I wouldnt be so sure, I actually flamed him in his own back yard.......
grooveze 5 Reviews 38142 reads
1 / 29

Following is an email sent by one of the veteran contributors to to theeroticreview.

Hey Genius

Do you know who I am? To you I'm nothing short of GOD. I invented TJ in it's current state. I railed on your site about the wonderful things to be had south of the ignored me. I pleaded with you to heed my advise, you banned me. I was a VIP member of your site. YOU crucified ME !!!

But I have risen. TJ is mine, I own it and everything else down there. The cops, the bars, cabbies, resturants.....alll mine!!!

I date the chica's that work those bars. That means I don't pay for sex when were out. Entiendo?

I take them on vacations, I meet their families, I am in their homes. I'm down there two to three times a week. In short I've had more tail in the last 3 years then you will in a lifetime.

And now you have the unmitigated gall to start a TJ message board and take credit for it? YOU have ANGERED THE TJ GODS !!! {ME}.

I am all knowing, I see everything and everyone that crosses the border on their way to my little heaven.

Now I will see to it that you, Mr. EROTIC REVIEW PECKERHEAD and all your paranoid pussified escort ass-kissing readers WILL SUFFER MY WRATH.

When you are upstairs in the rrrooomm you WILL lay down in someones else's juice!!! NO clean sheets for you !!!!

The waiters will ALL screw you on your change when you buy a drink!!

YOU will get so sick from eating rancid taco's off the food carts that you will puke up your own organs!!!

Texas Mike and Fernando will hound you mercilessly for money day and night !!!

You will get crabs, lice and rashes from the street girls and crack whores!!!


rodmewell 12 Reviews 34341 reads
2 / 29

You need a psychiatrist asap; all that Latina stuff has re-fried your bean sized brain.

Andele!  Loco!!

aspuser 34 Reviews 33696 reads
3 / 29

... who the hell is this guy and why would Staff leave his post up?  

Obviously it is of no benefit to the members.....

Sedagive 7 Reviews 37913 reads
4 / 29

Senor Panocha was a member of TER for a short period of time (see link below for his email to Staff after he was banned).  It was my decision to leave the post up, mainly because I wanted the TER members to see what a total nutcase Senor Panocha is.  I'm sure Staff will let me know if the post should be deleted.  Sedagive.

aspuser 34 Reviews 32765 reads
5 / 29 were wise in making your decision.  

I am completely positive that this is the same Senor Panocha that I am familiar with from the other websites as I don't remember such egotistical macho chest beating from that handle in the past.

BUT this one was certainly worth making an example out of.  I think it is justified enough now that Staff should leave it up permanently.

Just my $.02 worth (or is that my 2 pesos worth...?).

caharmon 2 Reviews 36246 reads
6 / 29

Well will wonders never cease. It seems that rodmewell and I agree on something.

Dude get a life. Besides serious psychiatric help to treat that tequilla soaked ego of yours, you need to pull your head out of your ass and smell the coffee.

Do you have any ownership interest in the establishments in TJ?

Probably not, because if you did, you would welcome any type of advertising, regardless of where it comes from.

First of all, I myself would never patronize any such establishment in TJ. But I seriously doubt that anyone managing any of these places would purposely do the things you suggest.

PS: I just checked out this idiots message board on .  This asshole is a fucking lunatic. I'm sorry, I usually try to maintain some decorum when I post, but this guy is so far gone it is truely pathetic. If you don't believe me go see for yourself.

TER still the best!!

All you are is full of shit and hot air. AS you can see, I am petrified of what you might do.

-- Modified on 7/5/2003 6:18:33 PM

grooveze 5 Reviews 35588 reads
7 / 29

I hope everyone realizes that this is not the opinion of grooveze but of Senor Panocha.  It was written "tongue-in-cheek" as are most of his postings on  As I am sure most of you will agree, nobody could actually be that screwed up!

caharmon 2 Reviews 33710 reads
8 / 29

Yes, you heard correctly. I left the comfort and civility of TER and spent part of last night and part of today looking over this wingnuts alledged empire.

