
Finally Home :) (An Update and Address Well Wishes and Concerns)
Cori.Daniels See my TER Reviews 2547 reads
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I thought this one needed a while new thread apart from my 'Predation' one below.  

Upon checking out from my hotel today, the front desk informed me that had recieved an anonymous call from a man informing them that you woman in their hotel was a prostitute.  And identified me by room number.  

Now, based on when that call came in to them (yes they were more than happy to give me all that transpired) and that the only guests I had seen prior and after had no issues with me whatsoever, and one of them has reviewed me well, this morning even, I can draw a fairly educated guess (as will you fear reader) who this offender was.  Now, on another site that we all use, the admins advised and urged me to report the alleged sexual assault this individual comitted against me during our encounter together. Needless to say...I did not. Why? Surely not because Im concerned for my safety in the hands of LE. No. Its because Im not petty. And I respect the confines and honor code in the Hobby.  

This is disgusting act by a disgusting man.  Others will be warned to steer clear of him. He the worst element in the community.  

I appologive if there are typos Im in my car refueling for My drive home. I'll edit when I get home as the mobile version of the site isn't theneasiest to navigate on a smartphone. No fault to TER. Just simply a format best used on a laptop or desktop. :)

Stay Safe everyone!  


LondonBay See my TER Reviews 879 reads
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I read what you said.when I was new in the business I didn't know what screening was.And I basically ran into a client who wanted to make an appointment with me.Once I finished talking with him on the phone i texted him my address.Then the room number when he "claimed" to be in the parking lot.He called me and asked if I would do bbfs.I told him no I don't provide those services Then he threatened to call the front desk and give them my room number.What do you know hotel and cop at my door.I'm not sure if you screen your clients or not but if you don't,please start doing so.There are alot of fcked up people out there!Also when you tour move around alot.never stay in one hotel because too many people knowing your room number is not good!If you would like to talk sometime feel free to pm me:)


-- Modified on 5/4/2016 10:27:53 AM

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 515 reads
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Because for the most part, there are a lot of great guys here. From seeing your recent posts, try not to the let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch.  

With that being said, if you truly and honestly felt that you were sexually assaulted, then by all means go and report. However, I'm not sure if the case would stand up in court due to the lack of evidence. As you already know by now, anybody can make allegations . . . but can they be proven?  

Also from personal experience, LE could care less if you were an escort. Assault and rape charges outweigh another prostitution case. Also, in most cities, sexual assault and rape have bigger fines and consequences. Ditto.  

Nonetheless, I hope you achieve some sort of clarity and eventually come to a peace of mind on the situation. Keep your head up!  

Sweetest Regards,
Adrienne Baptiste

Somedudesjunk 594 reads
4 / 23

"left a bad taste in your mouth?

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 447 reads
5 / 23

Come in all shape & form...    

To the scumbag who was petty enough to put a providers life in jeopardy by calling LE, GO F URSELF!! Hope your dick falls off!!  Karmas a Bitch!! Karma will always get you, one way or another!!  

Make sure you repor the MF-er!!!  

Stay safe ladies!!!  

nipring12 31 Reviews 482 reads
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I'm all for a little sarcasm and twisted humor but this is one time when it's inappropriate. If two people willingly participate in an act then I don't care what they do together. But  coercing or taking advantage of someone and pushing them to do something against their will is wrong and disrespectful and should not become the punchline of a joke.

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 356 reads
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Totally agree!!!  

uncool & inappropriate!    

Hiding behind an alias doesn't mask "guilty party"!!!!

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 431 reads
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I've had similar instances, and I found it very embarrassing.  

I've learned that when I have a problem with someone to immediately leave that hotel.  If there was an issue, and he might be angry/upset, get your butt out of the hotel ASAP.  

Additional advice:  
DO NOT CHECK OUT at the front desk.   Do it through the room's tv or online or an app or whatever.  

If the hotel room phone rings, don't answer it.  

As soon as the door closes behind a problematic person, throw it in high gear and fly on out of there! Just shove all your stuff in your bags (making sure there are NO hobby-related items or debris left behind, even in the wastebaskets!) and leave the hotel through a side door.  

