Las Vegas

Yes your excellency. As soon as you kiss my ass! lmao (eom)
Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2413 reads


I have a very good friend that has e mailed me, telling me of his up and coming date with a certain high profile provider......

What would you tell him ... steer clear, proceed with caution, dive in head first ....

My fear is that this provider will break his heart and crush his spirit which at times can be fragile. Yet, he really wants to see her.

I question her intentions as to why she made this date, hopefully not to just humiliate him ?!?!?! months ago she openly made fun of him on the boards

I truely hope I am so very wrong ..however, I just can't see this session turning out well .. good luck and Happy Holidays my friend

-- Modified on 12/20/2005 3:20:36 PM

If you want to tell more of the story, PM me, and I'll try to help.  Not much to go on here, for fairly obvious reasons.

Otherwise, I'd probably give him the pros & cons, and hope for the best.  He's a big boy, right?

him the cons ... couldn't think of any pros he did say he'd watch his back and read the posts ....when it's all said and done i'll expand on it for you ........

anytime you get your big head into the situation  more than your little head you're heading for trouble.  The big head should stick to keeping the little head happy, not the other way around.

hear .. i hope all is well with you ... great advise .......

Not quite sure how someone can in one session break someone's heart and crush their spirit ..........

Some guys get off being humiliated do you know,  maybe that is what he wants . ;-)

"She openly made fun of the
guy"................does he know that ? did he see the post ? if yes , well he is a big boy if it doesn't bother him why should it bother you ?

Why did she make the date ?? Well does she know it is the same person ?

Sometimes what not may work for one person actually works for another . So unless she is a rip off , I guess he should just find out for himself .

Besides no matter what you say , sometimes people have to learn for themselves .
Reminds me of the guys who go to strip joints and think   "she really likes me, we really clicked" You try to warn them,  but do they listen ? no ..................then thousands of dollars later and not even  "getting any"  they finally understand geez I should have listened to you ..........but then there is that one that really did like him .

Hopefully things will work  out well.
Happy Holidays .
xoxo CindySpice

let him make his own mistakes.  All you can really do as a friend is caution him on the potential downsides but some people just need to learn on their own.

Here's to a happy new year,

For a minute, I thought he was talking about you Bob...just kidding.

Have a good holiday

Something tells me with this kind of story (which I've heard before by the way) that maybe this imaginary friend is... well maybe.. but..

In any event, he must make his own mistakes and learn from them assuming he is a big boy. Stay clear of giving advise on this one.

Advice is vey similar to opinions at times, & you all know what they say about opinions? Anyway, for some reason? Smarty seems to have some inside information on this one? "Stay Clear", hum.......

bushyman1887 reads

Hi Spinner, and everyone

Spinner, I'm the one that emailed you with who I WAS going to see. For obvious reasons I cannot post my real name here but Spinner knows me and most of you should.

Im very greatful that I do have friends here who watch out for me and caution me. I have decided not to go through with the date and see this person. I have someone much better to see who MEANS ALOT to me. Spinner knows who I am talking about. Although I have been warned about this certain provider, I am not going to let myself get hurt by seeing her but I am curious to hear the backround of her. Could someone be so kind to settle my curiosity about her and what shes done? Please PM me. Now I just have to figure out a way to get out of this DATE without sounding like a jerk.

Thanks Spinner,  and everyone I really appreciate this.


P.S. by the name of my handle all the more reason not to see this provider :).

-- Modified on 12/21/2005 9:59:49 AM

unfortunately we can't PM an alias. Please feel free to contact me via PM if you wish.

bushyman1678 reads


You have NEW MAIL.


Give ME a PM.... If we are talking about the same person, I can surely set things straight.

NON of these guys,( who have posted above.>) have ever had a date with me.. NEVER>. except Cuddles.. I don`t get it.. why so many feel the need to talk about me, ALL THE TIME..... without ever meeting me..????????????I`m really tired of this.. and yet, I`m always the bad guy here. it seesm you guys are really stepping out of bounds here.. !!

Spinner wouldn't talk, so you had to out yourself?  And I need to see you to give a guy general advice about some mystery woman?

OK, you're on.  But be careful, cuz I bite!  Well, nibble really, but sometimes I lose control of myself, and I hear that you're the type of woman that can make that happen.

we have a guy that will take the chance.. and live on the WILD side.. Ok.. lets meet and.. LOL.. tHEN you guys can talk all you want. with the true FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This rumor of retirement...can it wait til the holidays are over?  I've been appointed as chief temporary guardian of an 8 y.o. for the week, and I think we'd get arrested if he was allowed to watch the festivities...YIKES!!  On the flipside, he's pretty good behind the lens of a,damnit I'm stickin to my guns...he's gotta miss this trip.

said behind my back.. so. yea.. I think some of the guys here need to see me.. and get FIRST HAND imformation.. so. yea.. I care.. and I would like to let these rumors be put to rest.. I`ve had a weird-ass last 24 hrs.. and I would appreciate that when you post things on the board.. ( yes about me).. make sure you kNOW ME.. believe me when I say this..  there will be ENOUGH to write about.. AFTER MEETING me.. LOL.. !! thanks.. Acidom.. looks like I have something to prove  so yea.. I`ll wait on the retirement  and for YOU!!>>.LOL

If you've got a VIP, send me a PM and we can begin to work out the details.  Most of the ladies that I've met have been great, and I'd love to add you to that list.

