
I've always been attracted to a slutty look with lots of eye makeup almost...
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 2090 reads
1 / 23

What are your preferences?  Obviously a lot of middle ground is where most end up.. just wondering.

knotsaway 36 Reviews 407 reads
2 / 23

... although lipstick is ok.   The bright red stuff can be problematic, however. ;)

And although you didn't ask, I'll add 2 more cents re perfume... I'm not a fan of that either.  I much prefer the natural scent of clean skin, and other scents of a woman.  :)

Rxyman 92 Reviews 365 reads
3 / 23

If a wash room / shower is available to remove the evidence then ok.  
I like nice hair though. Many providers pay no attention to their hair, even coming to the door with wet hair. Nice hair, in my opinion, can make makeup unnecessary

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 355 reads
4 / 23

Polite way of saying you don't want the wife/gf to find out, Knots?

Posted By: knotsaway
... although lipstick is ok.   The bright red stuff can be problematic, however. ;)  
 And although you didn't ask, I'll add 2 more cents re perfume... I'm not a fan of that either.  I much prefer the natural scent of clean skin, and other scents of a woman.  :)

impeachable 29 Reviews 261 reads
6 / 23

I don't mind wet hair if it means they just came out of the shower.  Otherwise, agree.

hazydavy74 49 Reviews 297 reads
7 / 23

I'm going go with yes light makeup and lip gloss. throw in some light body spray / perfume  and it would be a better world!  

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 288 reads
8 / 23

Nothing worse than "stinky pussy" girls.  
Terrible turnoff when we want to DATY.

Posted By: impeachable
I don't mind wet hair if it means they just came out of the shower.  Otherwise, agree.

wingman1346 85 Reviews 315 reads
9 / 23

... I am a big fan of dark eye makeup for some reason.  ;)

souls_harbor 250 reads
10 / 23

I don't want any telltale scents/colors if I am returning home to wifey right after.  Otherwise if I have a shower break between, then it doesn't matter.

whitesand121 46 Reviews 280 reads
11 / 23

I dont mind a little, eyes, blush, no lipstick, especially if kissing, NO Perfume!!!!!!!!  That can linger on you.

darmody 22 Reviews 283 reads
12 / 23

The ladies I pick are attractive enough without it. If I should find they need makeup for me to look at them, I won't be repeating. However, it can enhance their looks, and generally I like a minimum to moderate amount. It's just not necessary.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 3:26:22 PM

fearlessfury 318 reads
13 / 23

I a truly beautiful woman needs none,I prefer a natural woman along with natural breasts and pushy.and I enjoy them freshly showered.

cookieman10 3 Reviews 224 reads
14 / 23

My preference is for clean and simple, but it's not a hard and fast rule for me. There's a lot of room in there for a provider to find and project a level of adornment (i.e, make up, tattoos, and piercings) that makes her feel comfortable. If she is at ease, it augurs well for the session.
Just no or very minimal perfume.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 7:05:10 PM

TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 365 reads
15 / 23

I fluctuate a lot based on mood, but the older I get, the less I want smeared makeup and the more I want everything else smeared 😜

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 282 reads
16 / 23

...to the point of being overdone or actually even overdone. Not necessarily Goth but that look and the Rocker Chick look is hot. But, I rarely, date those women. Most women I date wear an appropriate amount for the look they want. If someone can pull off the no makeup look, good for them!

vorlon 119 Reviews 258 reads
17 / 23

Skip the perfume; fresh out the shower is best.

CordialSport 71 Reviews 231 reads
18 / 23

I like it. Eye make-up and lipstick, especially. I also like nail polish (fingers and toes). But I prefer no strong perfume.

souls_harbor 319 reads
19 / 23

Probably a minority of one, but speaking of tattoos, I think they detract from beauty.  I know lots of guys get turned on by them because they associate it with "dirty" sex, which turns most of us on.  But it doesn't really do anything for me.  

Also you can imagine why I would post this under an anonymous handle -- I think the blowback from the ladies here would be pretty fierce since it is my guess that tats are more common than not.

Nevertheless I don't care for tats.  It screams "insecure body image" to me -- even if they protest that it is meaningful "art."  So is the picture I hang on my walls.  Hey ladies, you were born naturally beautiful.  Why fuck it up??

MissAlmondJoy See my TER Reviews 256 reads
20 / 23

This beauty Trin can get away with no make up 😝 I always have some make up on. Without make up I look like I'm 13 😕😱

darmody 22 Reviews 174 reads
21 / 23
zoso00 270 reads
22 / 23

A provider should look like the pics she has on her ad/website.  I could name plenty of well known providers that show up not looking like they do in their pics, which is false advertising.  If you look like a Barbiedoll in your photo shoot then show up looking that way.  If you go the all natural route in your pics, that's cool with me too.  Just don't lead someone on....

Let's face it, make up can do wonders to an average woman.  

Google porn stars with and without make-up.

souls_harbor 235 reads
23 / 23

They say movie stars don't have to be particularly attractive, they just have to have the right shape face.  Makeup does the rest.

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