Las Vegas

Re:And then she smiled...
Sierraoflv 9796 reads
1 / 24

I am probably going to get flamed for it but I have got to get an honest opinion.  Do guys prefer looks vs. personality vs. service vs. rates or do they prefer all the above?  And just curious can and do girls "buy" their own reviews?? I mean is that possible?  I have always been an honest person when it comes to reviews.  And that if he has seen me that I will ask him to write a review if he doesn't mind.  And do women really like bbbjtc or are they just doing it to get more business?  And like I said over there, if I offend anyone I appologize sincerely!!!


SuperBowlKen 7976 reads
2 / 24


Not sure why this would offend anyone.  There will be many opinions on the matter, but your questions are fair ones.  So here are my thoughts:

Personality is #1.  Without it, the session will probably drag on for both of us.  I want to enjoy the company of the lady and hope that she enjoys mine.  #2 is looks.  Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and what grabs my eye, may not for some else.  But being with someone whose looks appeal to you, makes the session even more exciting.  Service and rate ties for #3.  I feel these go hand-in-hand.  Within reason, the better the service or service available, the higher the rate may be.

As far as reviews, I have seen a couple of websites where the lady offers a discount for the next session if a review is written.  But that is the closest that I have ever seen a lady "buy" a review.  I know many ladies, as you mentioned, will ask a gent to do a review if things went well and he is comfortable with writing one.

The final question about BBBJTC seems more worded to the ladies, but I will give you may thoughts.  I definitely want a BBBJ, but TC is not required or not always taken if offered.  Yes, I do think that some ladies are doing them to help increase business, but I feel that most ladies that I see do them because they enjoy giving them and it increases the overall level of the session.

That's my .02,

scorpiobill 2 Reviews 8694 reads
3 / 24

Hi1 I don't see why you'd get "flamed" by asking these questions.I can only tell you my feelings on the subject,and I'm sure other guys may feel differently.I'm an over-50 guy that wants a "younger" woman (25-40)and I since I'm paying good money would like an attractive woman with a pleasant personality.I don't have any need for stuff like Greek or BBBJTC.As a matter of fact,several years ago,before condom use was mandatory in NV brothels,I got an infection from being given a BBBJTC (long since cleared up,thank God :-))I don't even know why people want to engage in such risky behavior,it's no fun when you're going into see the doctor!As far as reviews;I've written good reviews on 2 providers,without being asked to,a third I saw,I didn't especially want to repeat with,so I wrote nothing.I realize the reviews are a controversial thing,maybe I guy demands a service not provided,or demands extra time,etc.then writes a negative review.It's hard to draw the line if these should be permitted or not.

SANDIEGOEXEC 9 Reviews 9259 reads
4 / 24

Sierra, Guys (most good ones at least) I think guys have to have some preference towards looks first and service/personality is a close second.  

For me, it is all about attitude and enthusiasm.  You can take the best looking girl in the world and she can charge a zillion dollars, but if she is not enthusiastic about the session and doesn't have the right attitude, it won't matter.  For example, someone who has a stunning body, great attitude and is willing to dress up in a French Maid's outfit and be attacked in every way is much much much more of a turn on that a bbbjtc ANYDAY of the year to me!   Just one guys opinion and I agree that I don't see any reason for anyone to flame your post!!!!

TxMike2001 8 Reviews 8288 reads
5 / 24

Q: Do guys prefer looks vs. personality vs. service vs. rates or do they prefer all the above?  

A: I prefer all of the above in a perfect world. In the real world personality and service are king. Of course I want someone with the face of Catherine Zeta Jones and the body of the newest Playboy centerfold if I can get someone that looks like that. I mean if someone said you could spend an hour of intimate time with someone and they said you could choose how he looked you might select someone with a Chippendales body and the face of George Clooney or Brad Pitt.
But, If she’s a 10 in looks and a 0 in personality she’s no good. If she’s a 10 in looks and a 0 in personality she’s no good.
But if she’s a 10 in personality and a 10 in service but a 4 or 5 in looks, I would be all over that.
Rates are only as much of a factor as my budget will allow.
I have noticed many providers are 500 or more and some of them will only book a 2 hour session as a minimum.
Now, I’m in my late 20’s and have gone back to college to finally get that elusive degree that I should have gotten long ago.
So, for me --- once I spend the money to fly to Las Vegas, pay for my hotel, pay for my food and other trip expenses --- I don’t have a thousand dollars to give someone.
And really, for my budget --- 500 can be stretching it.
So rates do come into play when I make my decision because my funds can be somewhat limited.
So to answer your question ---- Personality and Service are both tied at #1 most important, followed by looks, and then rates. Although as I said --- if the rate is more than $$$$$ --- that can price me out of my range.

Q: And just curious can and do girls "buy" their own reviews?? I mean is that possible?  

