Legal Corner

Boston recently had several incall busts...
rachel_hope69 12022 reads
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I am new to the business, and most of my business is incall. I try to not say anything that could be incriminating when talking with clients. Does LE usually run stings against incall providers (that is not in a hotel), and if they do, what sort of stragtegies do they use?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 10136 reads
2 / 7

in the Brighton area.  Cops would call up and make dates, often repeating a few times and then cuff the provider and bring them in.

Best stategies?

Get references and check out background.
Stay up with the boards because news of busts often appear there first, also keep an eye on the local papers.

Stay off of Craig's List, the cops seem to use that as their prime source for finding marks.

Develop a sense for what's right and what is not.  That gut sense saves a lot of providers hides.

wannarideher See my TER Reviews 11672 reads
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I often find that reference checks are complicated as providers can lie to get rid of bad clients or make deals with DA

I often take clients like lawyers, doctors and sales people who I can drop in their workplace

many cops can have their own business and several have a truck drivers liscense so don't trust someone whose says he is a trucker

I meet my clients for lunch or dinner. I haven't had legal trouble yet but I also don't advertise in the newspaper or craiglist

I also have a personal ad in yahoo mentioning that I was shy and needed positive friends for advice on running a business and encouragement.

I also never mention money on the date and I never count it in front of the client. I go to the bathroom and look at it. I also never mention condoms. I am extremely paranoid but b/c of it....I am getting a healthy string of repeat clients. I am also looking into a real small business like image consulting for tax reasons.

cross your fingers
I get a speeding ticket every year but I know people who never got one :p

cowgirlrider See my TER Reviews 8026 reads
4 / 7

I have come across LE where they are pushy and ask for incall. They can also insist on bringing their pagers or cell phones. If I did incall don't allow the client to bring anything. I mean anything other than a gift, discreetly wrapped.

When they get to the door insist they show valid ID most of the time cops don't want to do it, especially if they lied about their name. Just don't mention that before hand.
If they insist bringing their stuff or cells,then let them know they can't enter until they do. . Why do they need their cell phones and pagers?

I would also be very leary about outcalls when you meet someone at their hotel and they have small bags or briefcases. Especially if their local guys, again why do they need to bring any items with them?

Don't think some cops don't enjoy a little fun before busting you.. they just might.

Rudy50 15 Reviews 7901 reads
5 / 7

I have lived and worked in a major metro area for 30 years as a lawyer.  My briefcase is my cover.  If I run into someone I know I can always say I am meeting a client or a witness.  If I have nothing in my hands, at least a file folder and legal pad, then the cover story seems shaky.  I've also brought bottles of wine in the briefcase, which seems less suspicious to prying eyes than carrying a bottle into a hotel (when the front desk folks never saw me check in) in the mid-day or late afternoon.

cathyb 7848 reads
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I agree & also I prefer a social situation & to get to know someone

kyrathomas 8845 reads
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For someone starting out what should the phone screening process sound like

everything from getting a feeling for the cust. to revealing location for appointment?

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