
Re: So this is why you shouldn't... EVER
edinathens 31 reads

"For early Lyme disease, a short course of oral antibiotics such as doxycycline or amoxicillin is curative in the majority of the cases. In more complicated cases, Lyme disease can usually be successfully treated with three to four weeks of antibiotic therapy." - NIH

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans from the bite of an infected tick. It occurs out of doors though I suppose it is technically possible for them to hide in the pubic hairs of an unclean partner. Ugh!

Been away for a while but was out in Vegas last week and wow!! I forgot how much fun this is....  

Me and my buddy had so much fun. All the Asian girls did bareback every single one we had up and we had alot! We also found a couple reg american girls that did as well. The one american girls we saw said they have too since all the asian girls are doing it. That seems to be the norm in Vegas among the Asian girls and is starting to spread to other providers. I wish that would start here. Everyone start requesting it from the asian girls. The other providers will have to follow or be left behind.  No reason they cant provide that service here.  We had a blast won big and spent way to much on the girls.

Signed back up and wow things sure have changed in Atlanta and for the worse! I went thru like 4 or 5 pages of reviews and didnt see one girl that i would even consider seeing. Prices my god its cheaper to book a ticket to Vegas then see a girl here.  And found zero asains doing BB. Lets hope the trend in Vegas makes it to Atlanta and soon!        

You gotta be kidding me…….

Though you may not agree with his proselytizing, the factual aspect of his comment is accurate.

Very accurate! These American girls in Atlanta that are charging 450 for a half hr and $800 plus a hr then have all these stupid rules. They will be left behind soon enough. Honestly guys if you are paying that your a fool.  

 I was surprised last week at the girls and their prices in Vegas. Granted the one american girl we did pay 6k for 2.5hrs but no condoms all holes on the menu. she took us both on at the same time and she was model quality. But the casino paid for her we hit it big that day.  I will definitely be going back just for the girls.  

Just look at the reviews in Vegas on here and read some you will see for your self. I think it may be the case for CA as well.  Lets hope this trend spreads to Atlanta.  But I am spoiled I have a job that takes me all over the world so I am use to cheap hotties with no silly rules. The worse the economy becomes cheaper the girls will be guys!!!

Looks like you’re working on an invitation to the STD party. Not a club most aspire to. Lowest common denominator

This post is actually so sad on so many levels, I believe the majority of gentlemen and ladies would agree with me, in my opinion,  this is supposed to be a safe community to have a good time, true to each their own but in my opinion, I hope any Provider ;) who knows who this guy and his buddy blacklist them, and then they will be the ones left behind…
Much love

And you should also blacklist providers and clients who engage in uncovered oral, because many STDs are transferred in  that mode. However i don't hear a lot of outcry over it. On the contrary, I've heard frequent complaints from clients about providers who only offer covered oral. How many of you clients will only see the latter?

Sir, I apologize for the misunderstanding but when I said he and his buddy should be Black Listed, it wasn’t just because of the choices in the bedroom and you are correct there are risks in everything  we do in life but I do believe even people that skydive, still wear a parachute 🪂 Have a lovely day!

No offense taken. By way of contrast, most rock climbers use belays [ropes] to secure their ascent/decent, while a minority are free climbers, using only their fingers and toes to secure their movements.

If you come out better booking an airplane ticket to Vegas and seeing a girl out there, why don’t you just stick to that? Instead of wanting us to do something we don’t want to do?

In a capitalist free market economy, each participant decides what they are willing and able to do.

No thanks. Won't be requesting and won't even consider a BB provider. You do what makes you happy though

Be safe, healthy and keep clients safe as well!  
I read your post a few times and I hope this is a joke/ prank.  

Respectfully I wish you a Bon Voyage to Las Vegas!

FlaNoName66 reads

.... now you don't have to leave Atlanta.  Ask and though shalt receive:

6foot1Baldeagle51 reads

I'm sure have sex BB withone who could hyave  multiple sex partners daily is safe. WTH

We all choose the level of risk we're comfortable with in the hobby.  If someone wants to do BB, it's their body, their quality of life that their risking.  I believe in freedom so if you want to play on that level...I wish you well!!!  However, you are powerless to leave any provider behind.  