That might sound extreme, but trust me.   Once, if I had done the above rather than showering prior to leaving, I would have saved myself a really big headache.  ;-)

All of that being said, the few times I've had uncomfortable confrontations with hotel staff have usually been a result of clients behaving indiscreetly, rather than from any malicious intent.  

You will get past this, and be stronger for it!  Big HUGS!!!

Cori.Daniels See my TER Reviews 442 reads
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Nothing a little Listerine couldn't handle ;)  

Posted By: Somedudesjunk
"left a bad taste in your mouth?"  

Greenbacks2 25 Reviews 349 reads
10 / 23

Sounds like really good advice !  

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
I've had similar instances, and I found it very embarrassing.    
 I've learned that when I have a problem with someone to immediately leave that hotel.  If there was an issue, and he might be angry/upset, get your butt out of the hotel ASAP.    
 Additional advice:  
 DO NOT CHECK OUT at the front desk.   Do it through the room's tv or online or an app or whatever.    
 If the hotel room phone rings, don't answer it.    
 As soon as the door closes behind a problematic person, throw it in high gear and fly on out of there! Just shove all your stuff in your bags (making sure there are NO hobby-related items or debris left behind, even in the wastebaskets!) and leave the hotel through a side door.  
 That might sound extreme, but trust me.   Once, if I had done the above rather than showering prior to leaving, I would have saved myself a really big headache.  ;-)  
 All of that being said, the few times I've had uncomfortable confrontations with hotel staff have usually been a result of clients behaving indiscreetly, rather than from any malicious intent.    
 You will get past this, and be stronger for it!  Big HUGS!!!!  

chicagojoe32 97 Reviews 314 reads
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Your luck on this road trip has not been the greatest, we don't need to add an auto accident to the list!!  Go home, relax, unwind and be fresh for your return trip.

bigs912 10 Reviews 251 reads
12 / 23

i too am very sorry that happened. also, despite what he did i am thankful that you're respecting the honor code nevertheless... even though he may not deserve your respect. good luck to you.

Cori.Daniels See my TER Reviews 640 reads
13 / 23

elaxing bath, Check.

Fuzzy robe and slippers, Check.

Mug of English Breakfast Tea, Check.

Six large breed dogs, literally hounding for individual attention, Check.

Four rats fed and cuddled, Check.

One cat, pensively ignoring everything and laying on the fireplace mantle, Check.

Now, onto this menagerie....


Thank you each and every one!  You've all been supportive, and caring, and kind.  

I do plan on coming back, you can check the usual places for those details.  I'm not about to allow one bad apple ruin my hard cider ( yes, I also make hard cider...16% ABV), though I have no issues on putting that apple through a sieve, in order to get it down the kitchen drain.  

I wish I had typed that first entry today on my laptop instead of my phone.  Sheesh so many typos.  Seriously, smartphones are good, but just not quite that good yet.

I do plan on following up with everyone's suggestions, both brought up here, as well as in all the numerous, numerous PMs I've received on topic.  Wow. But you all, Providers and Guests alike have had a lot of great ideas.

I do plan on modifying my behaviour slightly to accommodate these new possible scenarios.  But honestly though, who would have though anyone on the Hobby capable of trying to get LE involved?  Ok, I understand his thought processes here.  If someone merely sets a brick on the rail of the observation platform at the Eiffel Tower, they didn't commit the crime of killing someone hundreds of feet below when someone ELSE pushed that brick off.

Except they are guilty of that crime.  It's called conspiracy to commit at best, and no matter who sets up the dominos they are equally if not more responsible for the outcome.  

Could there be any greater coward than this?  It's a shameful act, made by a desperate person.  Someone so fragile and in need of power and control, they were willing to put another person's life in jeopardy in addition to their safety in the hands of the local authorities.  Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.  

I assure you I am fine though, and not soured by this in the least.  Chicago is a great part of my travels.  I love the area.  Art, oh my gosh....the art.  

But, in summation, and hopefully the last I put on the forum about this, people please be warned about this person and others he may know.  Providers and Guests alike.  He gives the Hobby a bad name.  If people behave as him, then good Providers will go away.  Am I a good provider?  That's for my guests to consider and perhaps leave a missive here and there in note.  But could this dissuade me from a locale or the Hobby in general?  No.  Might it others?  Quite possibly.  All that is required for Evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.   I for one am going to take every logical suggestion handed to me, and enact on them in a concise and methodical manner.  Much as I have done here in dealing with this...detritus.

