behind aliases.  

-- Modified on 11/8/2005 7:35:12 AM

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 3992 reads
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I will forever think back fondly on my days as a CL girlie...I cut my teeth there

stl6468 5 Reviews 3251 reads
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YOU show up behind an alias at every mention of CL.  

YOU have nothing constructive to offer -- all you do is bash whoever is trying to discuss a legit topic constructively.

Edge and others much more established than me have made the point to you on several occasions.  

So let those who want to discuss this do so, and find another topic to bother people about.

stl6468 5 Reviews 2525 reads
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Miki, that is a classic illustration of what I, Sean and Edge have been saying -- you can find gems on CL if you look!  

We haven't met yet, but I'm most tempted!

Kinkydad 41 Reviews 4762 reads
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As many of you know, I'm a fan of CL.  I've found a few truly wonderful women on CL, one of which has become my ATF...She's sweet, young, phenomonal in bed, and has become a close friend.  Sure CL is full of crap, but like any treasure hunter, you have to dig, be persistent and be willing to shuck a lot of oysters to find a pearl.

Sean1215 35 Reviews 3667 reads
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I agree with stl. Besides, it can be fun looking at the wacky stuff people post.
Good to hear Micki has had luck as a provider on CL. thanks for your insight Miki

Sean1215 35 Reviews 4046 reads
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TheEdge7 60 Reviews 11000 reads
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Not unlike Miki, Angie Renee was a former Craig Lister. Would anyone dare suggest she's a lowlife? I think not!  I've met two ladies from the list. I have also found a few decent massage parlours that posted.

I agree with what most people that posted said. I'll just add that Craig's List is better than sifting through the same agencies that are constantly posting on here and Ero's. Craig's List has a great variety. You just have to cut through the BS. To me, when you find the unjaded gem, who doesn't want to deal with airbrushed pictures, agencies and BS, it's worth it.

The harder you work for something, the more you appreciate it.

Sean1215 35 Reviews 2313 reads
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thx. for your advice. look to CL to set up UTR ATFs, cross referernce on TER and TBD and you will avoid "huge risk" and just have marginal risk. That is always present in the hobby.

Sean1215 35 Reviews 3840 reads
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Angelina Luv 2568 reads
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Atlanta board on CL does very well...haven't tried NY, but then again, in NY/NJ you just never know.


CookieBBWEscort See my TER Reviews 3590 reads
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A couple of years back I posted everytime I visited and met wonderful gents I still see today. Although about a year back it seemed alot of weirdos came out of the woodwork...I always post when I visit Jersey and LI cos that's where alot of guys I already know look for me and I find a few more gems to add to my collection as well :D

Like several of you have your homework and follow the tips given. Some girls are Eros, TER and other board ladies...we like a little variety too ya know ;)


jeanrobie 45 Reviews 2923 reads
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One other thought:  one hard thing to do on CL is figure out which of the erotic massage providers will provide FS.  You can't figure it out in terms of price--most of the bodyrubs cost around $200 anyway and that seems to me to be how much a FS provider would charge.  Also the phrase "This isn't FS so do ask" often turns out to be true only part of the time.

So this is where my vast skills and Jedi powers fail me.  Personally, I like the thrill of not knowing for sure what EXACTLY you're going to get before you make an apointment.  But I wish I could predict it a little better on CL.  

One thing:  it drives me crazy when gorgeous women post naked pictures of themselves in provocative poses and then post "Massage only.  No F/S gents so please don't ask."  If there's no full service why strip naked, open your legs, and flash prospective clients!?

And other:  I believe a hj is illegal in NY (if I'm not mistaken, even a lapdance is, technically, illegal).  So I'm not sure you're really protecting yourself by supposedly limiting your services to a hf.

Sean1215 35 Reviews 2520 reads
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DigEm 4155 reads
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