Even after doing adult films, I've never done BB with a client. NEVER.  Not even when they show up with a test proving they were clean the moment they took the test.  Adult performers are all tested every 28 days and no one works with anyone they don't want to.  I was very choosy about who I performed with.  I also tested after shooting before coming home.  Since coming back to the hobby a few months ago, I'm testing every month...even without doing BB.  

No one refusing to provide BB will be left behind because there are too many people in the hobby that respect their own health and the the health of others.  In fact, there is nothing you can do to make anyone be left behind.  The tastes, desires and preferences are too varied. That's a beautiful thing.  

There is a growing trend of BB however, I see it as a sub group of the hobby.  Just like foot fetish, there are a group of people into it.  There are a group of providers who do BB.  Why the fuck would you want to go BB with a provider who is doing BB with everyone else?  

Many providers (although not all) who are hooked on drugs or are desperate for money will do BB.  Are these the people you want to do BB with?

Be careful with the Asians (and other popular races) in Vegas and other party places. Many of them are being trafficked.  No one should be with anyone who is in the hobby against their will or has a pimp (often hidden under the mask of an agency)

When I get a request for this I say no once.  Any more mention of it after that gets their ass left behind.  Many girls that care about themselves and their clients and spouses will do the same, they may even black list the guy leaving him further behind.  

I've decided many years ago not to provide in Vegas unless it's a FMTY date.  I gave it a try and found it to be more dangerous and more requests for ridiculous, dangerous and down right stupid things.  I'm not a party girl so the party scene and risky behavior are not my thing

The whole notion of trying to bully providers into doing something they don't want is just sick.  You don't have that power.  I've been in the hobby for 17 years...the last thing I'm worried about is some guy creating a situation that is going to leave me behind for not doing BB.  Many of my clients see me because I have a reputation for safety and my reviews reflect that.  I really hope you don't have a spouse or girlfriend you're putting at great risk. Most gentlemen do not want to risk taking a dis ease home.  The hobby is great however, it's not all there is to life and safety measures will help keep the hobby from negatively effecting our personal lives.  

I've been asked many times however, I've never done BB.  I also have never had a dis ease.  

To each their own. Do what you want.  Don't fool yourself into thinking any provider will be left behind for not engaging in the same risky behavior you do.  You are the one who will be left behind and quite possibly sick.

OlympicGold45 reads

I don’t know who you are Becca but your post is very helpful in truly understanding your perspective

1) Spot on
2) I wish you were closer to ATL and still in the hobby. I think we’d be good friends.

I'm still in the hobby...based in Chattanooga :)

Thank you for the reply!

Folks are banging raw???


And I thought Dc was the only one that has this issue.  Most of the Asian providers in my area offer BBFS.  It's insane.  


It happens out in Vegas, it happens in Moline. On the blue blood streets of Boston up in Berkeley, out in Queens. And it went on yesterday and it’s happening tonight. ‘Seger, Bob - Night Moves; 1976

who married her HIGH SCHOOL sweetheart. He SWORE he was a virgin. A couple of months later she ended up with itchy, pus-y warts!!! She was a VIRGIN and ended up with warts FOR LIFE! PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on top, do not do this!  

ALSO, I had a FMTY to San Diego 2 months ago and posted to stay for a few days. I heard from A LOT of San Diego gents that they go to Tijuana and see "Senioritas" for bbfs for $100. Y'all these ladies are likely seeing people ALL DAY LONG at these rates! PLEASE BE SAFE out there!

Safe hobbying! Ginger

I just played at one of the ATL K-girl agencies last week. While it’s not advertised like out west, BBFS was on the menu for an extra donation. I’m not into that without either an established history between the two of us or a very recent test and likely both.

Here's a story from back in 2012 which is still applicable today.

A friend of mine and I go to a strip club in metro Atlanta that is now closed. He spots a hottie on the pole and after her set, negotiates a few lap dances in VIP. While back there, she thrusts her pussy into his face and he ends up giving her head. She does not reciprocate, but only gives him a lap dance. He doesn't think anything of it, brags about his experience, and goes home happy.

