
Thanks F., now Filmhits won't need our report. (EOM)
FILMHITS 31 Reviews 7762 reads
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Hi. I just purchased a  house  in  Palm Beach area. There is  a security guard at the gate  as people come  in, who asks visitors for a Picture I.D.. I can always call ahead and say who I am expecting.but the picture ID  , well,I am afraid  some of my favorite  providers  will not  want to see me due  to this security measure> Any suggestions?Has  anyone else had to go through this?.. I do not want to  go outcall, as I enjoy the  time  in my  home, with a quiet drink, etc. Input appreciated.

BlindGuy 13030 reads
2 / 9

Meet your providers at a nearby shopping center/mall, Starbucks, etc. and drive them to your home. If the providers are with you as you enter your gated community, they shouldn't have to show their IDs.

Jill Morgan 9986 reads
4 / 9

I've encountered this with clients and don't feel comfortable showing ID.

I have had instances where they have phoned ahead to security and an ID was not required.

1way 12515 reads
5 / 9

..when you pulled up the gates submitted to you and automatically opened. Upon seeing this, the guard bowed his head and knew that you were the reigning queen; no ID was needed that day.

That is what I saw on that special day.

-- Modified on 9/25/2003 4:05:35 AM

fortitude 10290 reads
6 / 9

I parked in a lot outside, she pulled up and drove me in.  No problem.

1way 10268 reads
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FILMHITS 31 Reviews 11094 reads
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Blindguy's idea of meeting  outside in a nearby place, and then return  the lady to her car. I do believe that even if I call the "Gatekeeper"and  give the name of the person I am expecting, they still want to see a photo ID. ESPECIALLY If the lady's name I give Is  "Double44D'S!..(mmm How about a Costco card with photo on it????...-:) 1WAY's concept of spending time to assess the situation may be valid,if he brings along  his favorite 2 providers!...Any other thoughts from experience?? If this  security  crap kills my hobbying, I'll just have to move to a community  where the gatekeepers are all beautiful  providers, and all they check out are my  under the waist references!!!

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