Media & Erotic Literature

The Casting Couch
Sexylittlesubkat See my TER Reviews 31854 reads
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Who: a talented, yet undiscovered, burlesque dancer
What: the casting couch
Where: a popular speakeasy in downtown New York City
When: 1930’s

I walk through the back doors of the theater at the appointed time. Despite by straight back and shoulders, my thighs are quivering from my nerves, making my walk in four-inch heels more wobbly than seductive. Feeling intimidated, I hang out around the outskirts of the dressing area, astonished by the sight of so many gorgeous leggy women of all types dressing for tonight’s show. Silk stockings are smoothed up long lean legs, lacey garters are attached, sequins are glued in strategic locations, shimmer is applied all over soft curvy bodies. In the reflections of so many mirrors, I see the fronts, backs, and bottoms of all the women. Modesty doesn’t belong here.

I desperately want to be part of that scene. I know that I can dance better than anyone else, and tonight is my biggest break. I have an appointment with the theater owner after waiting for him for three nights by the back door. The last night, he came out, looked me up and down, stripping away my dress with his eyes, and told me to come back in a week for an audition.

And so here I am. A deep breath in, and I approach one of the glamour girls and ask for the Owner. She looks at me with big eyes, puffs out a mouthful of swirly smoke from red lips, and points me to a crimson door nearly hidden by a rack of frilly dresses. I feel her eyes following me as I go to the door and knock timidly. Was that pity in her eyes I saw before? Or just sizing up competition? I put it out of my head as I am invited inside by a deep voice.

I walk in, one foot determinedly in front of the other, more confident on the outside than I felt. I sit down on a red velvet chair across from a heavy desk. Behind the desk is my next opportunity. With fierce eyes and a tough body, he lounges there taking his time before saying anything, evaluating my physical appearance. I sit on the edge of my chair and ask him if he has any openings. He takes a drag of his cigar and asks me to show him my dance. I take that as Yes, there is an opening.

I stand on shaky legs and hand him my music which he puts on the record player. I take a deep breath and begin swaying to the soft music, feeling it deep inside of me. Slowly, I peel down one satin glove, letting it hang on my fingertips before dropping, then the other, while maintaining eye contact with the Owner. I turn around in a circle, while shimmying my body and posing so that all my curves are displayed to my best advantage. I turn my back to him and teasingly unbutton a single button at a time, going down my skirt to below my knees, ending completely bent over. I pretend surprise as it falls to the floor in a swish. I am now just in a corset and a g-string, garters and stockings. Still swaying, I caress my curves, luxuriating in the feeling of being able to hold a man enthralled. He stares at me with no expression, but I can tell he is moved by his shallow breathing. What a heady feeling of power! More seductive strutting, and the corset comes off next, the strings being drawn through the holes one side at a time. I wiggle my backside to keep the anticipation from getting too explosive. Finally, it falls off too, leaving a lacey bra barely cupping my breasts. I touch my chest, down to my tummy, as if thrilling at being freed and being able to feel my soft skin. I stroll over to the desk and lift one leg up, saucily untying my garter and rubbing it all over myself before throwing it in the Owner’s direction. The stocking comes off with just as much ceremony, then the other leg. I boost myself up on the desk, writhing gracefully against it, seemingly in the throes of passion. With one last motion, I flick my bra off and arch against the desk motionless, except for my breasts and nipples that heave with exertion. The music silences. I pause for effect, and turn my head to look at the Owner.

Performance finished, I’m now unsure of myself again and slightly embarrassed that I put on such a spectacle. I know it is more risqué than any other performances, but when I dance, all inhibitions come down, and I am transformed. In the silence, I scurry down the desk, and wait anxiously for what the Owner has to say.

He stares steadily, puffing away, keeping me in torturous suspense. He finally tells me in a soft voice that my dance is quite good, but there’s another part of the audition. I feel a burst of excitement, knowing that I will do anything to get this job. I’ve gotten this far! I smile shyly, and ask what next.

The owner stands up, leaning over me and tells me that my dance is so good because I enjoy being a tease. I had knowingly tortured him with glimpses of skin, only to modestly cover it up again. Slowly pushing him until he made up his mind. Now for the final act – What would I do to get the job? I blink at him not comprehending. He takes my small hand and molds it to his hard cock. Shocked, I try to pull away, but he has a firm grip. It’s part of the audition, everyone does it, He says. I shake my head and try to run away, but have nowhere to go since I am still mostly naked. He corners me against a lounging couch, pinning me against it so that I’m forced to sit down.

His strong hand rises to my throat, gripping it, squeezing just enough to make me scared, and whispers in my ear about paying the price for being a tease. That sense of power I had during the dance will be stripped away as he shows me the consequence of my dance. I try to push him away, but his thumb digs into my neck. I whimper and stop struggling. With his grip still around my neck, he pushes my body down until it is laying on the couch, his other hand groping me all over. I’m trembling in protest, the only thing I can do. I’m too scared and shocked to move now. His hands wander down to my hips. He rips off the g-string so that I’m totally exposed, naked except for my dancing heels. I cry out and fight him, but he gives me a hard kiss and lays down on top of me with his hard leg in between mine, forcing them open. Now I show you what this job really means, he growls in my ear…

Check out my blog and website for Part 2 - (sorry for the shameless plug)..hehe;)

Sexylittlesubkat See my TER Reviews 21400 reads
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Hearing his voice so close to my ear, I stop struggling and soften my body to show my acquiescence. Seeing that I am going to behave now, the Owner lets me up.