A: I have a feeling that there are some women who pad their stats a little bit. I don’t know exactly how. Maybe they join TER under false names and post bogus reviews. Maybe they get friends of theirs to do it for them. Maybe they offer certain clients discounted sessions or even free sessions if they post regular reviews of them that are very favorable. I don’t know exactly how they cheat the system --- But I am sure there are some who do. It’s sometimes suspicious when a provider has only been doing this sort of thing for a few months and already has several pages of great reviews and some other ladies have been doing this for years and have half as many reviews. I wish I could say for sure how this happens and who is and who isn’t doing it and how and why. Perhaps the TER Vegas moderator has better insight into this…

Q: And do women really like bbbjtc or are they just doing it to get more business ?

A: I don’t know. I wish all women loved BBBJTC some much that they would do it all the time. It would make life for men so much more pleasurable. BBBJTC is one of God’s gifts to men and women who practice it with joy and enthusiasm are worth their weight in gold. I have read and heard that some women love it and some women hate it. I would imagine that some women do like it and that some don't. I would say that is my opinion that more dislike it than like it based on the difficulty I sometimes have in my personal life finding a woman who does it happily. I think if women really understood how much men liked it and how much they could make themselves an indispendiable part of their lives by doing it for them --- then we’d see more ladies eagerly offering it.
I can think of no single thing I enjoy more sexually.
If given a choice between a lifetime with only penal/vaginal sex or only BBBJTC for the rest of my natural life ---
I would take the later. Just my two cents here.  
All guys might not have that opinion,
but all guys love a good BJ and nothing feels better sexually than a really good BJ without a condom, to completion from a woman who knows how to do it and likes to do it.

scorpiobill 2 Reviews 8335 reads
6 / 24

I agree with you,and I'm sorry I overlooked the obvious theme of attitude.I saw girls in my brothel days who were bored,tired,wishing they weren't there,etc. (I hope it wasn't because of ME!:-))That is a DEFINITE turnoff,it's difficult enough meeting a new person,and to get a bad reception is goodbye time for me.

wm2slc 6 Reviews 11013 reads
7 / 24

When I first saw your pictures on the web site, I thought (and you are) beautiful, great body, but she never smiles. Well when we finally got together and the opened to the prettiest smile I've ever seen. The whole package!!
I think some guys do look for certain things, but if they miss a chance to be with a woman like you, they are nuts. I think looks come first as when I saw your pictures I stopped and started looking into service and rates. Personality keeps me coming back.
I have had some ladies offer to give a great deal and special treatment for a review, but they never did see a review from me or did they see me again. If you look at new ladies, you can tell the ones that paid for a review. First one is 9 - 10 and then they drop to 6s or worse.
Oh, by the way I love the new pictures where you are smiling. What a doll!

Dancingbear125 11 Reviews 6799 reads
8 / 24

I would think that a girls looks will get a clients attention, but her attitude, service offered and enthusiasm is what will keep them coming back. I have seen women who were drop dead gorgeous, and utterly a bore to be with. I have seen other women who were average in the looks dept, but were just smokin' in every other way. They are the ones I see again.

Sierraoflv 10010 reads
9 / 24

San DiegoExec, I have to say that it is killing me with anticipation for the french maid, me bending over dusting your table and you just slip my panties to the side and my tight body with your hands all over rubbing, oh my goodness!!!!  I went to far!  I am sorry to everyone else that had to endure those thoughts of mine.....anyway, wm2slc, what can I say?  I miss you and wish we were still on the "open range" ;-p  Well, if you ask me and let me tell you I love women, I wouldn't care how much it cost to be with the right woman!  Looks and personality are eye to eye with me and service, well, I would just want to please her!!! Well those are my thoughts out loud!!


-- Modified on 2/2/2004 7:45:52 AM

sabre47 3 Reviews 8452 reads
10 / 24

I rarely post to a message board so bear with me.  Just like as the other gentleman I am also an over 50 guy that wants to meet a young lady between 25 and 40 who is good looking and has a wonderful personality.  However, I also believe it is the young lady’s personality that will have me returning to see her.  As you can see I very seldom do reviews but I admit if it wasn’t for reviews I would know very little about any lady.

Of course, I think that a smile just brightens up a woman’s face making her more beautiful.  Case in point, I met a wonderful provider last November who had no photos of her smiling though she was quite beautiful even without her smiling.   Anyway, when we first met I could not help but notice her beautiful smile. Her face just radiated from her smile. I think it made her even more beautiful! In addition to her good looks she had a great personality.  Like you said the whole package was presented before you.  Yes, I will definitely be seeing her again. Well, that is my two cents.

tba 20 Reviews 8779 reads
11 / 24

"All of the above" would be great but looks and personality are the most important for me.  I have a weakness for athletic, swimsuit model bodies (Know anyone like that?) and fun, lusty personalities.  As far as service, I'm not hung up on covered vs. uncovered, etc.  I remember the total experience and just want to have fun.  Rates are not a big factor...I have a "fun budget" but it's more important to me that I see who I want to see as opposed to just getting out as often as possible.

As for your second question if you are asking if I know of providers who have offered incentives to write reviews, the answer is yes.