I flamed his ass. He actually has a board specifically for "Flames".

He actually replied. His response was as arrogant as his previous rants.

Sorry if you got the wrong idea grooveze.

YungHungGun 37077 reads
9 / 29
super9 39 Reviews 35657 reads
10 / 29

I doubt it. Based on all his posts over at or whatever I don't think Zorro would have the time to do that. Anyways, why would you think they are the same - just because their handles are Latino?

Juans 30923 reads
11 / 29

SenorPanocha was also banned from our website  In person he's actually a decent guy.  His board persona sucks and he is always bragging.  I pity his poor wife at home who doesn't have a clue about all his TJ visits.

WheresWaldo 31508 reads
12 / 29

Who hasn't been banned from Jaun's?

95% of the people that join that site get banned.

zorro 21 Reviews 30655 reads
13 / 29

Senor Panocha is actually a pretty cool dude that listened to my advice three years ago and who has taken it beyond levels that I ever have, largely thanks to the fact that he is in San Diego and commuting to TJ is no big deal.

He is probably just pissed off that he has been banned from TER, but I must say that he is one of the few guys initially that had the balls to support me when so many others bashed me.  Sure, now that people know that I am not full of shit with my TJ and San Gabriel Valley AMP recommendations, I have my large share of supporters, but back then all I had was my big fucking mouth.

Senor Panocha has successfully done what ABeautifulMind is attempting to do right now, and he has been doing it for years.  For that he deserves some major credit.

juanstijuana 30253 reads
14 / 29

Not true at all.  The bottom line is we cleaned up our website a long time ago and needed to distinguish ourself from the other existing TJ sites.  

Our site is nearly three years old.  All banning of anyone and cleanup of the site ended over two years ago.  I won't even entertain such nonsense.  The same yahoos claimed we were also censoring posters.  We rarely if ever edit any posts.  Ask any existing member who has been on our site in the last year or more.  The only memberships that end are ones that expire.  

Our site has never had any flaming or misinformation at all, common on other adult travel sites.  The only guys that slam us are ones form the old days who we didn't want on our site in the first place but needed as we grew since our site sprang up starting with no members.  Many caused problems on our site and really didn't want to be on our site in the first place.  Of course I'd expect them to complain.

I challnge any monger out there to check out are site and prove that we have been banning anyone or censoring anyone.  We had to find our way when we were new and we did what we had to do to make a successful website.  We run a clean ship.


aspuser 34 Reviews 26665 reads
15 / 29

You (Juan) censored me....for talking about Rosalba when she was initially trying to become established.

I was admonished by you (Juan) repeatedly and finally censored because you were afraid of the "legal ramifications".

You (Juan) refused to allow any of us to discuss her and her service.  

You specifically also would not allow me to post her ad on your website.  

You lost my respect when you censored my posts about Rosalba.

I had contributed lots of information and chica reviews to your website using the handle "MERICAN" because that was part of the lifetime free membership agreement.

At approximately the same time your website got hacked and you decided to change your "no charge policy for contributors".

I refused to start paying and you took away my priviledges to access your website.  I consider that worse than being banned.

Fortunately for her and the rest of us, other websites such as TER,, and accepted my reviews.  She went on to become one of the highest rated providers in the San Diego region according to TER.

This post serves as proof that you censored and banned members from your site on a regular basis.  

Most of us were already members of and we have a thread dedicated to that subject.

Enough Said.....

Staff 30150 reads
16 / 29

hmmm... I miss him.  It gave us someone to laugh about at the office.    

-- Staff

juanstijuana 29941 reads
17 / 29

I'm not hear to debate the merits of all the websites.  Every site has their own rules and focus.  TER is more of an escort site.  We still do not talk about indepdendent escorts on our site as per our site rules.  Our site is not about independent TJ escorts. It's about the zona in TJ, Rev and world sex.

