
^^^ what she said
lockstock 201 Reviews 30 reads

My research parallels LT's;  received an email which funnily enough appeared not to conceal the IP. New York was the origin, though it could be a VPN of course.  Their use of English sounds Eastern European.
No replies to TER PMs from either reviewer so far.  
The initial screening requirement was 50% plus photo of ID.

New review popped up for her. A very good review. The reviewer  has many reviews, so I assume he’s legit .However I can’t seem to locate anything about her on the web, only her website. Any thoughts?

Have a few reasons I would wait on or do a lot other checking  first.
Pictures and review are excellent but would be tempted to leave for the more experienced to TOFTT.

No, age check verification on her website and you click on it theres partially nude photos, if she in the US she could be nailed big time for that. Nice photos though, if shes real.

Is this a thing?  I can see nudes all day on X/Twitter.

If you read to the bottom of her page, she has a no review policy.  Which may explain the lack of reviews.  The guy who reviewed her said he might go back.  I think she might not like that idea, unless she really doesn't have a no review policy.  I've seen some say they have no review policy, but it just means they have a no negative review policy.

She may be real, but the reviewer saying he found her profile online, in Minneapolis, by chance, when he was passing through... on a personal website (and nowhere else) that only existed for 2 minutes before he referenced it...  It's a shill.
But a very tempting one I have to say.

My date last night said that he tried sending a date up with her. He said that she required $500 up front and then when he went to the actual date in the parking lot she wanted another thousand or so before she let him up to her incall or even before meeting him in person. He felt really uncomfortable about the whole situation so he just decided to take the deposit as a loss and cancel the scheduled date. Keep in mind he had only contacted her via text and never spoke with her or saw a picture of her face or anything.  

Then whoever was texting him (maybe it was her maybe it was just a scam artist who knows) told him that he needed to pay the cancellation fee of $3,600 or they would contact his family, friends, and linkedin network and tell them all that he was seeing providers.  

He had already sent in his identification for verification purposes along with a verification photo holding the ID, so this Sierra Red account already knew who he was however, they ironically knew personal information about him and specific associates immediately after he decided to cancel the date, like they were prepare with information on him to try extorting/blackmailing him.  

They also said that he would only have to pay half of the cancellation fee if he wrote up a positive review on The Erotic Review and as long as he did that along with paying half the cancellation fee they would out him to the public.

As many of you know, I do not take kindly to women in this industry scamming people or fake online provider accounts that are created to scam people.  

So I decided to look up how old her actual website was:  


I used a domain age checker.  This tool is available to the anybody for free online and this is all public information.  

Her website is very basic and was designed using very user friendly web software called SquareSpace.  Squarespace is available in over 200 different countries.  It said that the domain was created on 2024-03-01 22:58:45 so it's barely a month old, one month and 3 days old to be exact.  

With this public information that I searched using the https://www.meetsierrared.com/ address I was also able to find the IP address where this website was created.  

This website was not created in Minnesota. According to the public online domain checking tool the IP for this website is in New York. The IP associated with this website is which again is in New York.  
I have reached out to the reviewer who gave her that first review since he has a lengthy history of reviews for providers over the years. I have yet to hear back.  

My professional opinion would be to steer clear of scheduling dates with this Sierra Red profile. I don't believe it's real. I think it's just an account to scam people and extort them into sending thousands of dollars and/or writing up fake reviews to give the account credibility. It's not worth the headache, stress, and anxiety.  

***HOWEVER*** If you're someone who is attracted to redheads who's approximately in that mid to late 20's age range in the twin cities area (like the Sierra Red profile claims to be)   I would highly recommend a somewhat newer provider to the scene named Svetlana. I've spoken with her over the phone and she sounds absolutely amazing. Her link is https://tryst.link/escort/svetlana

Here is another resource that provides a good history ...      


-- Modified on 7/13/2024 12:55:05 PM

My research parallels LT's;  received an email which funnily enough appeared not to conceal the IP. New York was the origin, though it could be a VPN of course.  Their use of English sounds Eastern European.
No replies to TER PMs from either reviewer so far.  
The initial screening requirement was 50% plus photo of ID.

There are more reviews here that look good. Any more feedback from anyone who's seen her?

but the good reviews (from first timers and exaggerating markers) don't convince me yet in light of the other stuff.

Sometimes you guys just shock me with your complete nonsense. Elle went out of her way to find all of the info on this scam person and you are STILL thinking about booking an appointment? Really? There is no feedback to give. This is a scammer out of NY. The reviews are FAKE. If you are so set on losing $500 just drive down the road and throw it out the window.  
Think with the BIG head, not the LITTLE head.

Right?! I also find it extremely interesting that the handful of reviewers that she has, happened to travel to all the same places like Tysons Corner wherever that is, and a lot of them to Washington DC. Some of her reviewers have also reviewed the same women in different cities in different states. I think that this is a scam operating on a much larger scale than we think.

It's common knowledge within this industry that if you want people to trust to send you deposit that you have to have reviews and be established. All you need is just a handful of reviews to establish yourself and watch the deposits roll on in.

Sent fake info and photos…

Then she tried to blackmail me

We have your Full name, verification selfie and ID. It is against the law to solicit sex in  
Minnesota You have 30 minutes to transfer 4,000 to me or this info will be forwarded to the proper authorities and screenshots of these texts will be sent to your wife, friends, family, and place of work. It will also posted in the Philadelphia area crime search on Facebook. Once the payment is received you will be texted a screen recording of us deleting your info from our systems permanently.  

The 4,000 must be paid in my gift site below

So I contacted her with fake id and photo… she instantly tried to blackmail me


We have your Full name, verification selfie and ID. It is against the law to solicit sex in  
Minnesota You have 30 minutes to transfer 4,000 to me or this info will be forwarded to the proper authorities and screenshots of these texts will be sent to your wife, friends, family, and place of work. It will also posted in the Philadelphia area crime search on Facebook. Once the payment is received you will be texted a screen recording of us deleting your info from our systems permanently.  

The 4,000 must be paid in my gift site below


Avoid this at all costs… fake fake, scam scam

Received from them Ok I will let you go. Leave any reviews or complaints on ter and the emails will be forwarded to your wife and family and posted on the local crime search page.

How it got resolved and how did you find the ways to protect your data?

I've gone through her reviewers and they all seem to have a plethora of reviews they've given in a very short amount of time Nationwide many of them being in Washington DC and Tyson's corner.  

I also had another gentleman call me yesterday because this Sierra Red profile was trying to blackmail him, threatening to send information to his wife, family, and place of employment.  

I think that this is a widespread fraud that is going on Nationwide possibly. I don't think that this profile is based in Minnesota whatsoever and I think it's part of a much larger Network. If any of these actual reviewers are legit people they probably just left the reviews because they were worried about being extorted.  

This profile is using The Erotic Review as a way to validate them as a provider and extorting people making them give reviews or else these reviews are fake reviews from people who are giving other women fake reviews.  

It wasn't until I started analyzing the people that were giving reviews to these profiles and seeing that they were all very recent within the past year or so. And they're like giving multiple reviews monthly all across the country. It just definitely seems off.  

I think this needs to be reported to the website.

You can't be blackmailed unless they know too much about you.

The number listed on the TER profile is no longer in service and the website itself is now gone. Told you guys 🤷‍♀️

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