Doverman 15 Reviews 10661 reads
12 / 24

Looks, personality, and service have always meant the most to me. These are the things that will keep me coming back as a repeat customer. If those things are achieved, then the rates really don't matter much. As far as reviews, I've never had a provider "buy" one from me. I always try to be as up front and honest about an encounter as I can. I do however respect a request to keep certain details of a meeting out of a review if that is her wish, especially if I plan to see her again.

Fermi2004 6 Reviews 8491 reads
13 / 24

The first statement you made " I wouldn't care how much it cost to be with the right woman", probably somebody with a bottomless money pit would agree with that, but when you combine it with the sencond statement " I (the client) would just want to please her (the provider)",  then it seems you are describing a financial and sexual slave, who will pay tribute and try everyway to please his master.   It is interesting to know this is what you think an ideal client should be.
Just in case, I misunderstood your statement, I apologize....

lothar 4 Reviews 8600 reads
14 / 24

I will take personality,service,with rates being a distant third. For myself, and engaging female will heighten my experience even more.If a provider tried to buy a good review, I'm the type that would refuse to see her again.It is important to me to have someone respect an honest review or posting.Perhaps too many forget that your fantasy needs tohave more than one person involved. If the provider is into your fantasy your experience will be that much better.

CHEYDOG 77 Reviews 9167 reads
15 / 24

Sierra, Your curiosity towards want men want is interesting to me. Only because during my one time meeting you I found you to be one of the most confident women I have ever meet!  You have incredible looks, a fantastic personality, intelligence and warmth! Basically eveything a guy could ever want in a companion.
But to answer your question, if you can't get along with the persons personality and you are not attracted to them physically, then the service will never be what it should be!
Be safe!

Sierraoflv 8776 reads
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You know what, no need to appologize!  It is ok, you see things your way and I see them my way.  No need to get upset about it!  I will elaborate a little.  I mean that if the woman were nice and sweet and attractive in my eye that I would pay whatever her rates are (to clear that up,if I was a man). ;-)  And as for pleasing her statement, means that I no how hard it is for these girls always giving to the clients I would just want to give back to her!  And no I think you are turning words that could be taken a bad way "financial sexual slave" is not what I said.  See I am a giver not a taker and if I was a man that is how I would want to be to her.  And as for me on how I think about my clients, well just ask don't assume that is how I look at my clients because you would get a long line of them that would tell you that I am a sweet heart!  Hey I have a question for you, are you are cancer or scorpian by chance?

Kisses and hugs to you Fermi2004


Sierraoflv 9246 reads
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You learn new things everyday from life and why wouldn't it go the same for learning about men or people in too?  I think that I want mens opinions on questions like this because I read and learn and that is what is going to make me better at what I do.  I want to give the best that is all!!  Anyway, thank you for the compliment!  

Take care,

Fermi2004 6 Reviews 10195 reads
18 / 24

That is a nice response.  
Maybe my interpretation was a bit extreme, but when I read the two statements,  it just seems to me its too much bias toward one side.    IMHO, as long as the client is pleasant and respectful, then it is the provider who should put all the effort into pleasing the client of course the client should have a proper resonse to the effort.   This is how a provider gets repeating visit from the clients, not the other way around, or am I wrong....

RedHeadMN See my TER Reviews 9211 reads
19 / 24

Sierra -

One of my favorite things to do is give French lessons and bbbjtcim is something I do enjoy.  I didn't used to do cim until I tried it with a regular and found I did like it.  I didn't notice any appreciable increase in business becuase of it, have always been pretty busy even without it.  Hope that helps.


Number 6 124 Reviews 9879 reads
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They're all important. There has been some discussion in the early days of TER regarding whether the right to review is included in the fee, but I think we've moved way beyond that.

Hope this helps.

tyrek88 24 Reviews 8560 reads
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To Sierra,

That was a great thread you started. I don't know why you were concerned.

My answer is easy.  I need all three and they are all equally important.

Sierraoflv 7836 reads
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But also I think that in every job comes with respect from employer to employee, from client to service provider and vice versa.  And me being a giving person like I am ,I am giving either way being a woman or if I was a man!  And proper response, I would saw truthful response.  I have seen some girls give their best and still the client didn't think so.  But who are you to say that someone isn't giving their best?  Wow, I would be scared to be your provider!  Maybe I couldn't reach your expectations :-)  Anyway, I like having discussions like this.

 I will try to come up with more interesting questions....

Take care Fermi2004  ;-)

Fermi2004 6 Reviews 9762 reads
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Well, actually I am very easily pleased.  For all the ladies I met (minus a few from angencies before these type of review board started) , I have never feel the need to write a bad review afterward....

justanotherobserver 9199 reads
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Ok, for me, all three are important.  The ladies that I have been with never asked me to exaggerate the reviews and say that something was offered in return for some discount or additional time, etc.

In terms of BBBJTC though, it is interesting to see that no one brought up the issue of STD's.  I mean let's face it, we all want to have fun but this isn't this very risky?  Everything I have read says that it is.  Is there some secret that makes it less risky?

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