Let's see.  There are approximately seven escorts working TJ.  There are about 1,000 working girls.  That is the focus of our site.  As I recall you designed her site and were pimping for her over and over.  I asked you not to promote independent escorts in TJ.  You were promoting her over and over to gain favor.  I'm glad other sites allowed you to post about her.  that's why there are so many websites.  You are free to go and choose wherever you want to go.

If we don't promote or allow the promotion of seven escorts and that's why our site is no good then our site wan't for you in the first place.  I'm glad she's doing well but I still won't see her nor will I promote her.  She's also not very attractive.  Some guys are intimated by the zona and find seeing Tanya or Rosalba a lot easier.  with the lack of TJ escorts, the existing ones get all the business.  Not much competition, I would say.

Most of the independent chicas may give decent service but they are far from being lookers and I still think it's a waste paying any independent TJ chica $150 for an hour.  For that price in TJ I want the hottest chica.  A 10.  I know others will disagree and love the indedendent chicas but I can do much better in the zona.  I have an apartment in TJ and my average session is 1-2 hours for a lot less money ($40-$50) and total GF sex.  But everyone does TJ their own way and spends their money the way they like.


dawctor 10 Reviews 29059 reads
18 / 29

Juan... I understand why you and regular Zona "mongers" might think that $150 for an hour with an incall chica is "a waste". But, when compared to what most guys get in the Zona if they are not regulars... and don't have their own apartment like you do, it's a fair price. Do the math: taxi to and from bar ($10-12), drinks for self and maybe chica ($5-15+), the room upstairs for (if you are lucky) 30 minutes ($11), the chica fee ($40-60+). That's getting pretty close to $100 for half the room time and generally much less a GFE exprience. The incall girls provide transportation to and from the border, an hour at her place, drinks, multiple pops and most of them are far more GFE than the typical bar girl.

In the end, go for what you like and can afford. If you have fun, it's never a waste.



aspuser 34 Reviews 27769 reads
19 / 29
GFE_HUNTER 29544 reads
20 / 29

banned??? HE seems to be quite lively and amusing.
SO porque? porque? porque? ( why? )

GFE_HUNTER 26931 reads
21 / 29

there down south. I mean  I read the stories, but I being a FREQUENT TJ visitor, I know you can f**k, more than 2 chicks a day, .. YOu gotta know what I mean, last time I screwed about 7 chicks in a full day, about 14 hours, ( 12 noon- 2am )  and with some tequila shots in between.  ABM, NEEDS To stop bullshiting.

Staff 29325 reads
22 / 29

There is only so many abusive emails we can take.  He sent just one to many.

-- Staff

Staff 27437 reads
23 / 29

There is only so many abusive emails we can take.  He sent just one to many.

-- Staff

juanstijuana 29846 reads
24 / 29

Dawctor, I agree. To each his own.  The beauty of TJ is that you won't get busted like in the US.  That being said, prostitution is technically illegal in TJ although tolerated in the zona.  No one has gotten busted in the zona for having sex.

A while back the cops were shaking down customers on Rev for taking out strippers to hotels.  Technically prostituion is not legal.  You are breaking the law.

The same with these escorts.  It is technically NOT legal and if a cop gets a bug up is ass you could get busted in Mexico.  Can you say heavy mordida (bribe) or fine to escape Mexican jail?  This is unliikely to happen but it could.  You basically have no rights in Mexico.  It is their country and their laws.  Just when the government basically shut down all the small independent massage places about a year ago unless they paid a hefty mordida.  Many went out of business, including my two favorite places, Salon Stress and Christys. (also Wendy's pretty much shut down)  The TJ cops watch all.  Don't think all of this may be going unnoticed.

That is why I would stay in the zona.  Especially a newbie.  If you like the hour massage better treatment (choice of women) go to the massage places in the zona.  That's Mermaids, La Tropa Massage and Deja-Vu.  You'll end up spending $100-$120 for an hour.  You'll be able to pick a chica and not get busted.  Of course you don't get much of a massage.  It's mostly sex.

