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I'm not sure if this is a permitted question or not, but in the hope it is, I'll try: What do London agencies typically charge the providers they affiliate with?  A flat amount, or a percentage of the fee, and if the latter, what's the usual percentage?

I've always been a bit curious about this, but even more so after seeing a couple of adverts this morning for the same girl from 2 different agencies. One quoted a particular hourly rate, but the other listed the same person at an hourly rate fully 50% higher.  It made me think that someone is getting a bad deal.  

(FYI -- I may need to be in London in another month or two, and wanted to get a little advance research in.)

DM or email me and i'll give you some info xx

Agencies charge a small % with most of the fee going to the Escort.  Sometimes girls charge high prices then do not get any bookings then ask the Agencies to reduce the price maybe one of the sites forgot?

Hope that helps

"small percentage"? 30%-50% is pretty normal

50 sounds dodgy to me  It suggest that someone is provoding accomodation and this is illegal all girls should have own places independly

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