Minnesota Buzz

If you're looking for the girl next door... go next door • Elusive, Enigmatic, & Sensual Muse
paigesavage See my TER Reviews 618 reads

Fully booked until March 20th • Pre-booking for March 21st into April
Rate Increase effective March 31st, 2022  
Beautiful girls are a dime a dozen but here's what I know for sure: you're here because 1) you've got taste and 2) you're ready to satisfy your soul with a woman who's so much more. I'm the ideal blend of brains and beauty. An amalgam of cleverness, confidence, and cheekiness rivaled only by my more hedonistic pursuits.

You work so hard already, isn't it time someone took care of you? So if you're a discerning fella with a penchant for women who are genuine and warm while aiming to please you in all the right ways, step right up. If given the chance, I know our time together will be decadent and daring.  

with deep(throated) appreciation,  
Paige, xx
Rates listed as prebooked/confirmed 48 in advance vs. non-prebooked

1 hour (prebooked): $450 // $550
1.5 hour (prebooked): $650 // $750              
2 hours (prebooked): $800 // $900
3 hours (prebooked): $1,200 // $1,300
4 hours (prebooked): $1,500 // $1,600          

 *For information on duo appointments and extended engagements, please see my website*      

-- Modified on 2/24/2022 12:29:56 AM

thank you for all the sweet inquiries - two points of clarification:  

1) all engagements booked by March 31st, 2022 will receive the original rate regardless of when the date is booked until July 31st, 2022. Example: you book on March 31st, 2022 for a 2H date on May 15th - you'll receive the $800 rate.  

2) grandfathering is privilege and not a right. that being said, grandfathering will be considered on a case by case basis

P, xx

Your pictures are always GREAT!! you re4ally know how to use the camera!! And fforr you gentleman that see this the pictures are defiantly her!! She is a joy!

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