Re:this geek is luke-warm at best
MorganEllis See my TER Reviews 18530 reads

>>finishing the CSS on a phpBB template/skin

PHP is my new personal obsession. I'm having issues finding a decent, customizable PHP based calendar, though. Any ideas? is letting me down on this one.. *sniffle*

I need you to come to Toronto and build me my new machine. I'm serious. I've given up on out of the box, and need to move up to big leagues, especially for the movie editing software I'm using.

Plus, I just want to molest that nice curvy brain of yours...


yes i know, it was a lame joke :P. but conversation seems to be scarce.... so, lets see if we can get some going.

Ladies & Gents whats your favourite position?

We have a wide range of ones to choose from:

Or if you prefer oral to position, list it.

lets see what we can get started :).

WebTerrorist24074 reads

Well, seeing as I've only been in one sexual position, I'll have to go with:

In front of my computer, one hand on the mouse, the other between my legs.  Sad part's usually not pr0n the gets me in that position but instaed really hot motherboard or grphics card specs.

Talk to me about hardware, and I melt..

I just love a man with a big, fat CPU.

WebTerrorist23618 reads

Quote:  "I just love a man with a big, fat CPU."


Oh....I guess you don't remeber the geek girl with the Major geeks T-shirt, and home brew "monsta' Box"

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

Guess I'll just go surf on over to AnandTech and read some reviews....

Oooooo....CPU Architecture Trends...

Whoops! My bad.. lol.

Sorry, old age is getting to me. I can't keep up with all of you terrorists...

If I promised to fondle your motherboard, would you forgive me WT?


WebTerrorist23916 reads

Nothing to forgive.

I am nothing if not...well, nothing, but I am also forgetable...probably why Nat King Cole never sang a song about me.

Though I will be doing some motherboard fondling myself this weekend, got the box and mobo for my gaming rig in, so get to put her together, P4 3.0 Northwood, gig of pc3200, 200gig seagate HDD, xfx nVidia geforce 6800 w/ dual DVI...Oooooooo....birth of the "mini Monsta"

Then I get to upgrade the "Monsta Box"  with a new heatsink/fan, some cable casings, a modular 500watt PS...a new phase changing thermal compound...and then I get to hook them both up to my new Dual DVI KVM.

I shall do all of this while watching Galaxy Quest, Office Space, and a few Stagate episodes.

Oh, and for the software geek in you....I'm researching some open source CMS, working on some CSS and finishing the CSS on a phpBB template/skin.  [insert geeky grin here]

How nice!!!!! W.T. knows the alphabet !!!
Love, P.T.

I C Dat !!
I am so blissfully unaware of all those "things" you write about.
Thats what I gotz U 4 ...
Right ?
Love, P.T.

I don't think that pluged would let PT and WT carry on a chat room such as this down in ATL!!! Love the banter!! Kisses to you two terrorists.

Why Thankee there Mister oxyGEN......I think we could banter as such down there now as both W.T. and P.T. are unmoderated. That is what the MENU thread was all about. hehehehe
Go ahead make my day !!
Let the posting begin !
tyvm, P.T.

>>finishing the CSS on a phpBB template/skin

PHP is my new personal obsession. I'm having issues finding a decent, customizable PHP based calendar, though. Any ideas? is letting me down on this one.. *sniffle*

I need you to come to Toronto and build me my new machine. I'm serious. I've given up on out of the box, and need to move up to big leagues, especially for the movie editing software I'm using.

Plus, I just want to molest that nice curvy brain of yours...


"I need you to come to Toronto and build me my new machine."

Start ordering it all now and check your email 8=).
tyvm, P.T.

WebTerrorist19021 reads

Quote: "I'm having issues finding a decent, customizable PHP based calendar, though. Any ideas?"

Well there are:

But I doubt they have anything Hotscripts doesn't, though you can look.
What exactly are you looking for in a calendar that you can't find, you may be able to do a bit of "hacking"  the scripts you find to add the functionality they lack.

Quote:  "I need you to come to Toronto and build me my new machine. I'm serious. I've given up on out of the box, and need to move up to big leagues, especially for the movie editing software I'm using. "

As it so happens I will be in Toronto for a week next month.
If it would be alright, perhaps I could email you?
That way we could discuss what you want/need/are looking for in a machine.

As for "out of the box", I have to control my hardware.
I'll let software push me around a little....just a little...but hardware, Never!

Quote: "Plus, I just want to molest that nice curvy brain of yours..."'s not really all that's kind of like an  chicken egg, but squishier, like one of those "stress ball" things.
I take it out and play with it all the time...that's how it got the cigarette burn in the limbic region, and the tear in the pre-frontal lobe happened when my dog and I were playing fetch with it....oh, and it's kinda flat on one side from when I dropped it in the gutter, which is also where the cigarette butts, gum wrappers and dead bugs that are stuck to it came from...and the hole from the stick that I had to use to dislodge it from the storm drain when it got stuck there as it almost washed away down into the sewer....and it's a bit sticky because I spilled Pepsi on it.

Please do let me know if it would be alright for me to email you, and we can talk specs...oh, and if it helps;  I am wearing my "Technosexual  A new Brand of Sexy" T-shirt.  *grin*

I must away now, to crawl under my desk and play with wires, cables and plugs, oh my!

"I must away now, to crawl under my desk and play with wires, cables and plugs, oh my!"

Is that "Oh My" like with Lions, Tigers and Bears and stuff ?
Or like Im a fool for ya Baby ?
Love, P.T.

WebTerrorist22911 reads

No lions.
No tigers.
No bears.

But, I did find a few Rabid Dust Bunnies, that were none too pleased to have their habitat disturbed.  I made a film of my dust bunnie taming, and it will be showing on "Animal Planet" right after the Crocodile Hunter.

WebTerrorist20706 reads

Hmmmm....concupiscent lepus...
I don't think so else wise they probably would have tried to have their way with my leg whilst I was under the desk with them...of course maybe they didn't try and have their way with my leg because the have taste and standards....yeah,that's probably the more correct assumption.

"of course maybe they didn't try and have their way with my leg because the have taste and standards"

Maybe they just dont know how good ya taste ?
love, P.T.

WebTerrorist27940 reads

Quote:  "Maybe they just dont know how good ya taste ?"

Hey...wait a've never tasted would you know?
Of course, if you are what you eat, I would taste suspiciously like beef jerky and Pepsi...which in my opinion tastes pretty good.

Remember Charlie the Tuna?  We want Tuna that taste good, not Tuna with good taste.

OMG ya brought me back to me childhood and the vision of the fish hook passing him by in the commercial!
tyvm, P.T.

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