All I ask, as invested members of my new Community, please act in your own best interests and those of your Neighbour here, Providers and Guests alike.  Do not let Evil go unchecked in your life.  Speak out righteously against ignorance, sloth, and champion for your fellow human, be they at your table, or your feet with a hand out as you walk by.  Everyone deserves a mercy.  Everyone a hand. Everyone a thought.

This has gone a little off topic, but I'm tired after a 5 hour drive in the rain in a vintage stick shift.  My left knee is a'throbin' :)

Goodnight, sleep well and rest for tomorrow's adventures.  They will not be boring if you take the opportunities presented.  


ra4592 23 Reviews 162 reads
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stethdoctor 16 Reviews 414 reads
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As a hobbiest, I cannot begin to feel your particular pain, but I am still outraged.  This is because this kind of terrible behavior perpetrated by the individual that got LE involved also hurts the men who enjoy the company of the wonderful providers, such as yourself.  

I'm glad you are home safe, and happy that you were able to vent your frustrations using this forum to express yourself. I hope you have a safe, prosperous and rejuvenating week.

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 314 reads
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Now I'm kind of curious. How do I get my hands on some of your hard cider? If I were to give you an address to send it to and paypal you something, would you consider sending a 6 pack to the DC area?

ModernLover66 301 reads
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It seems pretty obvious who it was. I hope you're reporting him to TER and the various screening sites?

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 10:58:46 PM

Cori.Daniels See my TER Reviews 318 reads
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Thank you very much.  :)  It was a learning experience, though nothing more than a minor bumper bump in a grocer's parking lot. :)

Both involved an overly indignant self-entitled ego, an altercation, and the threat of LE in a situation with no actual damages.  

It's left me shaking my head a little bit regarding the hubris of others, but it's more so affirmed my convictions that most people are decent at their core (yes!  I'm pointing at all of you well wishers!)

Posted By: stethdoctor
As a hobbiest, I cannot begin to feel your particular pain, but I am still outraged.  This is because this kind of terrible behavior perpetrated by the individual that got LE involved also hurts the men who enjoy the company of the wonderful providers, such as yourself.    
 I'm glad you are home safe, and happy that you were able to vent your frustrations using this forum to express yourself. I hope you have a safe, prosperous and rejuvenating week.

Cori.Daniels See my TER Reviews 279 reads
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Done. And with the same professional poise and aplomb I have used here.  Though some niches are provider only, I won't change my timbre to tell my tale, nor alter the facts. :)

Posted By: ModernLover66
It seems pretty obvious who it was. I hope you're reporting him to TER and the various screening sites?

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 10:58:46 PM

Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 259 reads
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One out of all can be an a**hole like this. You may think from time to time, you cannot trust anyone in this, but it's not true. Keep your heart strong and positive!

zelig 262 reads
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I'd be very careful about reporting sexual assaults to LE if you have a weak case or if the subsequent investigation would reveal that you are an escort. I don't doubt that there are many in LE who are honorable and wouldn't try to take advantage of you. But, there are also cops who work in vice just to get the opportunity to take advantage of escorts. There are also a number of Chicago suburbs that treat relatively petty crimes like prostitution and drug possession as revenue raising opportunities. In these locales, the cops are rated by the number of arrests they make.

The situation is probably better with much more violent crimes, like murder and violent assaults. Still, it might be best to have a friend talk to LE before saying anything that would make you vulnerable.

LanaDaSilva See my TER Reviews 217 reads
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I heard that I should be careful traveling to Chicago.
This scares me noe.
 I heart that LE will use hobbyist who they have arrested to bait girls.
The promise the guy that he will be off the hook if he baits providers to meet him at a hotel.
Guy of course has references and it is hard to protect yourself from this.
Outcalls can be dangerous in Chicago.
Not to mention the cops will keep your money after they arrest you.

ehaskell 1 Reviews 196 reads
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I think you should be careful everywhere.
This situation relates to one particular POS that got pissed for being outed as a predator.  
If you network with the ladies in this thread and the earlier one discussing the original event, they'll let you know who is and so you can avoid him rather than avoid Chicago.

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