All I have ever wanted was the true LJ Montana experience. Flat out!

We have no Hi jacked this post and we have put it into the new and renewed LJ Montana Fan clud. Acidom: President (out of comission till after holidays) Smarty: Executive Vice President (always in the office to serve. And I do serve well.

Guys beleive LJ when she says that one... I could write short story of my time with her...

I, for one, have no idea whether or not Spinner was talking about you, and don't give a bleep one way or the other.  My comment had to do with his friend.  If the guy has some emotional reason for wanting to see some gal, whoever she is, he is asking for trouble.

On the other hand, I hear you can suck a guys brains out, so if he has a mental case, maybe he needs to come see you.  hehehehehehehe

.> Spinners"   P.C.. its about ME!!!!!!!!!!..  .. remember yrs ago.. spinner.. and you wanted to see me.. for 300 dollars and then you said you would promote me.. cause everyone READ your reviews..????????  remember.. that.. UMMMMMMMMMMMM.. and I said.. I didn`t need your cheap PROMOTIONS..??? maybe now.. everyone will see the light!!!!!

Going to be in Vegas 1/12-1/27 and would love to find out, first hand, just how good you are.

At least that's what I've heard from Jenni. I'd love to spend a couple hours with you as recommended by Jenni for a high level work-out. Perhaps in January.

ok. we are on.. Jenni is one of the cutest and sexiest escorts around.( WAY better in PERSON..) yea.. tell her.. I`ve seen some of her videos.too.!! LOL.

LOL, yep I am one of the dirt bags above I guess. But I have to confess I don't know what Spinner OR is friend is talking about.

And since you appearing again, may I extend again, my deep desire to see you for the FIRST AND EVER time. All this has nothing to do with me. And, I guess from your remark for some reason it does with you.

If you will have me I will be there. lmao

about who that has done what ???

Now I am confused , your the guy that had all those nice gifts , dinner plans and limo for your lady friend .........what happened to her ??

and I still don't understand how one can get "hurt" from one session ???

Last week I saw a guy who was told by a hobbyist "oh you shouldn't see her" .........but he did see me , and we had a great time.

geez and they say women gossip so much LOL LOL

How to get out of the date ? be honest , there is always 2 sides to every story .......maybe she has something to say .

Hope this helps, good luck
Have a , happy and fun Holiday Season
and a Happy , Healthy New Year
xoxo CindySpice

Until you have actually MET me.. please do not give advice on ANYTHING to do, about me..!!! I have not a clue.. why you feel the need to act like you KNOW me.. YOU DO NOT..I have NEVER MET YOU IN PERSON.. !! get it..????????? now.. give it a break..>> Glenn just e-mailed me.. and  we have talked quite a bit.. ( he is a very special and super nice guy.>)  yea, I have gotten to know him.. and LIKE HIM>>> Now..take my ADVICE.. get lost!!

oh. yea. I can NEVER spell...LOL.. ADVISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just curious as to why Spinner had to even start this.... If you(Spinner) have met with the provider than an opinion/advice could be given. That is the purpose of a "review", which your friend can read , and make his own decisions. If you cannot offer any first hand knowledge, than stay out of it. Just by starting this thread it seems like you are trying to justify yourself on speaking out on a subject you have no personal knowledge of

A LJ and Lee Chase duo! Where do I sign up? Two of the sexiest, classiest ladies I've ever met! Maybe next time!

Unless you've met either lady, you don't know what sexy is!

sheika fatima2338 reads

Oh no!!! Not the dreaded Glenn, the dreaded Glenn of Arizona. Please don't do it. Oh please, oh please, oh please. He is always special and super nice-in the beginning, but I heard he is definitely connected with you know who, and none of us want anything to do with that. Isn't there another way to settle this without starting a range war? I mean this Glenn thing is serious stuff. Hey, money is just money, a service is just a service, and a date is just a date, right? So, let’s try and work this out, O.K.? There are things we all can do.  Right? I mean, it’s like this: I do you a favor and you do me a favor; and everybody is happy. It’s just a business. There’s enough to go around, right? But, please, oh please, oh please, not the dreaded Glenn of Arizona! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!

Every time I see a guy in Vegas and around the countryside who has seen LJ Montana behind closed doors, I invariably hear the guys say she is the best sex they ever had.
I heard it so many times from my clients that I finally had to meet her for myself, and that is when I took the picture of her and porn boy.
Otherwise I try to stay away from board drama...but her sex reputation is stellar from what I hear. And last time I checked that is why most of us are out here anyway.
Lee Chase

Look at all the trouble you cause LJ. LOL -- I just love the Fire & Ice---  I have a Little Blue Box to put under your tree -- nothing in it -- just a little blue box ---  Miss Ya Babe

Are you saying that LJ has a blue box?  I've read a lot of her reviews and they've never said anything like that!!!  Here I'm just about to keep her from retirement for just a little longer, and the truth comes out about some mal-colored body part.

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