Nettle Play
Foodyguy 29 Reviews 9468 reads

Any submissives like nettle play?

Is that the sense you also mean it, and if so, how does that differ from GFE, etc.?

Nettles are not a traditional part of g GFE like roses.

Still, within the whole BDSM world of whips and such, these nettles are not all that big a deal perhaps.

It just strikes me as very kinky in a cruch granola kind of way.

Maybe it's how BDSM vegans who foreswear leather get their jollies in a green way.

Or are you talking about rubbing a lady down with sting nettle. I have never heard of that fetish before.

I had them in my panites and bra once, and while it wasn't uncomfortable, the itching drove me nuts !!!!

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