
Re:Reviews? Guy's let's be totally honest
ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 2161 reads

There is so much shilling going on nowadays that review sites like this have become worthless.  I know I'll catch flack for this, but I've been around the escort scene for close to 10 years now and all the review sites were better when providers did not have access to them.  Clients could post accurate information about their honest opinions without worrying about backlash, blackballing or drama wars. Ever since providers were able to gain access to the reviews I've noticed big trends... Reviews being continuously pulled, providers continuously changing their names, 9 and 10 ratings popping up all over the place, one time reviewers popping up all over the place and escort prices dramatically jumping now that they can see what other providers are getting.

This topic is an argument that can be beaten to death over and over again.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, reviews serve as a consumer reports for clients. It's information provided by clients which should only be made available to clients.  Let the clients decide which reviews are bogus or bias and keep the provider's out of it.

I understand some of the reasons why a provider would like to know what's being said about her and believe some of those reasons are valid concerns. But in the end, a provider shouldn't worry about those things if she follows a simple rule... "if someone says a lie about you, live your life in such a manner that no one will believe them".

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 5:41:31 AM

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 5:45:11 AM

I have had it. I am sick of reading reviews on this Chicago board where guys give girls 9 and 10 in looks, and the girls are fat overwieght slobs.
I know, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but come on some of the "beholders" are outright blind or stupid.
I recently decided to see a provider based on her TER reviews, she had a couple of 9's and 10's in looks and service. I knew from her website that she was not a hardbody and skinny. But what I got when I showed up was not even close. Dirty unwashed hair, no makeup, dressed in an old dirty stained exercise suit. Overweight by 60 pounds, rolls of blubber hiding the important parts. The service was awful about a 5. Recently someone finally posted a true review both 5's. This is not the first time this has happened. We need more honesty, especially about the body shape and performance.

puretwist3074 reads

Led to some interesting exchanges.  I too would like to see accurate data and all perspectives so that I can come to my own conclusions.

figbey2008 reads

Being somewhat new I checked the post i believe you're writing about
What I found very interesting is the last line of the original post.
"50 dollars off and the you can write a review to set the record straight"
Isn't that trying to buy a good review?

I hope that guys don't embellish, but alas, it's a strange matter of tastes... The looks number is not the bad one, it's the performance number and the outright lies about what was done etc... 10 is achievable, but you'd have to catch a lady on a very good night for that...

figbey1907 reads

That guy that ripped -
There was nothing bad in the review
He went so far to say she might have had a bad day
The only thing that was way out of line was the
original posting on the discussion board by the provider -
But what a way to draw attention to yourself and increase people knowing who you are

There is so much shilling going on nowadays that review sites like this have become worthless.  I know I'll catch flack for this, but I've been around the escort scene for close to 10 years now and all the review sites were better when providers did not have access to them.  Clients could post accurate information about their honest opinions without worrying about backlash, blackballing or drama wars. Ever since providers were able to gain access to the reviews I've noticed big trends... Reviews being continuously pulled, providers continuously changing their names, 9 and 10 ratings popping up all over the place, one time reviewers popping up all over the place and escort prices dramatically jumping now that they can see what other providers are getting.

This topic is an argument that can be beaten to death over and over again.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, reviews serve as a consumer reports for clients. It's information provided by clients which should only be made available to clients.  Let the clients decide which reviews are bogus or bias and keep the provider's out of it.

I understand some of the reasons why a provider would like to know what's being said about her and believe some of those reasons are valid concerns. But in the end, a provider shouldn't worry about those things if she follows a simple rule... "if someone says a lie about you, live your life in such a manner that no one will believe them".

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 5:41:31 AM

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 5:45:11 AM

Riding the wave1911 reads

Be very careful!!!  I stopped writing reviews, honest and revealing, when a provider attacked in a variety of ways.  Your info can be used in destructive fashion.

I regret that I now use an alias even to post.  I regret that I can not share the great evenings or warn about less than ideal situations.

