
I'm beginning to realize that I don't want the Sox to win!
colhogan 7 Reviews 7517 reads
1 / 25

Well as usual the redsox are slipping away again. which is SOP for them. Now seattle is knocking at there back door for the wild card. Besides we all know who the 2 teams that will be in the world series, it will be The New York Yankees & Atlanta Braves. Besides The Yankees are the best team any how.

I have a quiz for all you Red sox fans lets see who knows when the red sox won there last world series....

jjm 20 Reviews 5866 reads
2 / 25're kidding, Right???

aredsoxfan 9 Reviews 7627 reads
3 / 25

Go back to the Gulag, Colonel!  I hope some of you ladies charge double for a Yankees fan!!!

HarryLime 10 Reviews 8643 reads
5 / 25

Not that you aren't a lot of fun, but I hope the prize is not a sensous hour with you Colhogan.  Perhaps a lunch.  question for you is what was the last time the Red Sox were in the world series, who was the goat of the final game, and why is he still alive??

el_duro45 56 Reviews 7422 reads
6 / 25

What exactly are you talking about?  The Sox won last night to maintain their 2 1/2 game lead over the Mariners.  The starting rotation (with exception to Derek Lowe's implosion the other night) is rounding out nicely, anchored by the esteemable, awe-inspiring, and downright badass Pedro Martinez.  Even Byung Hyun Kim is closing down saves 1-2-3.  Sounds to me like you're the typically uninformed Yankees fan who just likes to stir up trouble and shoot his mouth off.  BTW, how're those Jets?  Now let's go back to discussing beautiful women.


colhogan 7 Reviews 8387 reads
7 / 25

very good harry now here is your answer>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The redsox lost 1986 against the mets when a ground ball went through that bumbling bill buckners legs what a dope

ha ha haha

ps the sox were stupid for trading the babe they should of kept him
thats there worst mistake ever and they have been cursed

-- Modified on 9/23/2003 8:32:52 AM

thirsty 2 Reviews 7631 reads
9 / 25

Dan Shaughnessy wrote is his book chronicling the 1986 season ("One Strike Away") that it was never the same for the Phillies fans after they won (1980, I believe). I remember watching "the game" in 1986. With two outs, I'm thinking "I can't believe it! They're finally going to win the series! You have to admit, we've invested a lot of blood, sweat and tears in the Sox. It just wouldn't be the same with a different ending.

Let the Sox win it all someday...after I'm gone!


augustwest 46 Reviews 5408 reads
10 / 25

Bill Buckners legs may have been the story of the series. It was certainly the turning point. But that happened in Game 6, with the Sox having a 3-2 game edge going in. That error led to the tying run, and the subsequent win for the mets in game six that tied the series 3-3. Yes, they were one out (strike?) away from winning it when buckner erred, but the series was not lost until the next game. The sox were ahead early in the seventh game, fell behind and could not recuperate. Case closed.

Everyone remembers Buckners error, but his true grit and guts that year is forgotten by most.  He couldn't walk to the bathroon without pain in his ankles.  It hurt to watch him walk, but he played hard everyday and not only contributed, but set an example as a true team player.  He is the last one to blame for losing the series, and a key contributor to the reason they were there in the first place.

Calvin Shiraldi is the one to blame for losing game 6 (and game 7, I believe). The hot shot young closer had a great year, until the playoffs, where he fell apart mentally and was never the same. He couldn't handle the pressure and never recuperated. He played a few more years (on other teams), but never got "it" back.

Anyones guess as to who wins it theis year. I don't think the yanks have it. Not because I am a sox fan, just that I don't think it will happen for them. If the Sox don't win it, I could care less who does, lol.

Curse of the Bambino is bullpucky. It takes skill and luck to win it all.

colhogan 7 Reviews 7451 reads
11 / 25

even know the red sox suck you should stik by your team through thick and thin.

the biggest mistake the sox made was to trade the BABE  Ruth was a power house

well good luck to all you red socks fans

augustwest 46 Reviews 6517 reads
12 / 25

I heard that Ben Afleck halted the wedding when J-Lo insisted on wearing a Yankees cap down the aisle. What is WITH these women today, anyway? Way to go, Ben

colhogan 7 Reviews 7382 reads
13 / 25

after that error buckner committed that let the wind out of the soxes sails for the next game. Buckner was plastered all over the news and sports pages not good for moral.


singleton 5 Reviews 6733 reads
14 / 25

Yankees cap wedding blow-off not withstanding ...

if he had an iota of dignity and self-respect for our [cough] beloved town he would've NEVER proposed to a wannabe fluff from Queens (or Bronx or wherever the hell she's from)

augustwest 46 Reviews 5705 reads
15 / 25

Just wanted to make that those with short memory do not think of that play as being the final play of the series. Yes, that absolutely let the wind out of the sails (and Shiraldis career, lol)

SoxFanForLife 6927 reads
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The blame goes to McNamara the manager. Buckner was always being replaced in the late innings with Dave Stapleton. He kept Buck in there this time so he could be on the field when they won. Mistake. Also, Shiraldi should never have been brought in either game six or even worse game seven. He was always a pitcher with scared-eyes. Stanley should have started that inning to begin with. And in game seven you had Boyd and Clemens(who could have gone an inning) to put in and instead puts in Shiraldi again who screws up again. McNamara lost that series with his poor managerial decisions.  

thirsty 2 Reviews 5512 reads
18 / 25

Why did Johnson take Willoughby out in 1975. Does anyone remember Jim Burton? Burton, if you are a TER member, you are hereby pertually moderated! ;)


cabriac 11 Reviews 6520 reads
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BuckyDent 8342 reads
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Lets face it, Mac did screw up by leaving Bill in... but he DID deserve to be there.  He earned it.  He was an amazing ball player, I wish people would remember that.  That ball through the legs was not the moment that lost the series, but it was the moment the sox lost the “drive”.  In that inning there were 2 outs, 2 strikes... one pitch away from the 4th win & the series.  Calvin loaded the bases on the next 4 (I think 4) pitches... and not one of those plays involved Buckner.  Then Stanley (why in god’s name Stanley is all I can remember thinking) came in to give up the last hit that went through Bills legs.  I have never watched a complete sox game since.  It was like the day they traded Orr.

colhogan 7 Reviews 7019 reads
21 / 25

The yankees won the subway series against the mets in 2000 and that qualifys as this century  the century starts in 2000 and ends in 2099
ioo years

Hugh69Jorgan 36 Reviews 6735 reads
23 / 25

I'm sorry, but my facts are incredibly straight.  The first day of the first year of the century the 1st of January, year 1: there was no year 0000! So the "first" century was years 1 to 100, the second 101 to 200, ... the twentieth century is 1901 to 2000 and the twenty-first century will be 2001 to 2100. Similarly the first millennium was 1 to 1000, the second is 1001 to 2000, and the third will be 2001 to 3000.
So, as anyone can clearly see, 2001 is the first year of the new millenium

thirsty 2 Reviews 6553 reads
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I just don't think it will be the same once they climb to the mountain top.


thirsty 2 Reviews 6716 reads
25 / 25

The first year of the 21st century was actually 2001.


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