viceroyd05 22 Reviews 1253 reads

Was corresponding with them just last weekend via e-mail and was usually getting responses within an hour.  They recently extended one of their promotions, so hopefully it means that they are still in business.

Posted By: Born2RunnerUp
Can anyone get a response from them? I've used them before and they're really good at responding to me. But it's been about 2 weeks that I've been trying to get in touch with them and have gotten zero response. Did another agency bite the dust? I still get their newsletters in my email.  
 Anyone else having this problem?

Can anyone get a response from them? I've used them before and they're really good at responding to me. But it's been about 2 weeks that I've been trying to get in touch with them and have gotten zero response. Did another agency bite the dust? I still get their newsletters in my email.  

Anyone else having this problem?

Was corresponding with them just last weekend via e-mail and was usually getting responses within an hour.  They recently extended one of their promotions, so hopefully it means that they are still in business.

Posted By: Born2RunnerUp
Can anyone get a response from them? I've used them before and they're really good at responding to me. But it's been about 2 weeks that I've been trying to get in touch with them and have gotten zero response. Did another agency bite the dust? I still get their newsletters in my email.  
 Anyone else having this problem?

Damn!  Two weeks and you're still trying to reach them?  In my opinion, it's time to move on.  There are too many reputable agencies in TJ to keep wasting time with one who doesn't respond.

I have seen 2 girls from this site int eh past week and i DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT WHEN IT COMES TO NOT RESPONDING BACK. I put a request and even bombarded them with many questions with a speedy response. The agency is good with plenty of young girls but only problem is they lack experience that I am willing to give them.


I cannot say for sure, but I have heard they closed.  There website is down for sure.

You have heard wrong I just had a date with Rebecca and Diana. I do not know who your sources are but they may not want u to see any of the girls.

I am sure you don't. I would not have even checked if it was not for this thread.  I don't contact other agencies to see their girls.  Way to busy with the chicas that are working with me to worry about those that are not.

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