I still enjoy the hobby, just not the BS

SmellySmegma1964 reads

8s, 9s, and even 10s in appearance. I've never understood the BBW thing and think BBW is an oxymoron. I know some guys prefer beached whales, but be honest in a review. Don' call a 200+ lb. woman "model material". Also Newbies tend to inflate scores because they are so excited with their 1st couple of sessions. The best tactics are still to only see ladies with multiple great reviews from respected reviewers (and disregard posters with only 1 or 2 reviews).

Many of these guys are looking for love and not to get laid. They often fantasize about being the BFs of these ladies. Can't tell them enough that most of these ladies are emotionally unavailable and DO NOT return the same feelings. The irony is that many still think these ladies need "help" or some other irrational fantasy. Sure, many of these ladies will clock you like nothing in recent memory, but when they cannot write an unbiased review, then they are signing on as the loveable losers they are... Get a real relationship you stiffs... these ladies love lots of cock and money or why would they be willing to lay under some hairy, smelly guy for... Love?, no way...

You say you don't understand it, but I do. I indulge myself in the BBW experience quite often, because that's what pleases ME. I once made fun of a poster who was looking for a thin young a-cup. I asked him why he would want a girl that's built like a boy. His response was he could fantasize it was a 13 year old. Not for me, but hey, to each his own. The point is we all have our own frame of reference to judge our providers by. I don't dig skinny chicks, but if someone scores them an 8 or 9 on appearance, it's probably because that's what gets them off. I have scored several BBW's an 8 on appearance because they appealed to ME. I love a big girl with a pretty face, big tits, and a big round ass, and I'm not going to judge them on other guys tastes. It's WHAT I LIKE !! If we all had the same tastes this board would be useless. Many large providers do get nasty comments about their size, and if they portray themselves as something other than big, then that's a different story. But I find most pics are fairly accurate, and what you see is what you get. And sometimes a providers service is so excellent that they become more physically attractive after the session. And a big girl that scores an 8 can be model material. Ever look at a large sized women's clothing catalog. There's some hot looking chicks in there.

Comment #1: I’ve noticed older guys are a lot less harsh on appearance and performance reviews, maybe it’s because it’s been a while, but generally if the terms, “I’m no spring chicken” or “It’s been many years” are used. Then the guy is old and a lot more forgiving

Comment #2: Same rule applies for newbies.

Comment #3: A lot of providers either self post or give discounts for positive posts. I actually reviewed a provider once a month for a couple of months straight in return for a $100 discount. Don’t get me wrong she was a wildcat and good performer, but she didn’t warrant the $300-$400 she was charging every one else. She also self posted under three of four fake names and was posting for other provider friends of hers. I’ve experienced this from at least four other providers in the Chicago area.

Comment #4: Different strokes for different folks. Guys are fucking weird when it comes to sex. We’re liars and dogs and can’t be trusted. If we are lying to our friends and SO, why would we consider telling the truth to total strangers.

Comment #5: This isn’t a hobby for everyone. The “hobby” has rules and a code of etiquette. Most guys either don’t know or don’t care. Can’t blame them. Just like there are millions of people who don’t know shit about wine but that doesn’t stop them from buying a good bottle of it drinking it without appreciation.

Now for how I choose to spend my money:

