Meet and Greet

Re: Cancellation/No show percentages for M&G's....
OctaviaNyc_NJ See my TER Reviews 5027 reads

For mine (which are mini ones) it's only 1 or 2 no shows out of 35-40 people.

First of all, this is not meant as a rant or a complaint.
I have learned after hosting multiple M&G's that a percentage of no shows and late cancellations exist for various reasons. For instance, a provider gets a multi hour appointment coinciding with a M&G. Almost a no brainer.
Guys may have family issues or they want to book a visiting provider for several hours. No problem.

I am curious if my average no show percentage of 30% is normal for other cities. My numbers are great even with the no show percentage so again, no complaints.

Please satisfy my curiosity. Other commentary and or suggestions are welcome.

TampaMG4340 reads


We plan that 15% to 20% of the people who have confirmed their attendance, say they WILL be there at a M&G, will be "no shows".

These numbers have held up historically over the last 2 parties and I'll let you know about the next one shortly.

It's just something that you have to be aware of and plan for when organizing one of these.

MnG_Incorporated5743 reads

GUYS: 115 invited, 56 RSVP, 40 show - 29% noshow
GIRLS: 244 invited, 62 RSVP, 30 show - 52% noshow

It's still a good ratio for guys/girls, but there have been times when we had 12 girls and 32 guys.

Appropriate metrics to follow and use; the result not totally surprising.  Oh, those "girls" are still "hard to get."

For mine (which are mini ones) it's only 1 or 2 no shows out of 35-40 people.

I missed Octavia's last one because of a snowstorm (resulting in a small but annoying traffic accident) and I'm still kicking myself. (And I'm still begging her forgiveness! LOL)

For the LA Meet and Greets that I have hosted, it varies.

March M and G - 230 on guest list, 130 in attendance

Oct M and G - 198 on guest list, 152 in attendance

July M and G - 139 on guest list, 120 in attendance.

I've had others with similiar results.  I think the March one was an anomoly.


Yes Doc. They do seem to be pretty consistent.

Well I WILL be there when I tell you I will TBM. I do everything NOT to miss your M&G's. They're fantastic.

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