
We do not use fake photos...
laserpure1 3811 reads
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What is the best way to contact Chicago Elite companions?

I have tried calling them and messaging them but no answer!

 I would like to make an appointment



isawonereview 953 reads
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and they responded right away. i didn't call or text.

HoLogic 1028 reads
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The whole 'post under a different account and respond with an alias' trick.

Tell me, how do u guys get so many recent great reviews out of nowhere w/ no ads and pics that are dicey at best - thanks google.

so many many red flags

laserpure1 751 reads
4 / 36

Which email address did you use?

Posted By: isawonereview
and they responded right away. i didn't call or text.

isawonereview 755 reads
5 / 36

thats not the case here. i emailed them this morning, they replied within 5 minutes. i inquired about outcalls to the burbs, and they told me they only do outcalls within city limits. i also inquired about alternate ways of verification other than their screening form on their site.

i used the email on their site to contact them.

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 1107 reads
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CEC is now the biggest agency in the city. They also provide a constant flow of new talent each week. Their girls are very attractive. Their prices are higher then average but the pics are real. I know because some of our girls from the past work there when we closed down last March. CEC copied our business model and really is the only agency besides ours that has new amateur talent...they other agencies have worn out dancers and ladies that have been around the block...

juggles99 546 reads
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When I have emailed them before they don't respond very much... if I send another email they do. Then I'm afraid to come off like a jerk though... when I really just want a reply... I'm not clear how to set up appointments with them either since they have no form. I assume you just email them but have not tried yet. They have so many gorgeous girls it's ridiculous....

ScrapQueen 604 reads
8 / 36

-- Modified on 10/13/2016 8:04:02 PM

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 661 reads
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I don't own CEC. I wish I did. They have taken over the market. They are the most profitable. Their website sucks and they should use the phone but that is how the owner wishes to do business. The other agencies have old worn out girls that have passed through our agency as well as CEC. Also if you look at agencies like WetNWild, highclass chicago, 5 star companions,  they use fake pics. They have one girl named Nadia who in real life is about 40..She is in really pretty bad condition. Yet they advertise her as 25.  
CEC has pretty high standards as do we. However we have not recovered from our previous break and now the market belongs to CEC. That's just the way it is.

juggles99 563 reads
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Their website is a bit aesthetically out of whack but otherwise not horrible. Can you take over and fix that and reply to emails? I'd like to maybe meet some of these girls one day....

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 584 reads
11 / 36

You have to somehow contact their office and let them know their short comings.

juggles99 491 reads
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Still trying...

Since you are here... does EEC plan to service the surrounding suburbs of Chicago? The website says so but I've inquired before and was told no, just the city. I know EEC is out of business currently of course..

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 449 reads
13 / 36

We will be open on Monday. We can come to O'Hare but further out we don't have any customers. Is Schaumburg or Oak brook a good area?

juggles99 470 reads
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Schaumburg and Oakbrook are good areas. I mean, I assume there would be business there. They are definitely closer to me than the city.

WetWildEscorts See Agency Profile 513 reads
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We do not use fake photos.  One of our best sales pitch is no bait and switch.. and yes.  All escorts will rotate between agencies...  usually when girls run from agency to agency it's a red flag for me...  

But please dont make comments regarding WetnWild about useing fake photos.  

I think there is enough bussiness here in Chicago for all of us agencies... and everyone runs their agency differently but you know what... we're all making money.  

Let's work together not against each other :)  

Happy Sunday!  


PerkyDs 308 reads
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I've had the same experience with agencies.  They don't reply and you feel like they're blowing you off or are suspicious about you.  I've called a certain popular agency and they act like you're bothering them and want to get off the phone as soon as possible.  I stick with independents, much more reliable and easy going.

juggles99 277 reads
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I guess... it's just the agencies open up a lot of options. A lot of great looking options too.. oh well.

juggles99 473 reads
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There is a girl at WetNWild who shows up of few days on the site and disappears then comes back after a few weeks or so then disappears again. Is that a red flag or just she provides when she is available? I've been wondering for a while honestly.