You have two choices now, He says. You can walk out that door and never get another opportunity dancing again, or you can submit yourself to my tutoring and go far.

After a brief internal debate in which the answer is clear immediately, I nod bravely and ask what he wants me to do. He drags two prop tables to the center of the room with about three feet of space between them. Step up on your new stage, He instructs. I climb up and stand on one table obediently. One leg on each table, He barks. I look at the wide gap hesitantly. I hear a menacing swish behind me and then the sharp thrack and sting of a thin reed cane on my butt cheeks. I cry out in shock and leap to follow his order.

One foot on each table, I look down. I’m about four feet off the floor with my legs spread wide. I’m blushing at being exposed and vulnerable. Hands behind your back, grab your elbows, He orders. I do so quickly. He walks around in a circle, inspecting me. He stops in front of me, his eyes nipple level, the cane still in his hand.

I shift nervously, but that earns another hard lash against my tender inner thigh. It hurts so much my eyes tear up. I vow to myself that I’ll be perfectly obedient so I won’t receive another lash.

He reaches out with the cane, softly caressing the red mark it made on my skin. I whimper at the sensitivity but don’t dare shift my weight again. The cane moves slowly up to my spread pussy. I stare in fascination at the slow path it travels. Head up, He barks. My head snaps up and locks on my own eyes reflected in the mirror on the opposite wall. I see and feel that the cane is now replaced by his fingers, softly tickling, probing and exploring. As I watch the embarrassing scene in the mirror, I feel a sense of displacement, as if I’m watch a dirty movie instead of living it. I feel the fingers stroking my clit, dipping down and up, and I’m ashamed to feel how wet his fingers have made me. They stop, then suddenly thrust inside my pussy. I moan and rise on my tippy toes. Slash! My other thigh stings worse than the first!

Do you feel how tight you are? He asks. I nod and moan again as I feel another finger join the first. The mirror shows a depraved yet intriguing scene – a stranger with his fingers inside of me, my nipples hard and bouncing with my hard breaths, my eyes glazed. He walks behind me and orders me to bend over. I do so while struggling to maintain balance with my arms still behind my back. Nothing is keeping them there except for my fear of being punished. He sees this in me and tells me that he will give me ten strokes with the cane on my soft behind, and I must take it like a good girl. I open my lips to beg for mercy, but knowing that I’m having treasonous thoughts, he walks around to my side and lashes out at my breasts. I lose my breath at the pain and start tearing up in earnest. I zip my mouth and hang my head, silently letting him know I will obey. He tells me, Unfortunately, since you disobeyed, the number is going to go up to fifteen. My thighs tremble in fear that I won’t be able to take that many and at the strain of keeping my balance on the tables.

Ready? He asks. I nod and roll my lips together in preparation to keep from screaming. 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! Alternating cheeks. 6! 7! 8! 9! A little lower on the fleshiest part of my cheeks. At this point, the tears are running down my cheeks, but I’m determined to take all the lashes. 10! 11! 12! Even lower, on the upper part of my thighs. 13! I realize that I no longer feel the sting, just a visceral impact that recedes to a burning tingling heat.

He warns me that the last two are going to be the hardest. I whimper but know that I can take it. I brace myself. 14! 15! One on each butt cheek, indeed extra hard. I look up into the mirror and see tears running down my face, but an odd glow of accomplishment and pride blossom within. I have a contrary serene and aroused look on my face. I feel wetness running down my thighs, and at first, I think it’s my tears falling down to my legs. Then I realize what it really is. I’m so aroused by the punishment that my pussy is dripping. I bite my lips in a secretive smile.

Are you ready for the rest of your training? He asks. I nod again knowing after the fifteen lashes, I can take on anything. Stay there, he instructs. He climbs on the table behind me, balancing with ease with his much longer legs. I hear him unzip. Then gentle caresses soothing my sore butt cheeks. I close my eyes in anticipation. I’m not disappointed.

His cock thrusts home in me. I try to not fall over and almost let go of my arms behind my back, but at the last moment, I feel his large hands gripping my hips keeping me in place. Thrust thrust thrust! He whispers in my ear, Your ass is burning hot against me. I’m going to have to beat you regularly because it gives me pleasure to fuck your red ass.

I throw my head back and moan, begging him to keep going. I want him to pound me harder, trusting he won’t let me fall. My sore cheeks are extra tender, and with each thrust, I am reminded of the pain from the cane. More thrusts, and he pinches my nipples slightly. I come, tightening around him, straining for more pleasure and my reward. Through my orgasm, I feel him pounding harder and faster until he comes as well. I feel a sense of satisfaction at making both of us proud.

I stand there still bent over and heaving after he leaves, reveling in the aftershocks of such an intense experience.

He stands in front of me and says, Get dressed. You’re going on stage tonight.

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