TJ is risky as it is.  That's what makes it somewhat exciting.  So everyone takes their own risks.  Personallly, I walk most of the time to the zona at all hours.  Most mongers, including myself, can use the exercise.  Would I recommend this at night, especially to a relative newbie.  Absolutely not.  It's a risk I do take.  Our website gives tours for newbies to make them comfortable in the zona but they aren't cheap. ($130 for 3 hours)  but it does make the newcomwer to the zona comfortable very quickly.  I know if took most of us vets many visits to feel fairly comfortable in TJ. Call it a long learning curve, even with all the TJ info now out there.  Reading and actually being there are two different things.

I don't find the escorts available, all that attractive.  Tanya would seem to be very popular but you can find her in AB and still pay $100 for an hour.  But to each his own.  And I still see some guys promoting them.  I would have to question if it's simply to help them out or do gain favor (longer sessions or cheaper sessions) or financial reward.  Only they know.  As I said before, it's your money and we all spend our money how we choose to do so.  Just remember that prostitution is technically not legal but is the most tolerated in the zona red light area where all the bars are.


WheresWaldo 30407 reads
25 / 29

You are correct that if you want to go in and do one chica and leave, escorts are just about the same value, but you limited your selection from hundreds of chicas down to seven. But for those that want to make an afternoon or evening out of it(as most do) the following is a far better value...

50 pesos($4.80) for cabs X 2=$9.60
350 pesos($33.56) for the room at Hotel Coahuila(AB) for all day
600 pesos($53.54) for drinks(his and hers)
$90 average for one hour with a chica X3=$270 (I get chicas for $80 an hour very often)
Grand total for the day including 3 chicas at one hour each is $366.70. It would cost $450 for three escorts.

ChiquitoX 29264 reads
26 / 29

"Juan", A couple weeks ago you censored a member of your boards post when he mentioned a party at my house.  Most of the people attending and myself are ex-members of your board.  Your reasoning for censoring the post was that you don't want ex-members of your board mentioned on your sight.  Do you deny this censoring?

I admit I got myself booted intentionally as a protest because I prefer a forum that has a free exchange of ideas and information.

ChiquitoX 28332 reads
27 / 29

You take the whole thing too seriously.  Think of the all powerful wizard of oz and ignore the man behind the curtain.  Sheesh.

aspuser 34 Reviews 27712 reads
28 / 29

....because so far, every one of your posts has contained false information which could affect the business of the girls in TJ in a deleterious manner.

I suggest you refrain from posting any more harmful opinions on this site.

You warn about going to the chicas apartment yet that is exactly what you do yourself everytime you take a chica to your apartment and pay her for having sex with you.

You are not paying off the police either so why is it ok for you to do it and no one else.

dawctor 10 Reviews 28008 reads
29 / 29

Waldo... I don't disagree with your math or opinion which is why I opened my earlier post with "I understand why you and regular Zona 'mongers' might think that $150 for an hour with an incall chica is 'a waste'." I just didn't elaborate to include the info you did. If a guy wants to party for a day and night or weekend... then the best "deal" is the zona, no doubt about it.

But for the guy who doesn't care for bars as a steady place to hang or for the guy who can no longer (or doesn't care to) do more than one chica a day or night, the incall girls and MPs are viable alternatives and for some of us, a more intimate and relaxing change of pace.

If a guy is not a drinker and all evening partier, the incall girl price is not bad or a waste or rip, that's my point. I live so far from TJ I can't go very often so usually stay for a couple or three days when I go. I like to mix it up... a bar girl or two, an MP session and maybe an incall girl. I usually stay at the Pueblo or Zaragosa. I spend more money than lots of guys but most importantly, I always have a very good time and don't regret the money. If I was 25 again (instead of twice that), I'd probably plant my ass in the Zona and never leave :-)


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