FKK Clubs

Re: How Was Your Visit on Sat 15Nov?
jim765 1 Reviews 4526 reads
1 / 10

I have recently seen varied reports on the Globe in Zurich.

I made two visits over the weekend, on Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening.  Was completely blown away both by the quality of the ladies and service.  Saturday had a lot more choices than Sunday but both days were great.

I have been to various German FKKs before, but have to say that the Globe beat them all hands down, at least for me.

Are there any other locations in or near Zurich worth visiting?

lalabo 85 Reviews 1386 reads
2 / 10

"Globe is better than German FKKs" is a common opinion expressed by hobbyists in various forums. I am glad you came to the same conclusion after visiting Globe. Like you I have visited many FKKs in Germany (I loved them all).  

I am on my way to there in two days for a 2 week Zurich & Germany trip. I will be in Zurich for 5 nights (Nov 15, 26-29) and the rest of the time in Germany.

Are you going to be in Zurich this Saturday (Nov 15)?

LostSon 43 Reviews 1216 reads
3 / 10

Ok the globe website looks like a damn issue of playboy!

LostSon 43 Reviews 1310 reads
4 / 10

Can anyone reliably get the website to translate into English OR can recommend an English discussion forum that deals with the Globe girls?


lalabo 85 Reviews 1329 reads
5 / 10
lizard50 1438 reads
6 / 10

Posted By: LostSon
Can anyone reliably get the website to translate into English OR can recommend an English discussion forum that deals with the Globe girls?  
The ISG forum in the most active English language forum for reports on Globe. FWIW, 6profi is owned by the owners of Globe.

LostSon 43 Reviews 1206 reads
7 / 10

Tons of reading to do but so far most agree Globe is it!

High5 20 Reviews 1236 reads
8 / 10

Hey Lalabo,

How did it go on your maiden visit to Globe last Saturday? As good as what has been said and if so which ladies did you see?

I'll be there probably the week after you from Wed 3rd or Thu 4th Dec though there may be a chance I may stop by earlier on Sun 30 Nov. Not sure yet.

If you do head back on the Wed 26th Nov, could I ask a favor from you? I'll PM you with details on the other English speaking board mentioned in this thread as I currently only have basic privileges on this one.  


lalabo 85 Reviews 1268 reads
9 / 10

I just saw your message. I am glad you found me on the other website.
I was not impressed by the lineup at Globe on Nov 15. I saw only one girl from Romania named Madlen ( ) for 30min. I still have my hopes up about Globe. I hope my visit next week is going to be one that every ones talks about.
In the meantime, I am having great time in NRW clubs, especially at GT.

maDhAtt3R 11 Reviews 1089 reads
10 / 10

Globe would most likely have the more attractive girls as a whole. The club management performs a lot of screening to make sure the typical Swiss customer gets the best quality and service. The Swiss are known for their attention to this. My experience at Globe was overall quite good. I have been to Globe sometime back (1 year back) and it was for about 2 days. I fucked about 4 girls per day. All the girls provided excellent service for the 30 mins except 1. I still prefer Germany FKKs over Swiss FKKs for the overall cost/quality ratio and the driving/parking convenience. It's worth it to check it out for yourself and then judge. Enjoy!

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