
All things must pass…..
CaptainRenault 2121 reads
1 / 19

Well, I’ve had a great run.  Lots of fun KGals over the decades, and many I was really fond of.  Had some wonderful interactions with many of the class members of this club/community, from CDL to the ever-classy Lopaw, and others, and have enjoyed almost every minute of it.  I’ve had a few mediocre experiences, but as the Man sang, “…too few to mention….”  But as the late George Harrison sang, “All things must pass away….”  

Well, my MD says “time’s up,” and I will be devoting my remaining moments on this glorious planet to family and earthly matters.

To all of you, have fun, be safe, and enjoy every minute of our wonderful “hobby” — happy holidays, and to quote one more genious, “…god bless us, everyone.”


apainter 28 Reviews 63 reads
3 / 19

Take care of yourself
Good luck

rgh550 59 Reviews 97 reads
4 / 19

We will all get there one day.  

You’re a class act.  

Please, get a second opinion.  

CaptainRenault 81 reads
5 / 19

My doctor said, you’re gonna die.  I said, I want a second opinion!  He said, ok you’re ugly, too!  Rodney D

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 70 reads
6 / 19

Sorry to hear the bad news. Wish you well and a peaceful transition.

netnoy 38 Reviews 69 reads
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Not sure what to say other than I hope you can go with a smile.  Enjoy your family and friends.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 76 reads
8 / 19

break a few hundred Kgirl hearts, not to mention Thai hearts, and of course, some Chinese hearts.  Is it possible you could just scale it back a little, but keep your finger in the pie (no pun intended)?  Lol

If there is anything I can do, PM me.

badger48 111 Reviews 75 reads
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his bill, maybe he'll give you another six months^^!

lopaw 29 Reviews 59 reads
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I have no words CR. I have so enjoyed our chats and I can't even tell you how much you'll be missed.  

Always in my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

JustLayingLow 57 reads
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CaptainRenault 75 reads
12 / 19

But my days of playing are over……..

But, as always, a gentlewoman and a scholar, Ms L……..

36363jensen 4 Reviews 72 reads
13 / 19

Hope your remaining time is both what you want, peaceful and happy for you with little pain.

For whatever comes next, hope it will be at least as good as what you will be leaving behind.

impposter 49 Reviews 70 reads
14 / 19

Louis, I think this is the continuation of a beautiful friendship.
We'll always have TER. ... I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of us little TER people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.  
I always enjoyed your posts ... and I almost always posted something about the other Captain Renault in my replies.
Be strong. Be happy.

Posted By: CaptainRenault

Well, I’ve had a great run.  Lots of fun KGals over the decades, and many I was really fond of.  Had some wonderful interactions with many of the class members of this club/community, from CDL to the ever-classy Lopaw, and others, and have enjoyed almost every minute of it.  I’ve had a few mediocre experiences, but as the Man sang, “…too few to mention….”  But as the late George Harrison sang, “All things must pass away….”  
 Well, my MD says “time’s up,” and I will be devoting my remaining moments on this glorious planet to family and earthly matters.  
 To all of you, have fun, be safe, and enjoy every minute of our wonderful “hobby” — happy holidays, and to quote one more genious, “…god bless us, everyone.”  

magmemorial1 31 Reviews 61 reads
16 / 19

Wish you the best possible, under the circumstances.

Like you said, all things pass.  I'm glad you're able to say at this point that you've had a great run.  Many people go through life without this privilege.

Looks like you have some great memories, and that's all any of us can hope for.  Time to get your things in order, also a privilege that a lot of people don't get.

Some day, we'll all get there and can only hope we get to say the same things you did.

inicky46 61 Reviews 69 reads
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team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 56 reads
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I wish all the best to your family and hope you enjoy your last moments on earth and are surrounded by your loved ones.

And I hope you had a blast with the community here and mongering community in general. As well as actual hobbying, of course. To have it end so abruptly is heartbreaking.  

Cheers and I'd say stay strong. Miracles are rare but they do exist sometimes.

Jay_Wolf 8 Reviews 54 reads
19 / 19

I'm sorry we never had the chance to interact. I was MIA for many years and even now rarely post anymore.

Your post and overall demeanor given your circumstances are both courageous and honorable. I hope you're able to make the most of this last chapter. It sounds like you had a hell of a run and kudos for that.  

Wish there was more I could say....all the best to you.

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