WetWildEscorts See Agency Profile 453 reads
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Man... have you ever tried to manage 20 girls at a time? It's not fun... profitable but not fun! Lol  

We have some girls that come and go... and that's pretty much with any agency.  Sometimes girls quit and then come back.  Sometimes pics go up and then the girls change their schedule and I take them down.  

But in all honesty there are so many reason girls come and go... I try to keep everything current.  But I'm at the mercy of some not all but some unreliable girls.  

One reason a lot of girls get into this is because they can create and make their own schedule.  Sometimes it works sometimes it don't.  

Send me a PM if you tell wondering about a specific girl.  I try to be honest without disrespecting the girls privacy.  

Jaime :)

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 511 reads
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Well many of your girls have come from our agency. Alice for one. Milena for the other. Milena is using photos from September 2015 that were taken in my bedroom.  

Nadia also worked for me and not to mention her being a wack job she also looks over 40 years old...And not a good 40  year old but a rough one. I have pictures of her that we took but I am not going to post them.  

You have been around a long time and you should know better. However you can run your business how you wish. But when I make a statement it is based on facts. I am not simply making things up.

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 517 reads
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Yes you shouldn't have to go through so much trouble to book an appointment. They might be so busy they can't handle the volume.

juggles99 396 reads
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I wasn't calling you out or anything, just genuinely curious. I may send you a PM.


EECofchicago See Agency Profile 485 reads
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They are new. They took our business plan and our ex office manager and opened a business. When we closed in March our girls went to work there. And when we reopened this Fall CEC has the market share. They are learning what it means to have 20 crazy wild horses to herd. I think they are understaffed in their office. And that explains alot. It's not like opening a pizza shop or other type of business where you are dealing with rational normal people. In this business you are dealing with bi polar ego maniacs that want to rip you off and stab you in the back when the opportunity presents itself. And then you have clients that tell them they should charge more and that makes their egos go through the roof...Some clients even get paid to get another agencies girls to move to Michelle's for example. We had to blacklist a few people because of that. Michelle's gives them two free appointments. But in the end they get blacklisted from all other agencies...

NewYork_NewYork 596 reads
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This speaks volumes on how you must talk about clients, and also women working with you now. Calling a girl a whack job after she leaves your place of employment? You sound like a great person to work for.

-- Modified on 10/16/2016 5:30:53 PM

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 423 reads
25 / 36

Calling her a whack job is putting it nicely. These employees are not like employees from regular industry. These people are cunning snakes that are venomous and want to strike you and kill you. You are very naive....VERY....We actually like our clients. We protect them from the snakes...You have no idea about what these girls say about YOU!  
Clients ALWAYS side with the "innocent" poor little girls that are victims and being taken advantage of by the evil agency.....You really have no clue...These girls are predators...they lure you in and try to suck every dime from you like vampires... They steal everything that is not nailed down. They even steal from each other...They even steal each others used underwear! Then they get caught using the underwear in a photo shoot and have no words to justify themselves...

When you hire a girl in this business you already have to assume that someday down the road she will bite you...Even after you do more for them then any of their friends or family ever have. They will use you and betray you...The treachery is epic..more so then any any royal court from the past...The intrigue and drama is on a scale like no other.

ScrapQueen 423 reads
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If you hate women so much, why are you in a business where you're surrounded by them?

Also, like attracts like.

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 384 reads
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I don't hate women. I hate liars, thieves, and parasites. What is your address? I will send them all to you and you can live with them. They will steal your underwear and of course anything else you own..address please..

WetWildEscorts See Agency Profile 418 reads
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I'm not trying to start a war with you but I don't like the fact that your saying the photos are fake... but you really just said is that I'm useing old pics?  That I can deal with.  Even tho some photos are older they are not far off.  I mean Milena is still a young skinny brunette like the pics show...

Ok. Not fake pics but old pics... got it.  

Girls come and go...  you can't really take anything to personal....  

I just don't understand all this public bashing on the girls tho....  

Ok.  Gotta get my day started.... hope everyone has a great week!  

