Legal Corner

Just so you don't feel so bad
SANMONICAGUY 19 Reviews 12019 reads
1 / 15

I was seeing the same provide from 3/05 - 12/05, with declining satisfaction rating from her.  I continued seeing her once or twice per month; as long as I was paying her everything was ok.
In Dec. she called me from an attorney's office crying saying she needed a favor, could I pay $5000 to her attorney to handle a legal problem that was always a topic of conversation when I saw her.
The attorney faxes me the form for my credit card # I faxed it back to him $5000 went to the attorney's account, there was a statement on the Form I did not like but to help the provider I signed.  The statement says: “My signature below acknowledges my agreement to waive any dispute of this charge with my credit card company.”  
The other problem I am having with this provider, after her attorney started filing the paperwork against her previous one and only she became concerned he would cause problems for her here so she split to San Francisco to be with one her steady SFO Johns.  She had a RO issued against him
because of a argument they had and he hit her.
Before she left she asked me if I knew a mechanic who could fix her Infinite, so I directed her to my mechanic she towed the car, left it on a Thursday night and split, she send me an email asking if I could pay for the repairs and have the mechanic hold the car until she gets back to LA, I paid another $850.00 to cover the parts & labor on the repairs so the car would be held until she get back to LA. (I did this more to help my mechanic because he is very good.)
Not a word after the email asking for another payment, now I am out $5850.00 and then by accident looking at the EROS Site I find she is in London; working…she used another guy to pay for her trip and is using another name in London.
(the EROS London Adv. had her name she uses in LA)
After this description of a Man Behaving Stupid can I sue her for $5850.00 and hopefully get a judgment against her in LA County?

rodmewell 12 Reviews 8801 reads
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Where is the car; who owns it and what's it worth?

I would file two small claims cases against her, one for $5,000 the other for $850, serving them on her through her lawyer.  With the judgments' I'd lien and seize her car if she owns it or has enough equity in it.

And I'd do it fast.

Bill Rehnquist 6407 reads
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of your problems - I mean, assuming you want to risk the discussion of how this debt arose.  Eg.,  is there anything but your statement that this was a loan, not a gift?  Oh well, she'll almost certainly default anyway.  It's not like she has any credit.

The critical question I would ask here is, how do you expect to enforce the judgment?  Something tells me she would not be begging for money and then running off to London if she had any assets that would be subject to execution.  Just a guess, you know.   And there's not a lot of my live buddies who are interested in a lousy $5-6K judgment.  That's the breaks.

I have an idea!!  You can watch all the legal notices in all the newspapers for the next 20 years to see if she inherits anything.   OK, OK, I've had my cheap laugh at your expense.   You might think about chalking this up to experience.  At least you didn't marry her.  That would have been expensive.

LVP 2 Reviews 10887 reads
4 / 15

I know a fellow TERmite that loaned an ATF $6,000 and  now he can't find her. I have "loaned" a one time ATF   $1,200 but I knew I would never see it again. About a month later she retired. Just move on Kind of makes you feel like Kenny on "Rescue Me" don't it

-- Modified on 1/25/2006 12:58:03 PM

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 6366 reads
5 / 15

like, chain her to the bedpost.

wannarideher See my TER Reviews 8631 reads
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I am available in LA for the first week of Feb. I won't have a car and I have no debts or outstanding bills so far.  I am kinda cute too and I don't eat much

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 8200 reads
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Sure. Go Ahead. Love to hear the outcome.
How will you get her to court if she lives in London ? The Keystone cops going to transport her back to America?

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 9571 reads
8 / 15
SANMONICAGUY 19 Reviews 8728 reads
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Last 6 months has been bad for me correcting money owed me, got screws out of a large amount because the guy took advantage of the old bankruptcy laws and filed,  all I got to show for my efforts is a mechanic lean on a property that my be very had to collect if the building is sold.
And then this provider, who with diminishing personal satisfaction screwed me out of over 6000USD, I only want 5850USD for her legal fee’s and the car repairs I paid for,  this one really bothered me because I think the woman personal practice is to gain men’s good feeling and then screw them out of money after you already been paying for her time.

LVP 2 Reviews 8083 reads
10 / 15

I'm sure that's never been done before. Stop kicking yourself in the ass wright it off and go find a new lady

oral_1 8904 reads
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I found out the hard way, but only $700 over a years time.  I was foolish enough to pay for a plane ticket after that, but the ironic ending was that I found money in my house that she left which more than covered the plane ticket.  She calls from time to time, but she will NEVER see the inside of my house again. As for the $700, I have everything in writing, but I am sure that her risky lifestyle will catch up with her sooner than me taking her to small claims court and I don't want to explain anything to da judge.

AnjieLina See my TER Reviews 8700 reads
12 / 15

There's really not much you can do in this type of situation. You can file a small claims, because a verbal agreement is as good as written, but who's to say what she has something else up her sleeve? Did you contact her attorney that processed your credit card and did you go over the disclaimer when you signed? For future reference, a good advice and it works well, when signing a document next to your signature always put in parentheses ex. (All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice)! It helped me! :)

-- Modified on 3/31/2006 1:02:20 PM

3centagos 7597 reads
13 / 15

The thing to remember is that people who have credit worthiness get loans from financial institutions. For what its worth, if you 'lend' money to someone like this consider it a gift or don't give it at all.
I learned this leason from experience so I sympathize..

boardmember 7756 reads
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I loaned a provider $25,000 with a verbal agreement and was paid back every penny with interest.

sbjohnwe 13 Reviews 7324 reads
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have the mechanic file paper work on a non pick up for the car.. then you can sell it .. sell the car .. then take the cash from it pay it .. and take what you get and be happy

FYI its a storage fee thing for the car its been left there and is basically been over a certain amount of days... very simple

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