1) Always look at a provider’s picture and study it. Has it been stretched to make a round woman looks svelte or has it been outright retouched to make stretchmarks disappear? Does the woman always pose her hand down by her navel? Look at the inner thighs or back of legs for varicose veins or cellulite. The more stylized it looks the more issues she has.
2) Study the reviews. Say I’m looking for a woman who does Greek. First, use the search tool to narrow the list. Then read her reviews if at least a third of them don’t mention Greek as available or experienced, then most likely she doesn’t do it. Also never see someone who doesn’t have at least three reviews from two reliable hobbyists. Providers who are reviewed by five guys posting for the first or second time either are self posting or work for an agency that posts for them. Finally, review the reviewers. See who they reviewed in the past and if they reviewed someone you saw and their account doesn’t match with yours then realize they don’t like the same things you do.
3) Don’t pick with your dick. Picking provider only when your horny has disastrous results. Pick some providers you wan to see when you’re not totally aroused then when you do feel horny. Call them and set something up.
4) No one is worth more than $500/hour. I have had providers who cost $700/hour and those who  cost half that. Generally, the only thing you’re paying for is a nicer hotel suite and sometimes not even that. Porn stars aren’t worth it either. I’ve had a few of them and they can’t fake it better than anybody else.
5) Once in a while, take a chance, just don’t pay a lot for it. If you are going to go with someone who hasn’t been reviewed or has some bad reviews, just make sure it doesn’t cost too much. Remember, once you hand that money over there is no refund. Generally. I actually guilted a provider to give me back half the donation since she was obviously not the person in the photo.

These rules have helped me from experiencing  a lot of money not well spent. Hopefully they can help you too.

No offense... but your "Comment #3" only proves that you are part of the problem... not an answer.  Yes its true many providers give discounts for positive reviews, but if she doesn't deserve them then you are doing no good for the client community except yourself. This is especially true when you know that she was self posting false reviews under false aliases but you did not bring this to light. Unfortunately, I believe you are the norm, not an exception.

I must say that I would agree with the remainder of the comments in your post

-- Modified on 11/11/2005 4:18:33 PM

Well sweetie what about us girls that deserve the nines and tens? I know at worst I am a nine. I plus when it comes to performance because I am naturally freak and kinky. I enjoy sex and I am bi-sexual, I am openminded and willing to explore. I wanna know so teach me is my attitude. I am hot simple as that and yet I have recieved a six simply because the guy says that I wasn't bitchy or bossy enough. He asked for gfe not dominantion how was I supposed to know? I have been lied on, disrespected and rude to. I accept it and move on. Some of these hobbyist lis for no good reason. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So if someone thinks a obese woman is drop dead gorgeous that is his poragative. Check me out. I am Hotttttttttttt.  
5'5", 105lbs, 32B-24-36, petite chocolate drop.

Well Known Reviewer2507 reads

You say you are a 9 or 10, is that a comment on your performance rating? If it is a comment on looks, let me remind you that a 10 is movie star looks, like say, Jada Pinkett. Also a 9 is in the "looks like a model" range, such as Tyra Banks or any Victoria Secret model you care to stare at. You are not in that group. If you are in that range, you need to get newer and better pictures on your site, and maybe lose that hair-in-the-eyes look that help hide your model quality face. A 9 for performance coming from me is for a provider that kisses as passionately as an old flame and does bbbj, no quit no spit! I have never met a 10 in performance yet and I have been in the hobby for 5 years. Attitude is the biggest thing for a provider, so be careful what you post and how you present yourself as you are being graded by hobbiests everytime you do. A girl that wants to be a 10 in performance, must lose all her boundaries and inhibitions, all of them. Does any girl really want to risk their health and possibly their lives due to STDs just to be a 10? A 10 is the highest rating remember, and in my reviews I will never write one as I do not do bbfs in the hobby. Without that, no provider IMO, is a 10 in performance because I know from experience that it can always feel better. I write the truth and I think all guys here should make a renewed effort to be more careful in their number choices. These are reviews that WE use, not the providers.
Take a look at jeopcon in DC or MDL in twin cities to get a how-to on writing reviews properly. They are respected and have been at it longer than just about everyone.

I wrote the review - I stand by what I wrote
I will continue to review the providers honestly

Bill from IL1868 reads

Best reviewing system I have seen was in the Air Force.  FABLE scale.  Rate a girl from 1-10 on EACH of the following:


Add up each score and divide by 5 will give you rating.  It is very rare for a girl to get a 9 or above on all of them.  Most girls will fall short in at least one category and that brings down score.  Advantage is that you can't just throw a rating out there without backup.  Just a suggestion.

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