
Carnival 47 reads

yes those are all billable hours

If you just go out for a drink with a kgirl do you need to pay her for her time?


most kgirls that I know do not go out with clients or they do not drink any alcohol.

Carnival48 reads

yes those are all billable hours


I agree with one proviso. If you're a regular with her and she enjoys your company it's possible that you can have an OTC friendship/relationship with a KGirl where you can have drinks, meals and do fun things outside of work. Happened to me once and was fun and good for my ego, but it also means if/when she needs help with something you'll be hearing from her too. For me I now realize it's just easier to pay as I go and forget the OTC stuff.

Kgirls generally do not participate in this type of getting together unless you have develped an ATF for quite sometime.

Reverse roles.  What if you are Brad Pitt (but not rich) who gets $400 an hour to fuck average looking women. Then some rich  woman wants to buy you a drink.  

Definitely, (you) Brad would expect $400 whether you are fucking or drinking with this rich woman.  The activity for $400 is up to woman who wants your company.  Right?  

That said, if you are good company, a Kgirl may ask you out.  Enjoy. It is a rare event.

I built up good relationships with both a J-Girl and a K-Girl by being a regular. By regular I mean I saw each one about three times a week (both stayed for three weeks I believe) during each of their bi-annual visits to the DMV. I did full hours with the K-Girl but did some two hour sessions with the J-Girl. During a late evening session with the J-Girl when I was the last client of the day, she wanted me to stay longer and hang out before we played again, so we talked a lot about the area, food, etc. As most Asian providers on tour, she wasn’t able to see much of the area or eat much beyond what the handlers bought for them (lots of salads) and never really ate American food beyond fast food. So I invited her out. She was happy to go, asked her handler to stop a little early one night, but she fully expected to be paid for her time. Was I disappointed that I still had to pay without play on top of paying for our night out? A little bit, but it was actually a nice little date where I got to expose her to some of the finer points of the American lifestyle and I still enjoyed my time albeit I felt like a simp. She was amazing arm candy though and gave occasional PDAs so at least I got a temporary ego boost in public.

No matter what, they’re business women and are here for that reason (unless they’re looking for a husband I suppose), and you should expect as much. Have some guys had better “luck”? Probably. But, I will say one thing. The date ended up paying dividends as the sessions with her after that were the best I’ve ever had throughout my hobbying lifetime by far. The only thing that could’ve been a drag, and another post mentioned this, is that she did ask for help with something that could’ve been risky, but she ended up not needing the favor. Would I do it again? Guess it depends how I feel at the time and if work is kicking my ass, but probably so.

Since I did mention taking a K-Girl out too, I’ll wrap up by saying she also expected to be paid for her time which ended up being a two-hour fee. The difference was that we spent almost four hours together — three hours to eat and briefly sightsee, then she had me come in and we had some fun before I left around 2am, and she told me not to worry about time. The other difference was that she really wanted to go to IHOP instead of a nice restaurant because she wanted to have pancakes then she also wanted ice cream so we went to a grocery store since everything was closed. She fell in love with Ben & Jerry’s, and I essentially got off cheap in comparison which was unexpected plus her requests were kind of cute and funny.

The moral of the story is that it may well cost you the donation to “date” a J or K-Girl, it could be a pleasant time, and you might end up being a source for help, but it might also be a worthwhile investment in the end.

Thanks...it seems like I should treated it like a sugar daddy situation.

Thanks everyone.  It seema like I should treat this as a sugar sugar daddy situation.

with a Kgirl she will usually be amenable to an occasional non-sexual date OTC as a show of appreciation for your loyalty and continued patronage.  It's strictly a thank-you situation, is about business and not personal, so if she agrees to go, don't read anything into it or think you are now her girlfriend.  You won't be.  Customer appreciation dates usually are gotten from Kgirls you are seeing weekly or twice a month.  You should get about ten sessions in before asking about a lunch or dinner outing OTC.  Otherwise, all Kgirl time is On the clock.    

As Riff says, everything has a price, and while these outings might be really fun, you will be regarded as the kind of friend that can help her out in an emergency.  In the first few months of Covid, I found myself with over a dozen "OTC friends" who were panicking about how they were going to make their next few month's rent.  I made loans to most of the ones who asked, which totaled over $55,000 in a 60-day period in early 2020.  All of them eventually paid me back as business picked back up except one.  A few of them gave me a free session on the day they made the last payment.  

While it's nice to be this kind of a friend to Kgirls and enjoy time outside the incall, if being asked for financial help now and then would be a burden then it's better not to start outside dating OTC at all.  Some, but not all, will go out with you ON the clock, and those kinds of dates will include time for sex.  I have a friend who books four hours with his regular and spends the first two hours having sex at the incall, and then two hours outside for dinner at an nearby upscale restaurant.  Ultimately, staying on the clock for multiple hours, including outside time, may still be the less expensive way to go for most in the long run, just like Riff found.

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