Posted By: EECofchicago
Well many of your girls have come from our agency. Alice for one. Milena for the other. Milena is using photos from September 2015 that were taken in my bedroom.  
 Nadia also worked for me and not to mention her being a wack job she also looks over 40 years old...And not a good 40  year old but a rough one. I have pictures of her that we took but I am not going to post them.  
 You have been around a long time and you should know better. However you can run your business how you wish. But when I make a statement it is based on facts. I am not simply making things up.

GaGambler 349 reads
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You do realize that customers, both current and potential are reading this, don't you?

If by your own admission, the hookers that work for you will still you blind, their employer, Why for fucks sake would any of us want ANYTHING to do with them, or with you for that matter?

Have you ever considered another line of work? You don't sound too happy with your current choice of careers. lol

It also begs the question, I wonder how all these liars, thieves and parasites feel about you?

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 437 reads
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Yes I realize it and that is why I post. So people will read it. I don't feel the need to sugar coat things. I don't need your business or your money sir. But I do think it is important to be honest. Even if the readers might not be ready for the truth..They will get it from me.

You don't seem to understand that all of the girls that have worked for me are also working at every single agency in the city....This is how it goes...They are all cut from the same cloth. The best thing to do is meet with girls brand new to the industry. They get sneaky pretty fast. At least when they are new they are some what normal. The longer they remain in the business the worse they get typically.  

Girls hate the agencies but need them. Clients hate agencies but we protect them as well as offer them new talent every week. Most agencies answer their phones on time and are easy to book with. It is hard to run a professional establishment when you are not dealing with professionals. We try to make the girls act like professionals and show up to appointments. We also have to deal with clients that are very difficult as well, like you for example. Most agencies do their best to make everyone happy. It doesn't always work. But we try. It's a thankless job, but it is a job.  

If I am a pimp....then what are you exactly??

EECofchicago See Agency Profile 386 reads
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Nadia has fake pics...Not Milena..she just has pics from my bedroom. Classy....

GaGambler 305 reads
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I am quite happy being a john, but you don't sound very happy being a pimp.

If I ever got half as jaded as you, and trust me I am QUITE jaded myself, I'd give up fucking hookers in a heartbeat.

Not all hookers are thieves and not all agency owners deserve the "pimp" label and believe it or not, not all hookers or johns hate the middle man that makes much of this happen. I have a LOT of agency owner friends, NONE of them half as jaded as you. I also know a lot of agency girls, turned Indy who have nothing but good things to say about their previous employers,  I don't hate agencies, but I can see why a POS like you is rather unpopular.

Lastly, I have hooker buddies who have been hookers for over a decade, I would trust them with my life, and even my money. Too bad you seem to bring out the worst in people.

One last final thought, If you think being an agency owner is a "thankless job" just check out the Atlanta board, you'd be amazed at how well liked and respected many of the agency owners are down there.

NewYork_NewYork 372 reads
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It isn't very often I trek on over to this board, but I have noticed you have very few nice words to say about anybody.

NewYork_NewYork 350 reads
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You most definitely need to stop pointing fingers at everybody else but you. As a leader, manager, owner, YOU are responsible for the results of your business. And that includes the culture and morale of the business.  

Who you accept into your business is on no one but you. If you feel herding wild horses is what is happening to you, perhaps that is an issue with you and not other people.

Any manager who is a good manager will hire good people who are like-minded to the mission and culture of the company. That right there is the KEY to everything. It is also a very strong representation of your management and leadership skills. Being a leader means you pick people who will want to follow. If you are herding wild horses, well, you are picking the wrong people.

If you work on your hiring skills, maybe things will run better for you in the future. If I worked for an agency owner who talked about ladies they themselves chose to represent their company, I would know immediately that it doesn't matter what I do. When working for a finger pointer who takes no ownership of their own mistakes, everything is going to be blamed on me. Along with backlash and public slander when I choose to get my but the fuck out of that situation and go somewhere that will treat me better.

NewYork_NewYork 276 reads
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Nobody of quality is going to do a search on this board, read all of your negative, bitter posts, and work for you. You will find negative people. Quality people look for quality and a place they can grow, learn, and advance. That's what makes them superstar employees.

Nort 256 reads
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I use both ECE and  wet n wild.. I personally prefer to work with agencies and I don't have any bad things to say about either agency. I've had the most fun with ECE girls and they are very hot :).

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