
Anyone here seen Emily Hunter before
stickglue 9 Reviews 2394 reads

She looks great, but could not find reviews.

Any help greatly appreciated!

I can tell you that she's real AND adored. Emily held the #1 spot in Colorado for a long time.  
She doesn't need reviews, her reputation speaks for itself.

Appreciate your knowledge.  Before I commented above, I searched TER for her profile and couldn't find anything.  Unfortunately, many of us are dependent upon reviews.

Sorry, way late to this thread.  I don't normally read this board.  I saw Emily a little less than 2 years ago.  So, of course things can change in two years (or 10 or 12... looks like Mona has changed a lot in 10+ years!).  I saw her in Chicago for a four hour dinner date that we extended into an overnight.  So, yes you can infer I had a good time.

At that time she was indeed #1 in Denver on the (highly) flawed TER ranking system, and IIRC, she was about #30 on TER's all world list.  My understanding is she dropped out of the business for a while, and then I got an email from her a few months ago that she was back on a limited basis but had raised her rates quite a bit.  They were pretty high even when I saw her.  When I saw her she had an assistant who informed me she didn't 'allow' reviews, though I noticed some 10/10 reviews did somehow sneak into the record after I saw her.

I have also seen Denver's current #1, Ava Winters, several times, but never in Denver.  I only saw Emily once.  It looks like if you dropped the more than 10 year old reviews, Mona would be vying for #1 in Denver.

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