Meet and Greet

We do things differently on the West Coast, especially in Vegas...
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 6139 reads

Las Vegas is the optimum place to throw a party, whether it be in a private residence, hotel suite, or public venue.

Along with the other half of my Meet n Greet brain B3, we have thrown successful Meet n Greet's in all three.

For private residence or hotel suites, we never charge a door fee, but do request donations, and have a donation box right there at the door next to the guest list, which is VERY sternly held to.

For public venues, such as Tommy Rocker's, its usually a no charge open bar.

We've had absinthe themes, live blues bands, fire dancers, strippers and pole dancers, party bus excursions and limousine ridin' decadence,  birthday cakes, trampolines (oh to watch those bouncing boobies one more time!!!), photo-ops on really cool looking custom vehicles (ok, that was a shameless self-promotion, I admit), and lots and lots and LOTS of beautiful women!

Other than that, its just like any other party where men and women who tend to be more uninhibited than the mainstream population gather to play.

Hello. I'm pretty new to the discussion board. I was just wondering how normal M&G's work: what happens, average amount of people, range of people(ages, ethnicity, etc). Thanks for any help.

where providers and potential clients have a chance to eyeball each other and break the ice over some chips, dips and libations.

There is usually no charge, or just a very minor donation, or perhaps people bring the food and booze with them as donations.

There is no sexual activity.  (Outside of a little hugging and pecking, that is.)

People can exchange phone numbers and emails, and what happens after you leave is up to you.

For obvious reasons, people have to be screened before they can attend a party.

Ages and ethnicities can vary, but basically they are the same people who post on the boards, so that might give you an idea.  At the few I've been to, the guy are 40ish+, mostly caucasian, and the gals were on average then years younger and a lot better looking, IMHO.  :o)

Meet/Greet6293 reads

Most M&G's I've been to (and I've been to many), have $100 or higher entrance fees for guys, and bartender tipping of course is expected. Ladies attend free.

Not sure where Mr. Fisher goes to M&Gs for free? Does he wear a dress?

I've hosted several of the Los Angeles Meet and Greets and also have attended many of them.  I've never been to 1 that requested an "entrance" fee from anyone.  However, its on you to pay for drinks, food, and parking.  And of course, most guys will pay for ladies drinks and food.

If you attend a M and G at a private home, then typically you are asked for a donation to cover the cost of the food and drink.

Thats been my experience.


Meet/Greet9570 reads

Having a M&G at a private home on the East coast is unheard of. No one wants the responsibility, and party throwers are WAY too paranoid. They are always held in hotels, bars, or restaurants.

Las Vegas is the optimum place to throw a party, whether it be in a private residence, hotel suite, or public venue.

Along with the other half of my Meet n Greet brain B3, we have thrown successful Meet n Greet's in all three.

For private residence or hotel suites, we never charge a door fee, but do request donations, and have a donation box right there at the door next to the guest list, which is VERY sternly held to.

For public venues, such as Tommy Rocker's, its usually a no charge open bar.

We've had absinthe themes, live blues bands, fire dancers, strippers and pole dancers, party bus excursions and limousine ridin' decadence,  birthday cakes, trampolines (oh to watch those bouncing boobies one more time!!!), photo-ops on really cool looking custom vehicles (ok, that was a shameless self-promotion, I admit), and lots and lots and LOTS of beautiful women!

Other than that, its just like any other party where men and women who tend to be more uninhibited than the mainstream population gather to play.

The environment is somewhat different in Vegas (where we've hosted our events).

Private rental properties and public hosting locations are  fairly inexpensive and easy to come by. When a good rental property is less than $1000 for a weekend, or someplace  will host you for free in exchange for open bar, it would seem to me that it's rather gauche to be charging $100 a head for a guy to attend, which is why we don't do that (a nominal "donation" of $20-40, which we encourage, but do not require, as we don't want to be bothered with admissions taxes or taxes/headache at all)... and some donate more, some less. The expenses just aren't that big, and there's also an expectation that a host will be willing to cover a few hundred or more in expenses if need be.

The latter is something organized by a provider and usually three or four fellow providers to have a like number of men meet for an evening for sexual activities.  Generally the guys get to have private play time with each of the gals and perhaps even have group activities.

$100 would be too low obviously, but the gals often will attend for around $500/each, considering the volume and the sharing of expenses for the place, etc.

I haven't done one of these yet but I occasionally do get an inquiry if I'm interested.

GaGambler5023 reads

I have hosted a couple of M&Gs and been to countless ones in Atlanta. I can't remember ever having been charged more than forty bucks, and the outdoor crawfish boil I hosted had no donation whatsoever. I provided the venue and the food, and a couple of agency owners chipped in for the tent and the booze. A good time was had by all.

Essentially, these are cocktail parties where hobbyists and providers meet for an evening of fun.

If held in a public venue, it's just like any other cocktail mix and mingle with everyone there.  Say hello to people you know, introduce yourself and chat with those that you are meeting for the first time.  There is no sex or anything crazy...if there is going to be any afterparty activity, this is usually arranged beforehand.

If held in a private venue, anything is possible, but usually nothing that extreme happens...they are not orgies!  Expect a house party...same rules apply as at a public venue.

Getting invited to one means you generally have to know someone who is going, and being screened by the hosts to keep out LE and the media.  Such gatherings are kept as low key as possible.  As for ages, ethnicities, etc., expect this to be typical of the hobby.  The majority of attendees are active participants here and elsewhere...lurkers unknown to the community will be at a disadvantage.  

All this being said, if you wish to attend one, contact the organizers, and do what is needed to secure an invite.  Out.

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