Two weeks later, he gets a sore in his mouth and can barely get out of bed he is so tired and sore. Initially, he thinks he has syphilis, but it actually turns out to be worse even than that: she has given him Lyme Disease. One year and twenty thousand dollars of medical treatments later, he finally gets over it.  

That year, he not only lost tons of time from doctor's appointments and down time, but damn near lost his job as well because of brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, headaches, etc., all because he went down one time on the wrong woman. He told me it was the worst decision he ever made and should have just said "no thanks" but didn't know what to do in the heat of the moment. He also tells me he hasn't stepped foot into a strip club ever since.

Now, just think if he had also penetrated her and gotten the sore on his penis as well--how would have explained that one to his wife? Only go bareback with people you know WELL and trust with your life, because fifteen minutes of fun with the wrong person... can ruin yours.

Did anyone bother to read the CDC report??  Excepts . . .

"There is no evidence that Lyme disease is transmitted from person-to-person through touching, kissing, or having sex
with a person who has Lyme disease."

"People treated with appropriate antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely."

Uninformed people making unsubstantiated claims is what creates hoaxes and conspiracies.

"For early Lyme disease, a short course of oral antibiotics such as doxycycline or amoxicillin is curative in the majority of the cases. In more complicated cases, Lyme disease can usually be successfully treated with three to four weeks of antibiotic therapy." - NIH

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans from the bite of an infected tick. It occurs out of doors though I suppose it is technically possible for them to hide in the pubic hairs of an unclean partner. Ugh!

You have to understand, Lyme disease wasn't even said to exist in America back in 2012. There are political reasons for this, but MUCH is still unknown and denied about the disease. I remember when he first went in for treatment, he was told it was all in his head. Only later when he went to an open-minded doctor did he get the test that proved he had it.  

I asked him if he thought there was any other possible way he could have gotten it and he said no, he had no tick bites or anything, and the mouth sore was his first symptom.  

Regardless, I just want people to be careful. His story scared the crap out of me.

2012?  Lyme Disease has been around since 1977.  My Dad was diagnosed with it back in the 1980's.  See link below:

Posted By: Bono41
Re: So this is why you shouldn't... EVER
You have to understand, Lyme disease wasn't even said to exist in America back in 2012. There are political reasons for this, but MUCH is still unknown and denied about the disease. I remember when he first went in for treatment, he was told it was all in his head. Only later when he went to an open-minded doctor did he get the test that proved he had it.  
 I asked him if he thought there was any other possible way he could have gotten it and he said no, he had no tick bites or anything, and the mouth sore was his first symptom.  
 Regardless, I just want people to be careful. His story scared the crap out of me.

My daughter got Lyme disease in 1997 in Indiana. Tick bite. She was four years old. We got her treated quickly, and she’s been fine ever since.

If anything this is a precaution for BBBJ/DATY. It would seem 99% of reviews partake in BBBJ/DATY. Syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes can all be passed through BBBJ/DATY.  

I'm not trying to say BBFS is safe but first you have to have an STD to pass it on and as I said above you can get it still if you partake in BBBJ/DATY and still go covered.  

"In general, the risk of a man getting HIV from an HIV-positive woman during vaginal intercourse in the United States is low — probably less than 1 of 1,000 exposures will result in actual infection.",will%20result%20in%20actual%20infection

There seems to be a lot of misinformation here so please do your own research.

I place HIV in a different category than other STIs, because HIV is a comparatively fragile virus, which is more difficult to transmit. One typically has to be in contact with infected blood to risk contracting HIV. Having unprotected anal sex or sharing contaminated needles are common routes. Swapping saliva is not very efficient. The other STIs are much more transmissible, and if you are concerned about BBFS, you should also be concerned about BBBJ. Females would only do covered oral on males, while males would use a dental dam when giving oral to their counterpart. TBH, I have not heard of hobbyists using such a device. "A dental dam is a thin sheet of latex or polyurethane you can use to reduce your risk of spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. A dental dam acts a barrier between your mouth and your partner's genitals or anus." Basically, you're giving a BJ through plastic wrap.

Exactly! But all these low key racists in here talking about transmitting STD's through unprotected sex yet they give BBBJ/DATY.

"Bless your heart sweetheart! All These American Girls in Atlanta are smart and mature enough to  
Be safe, healthy and keep clients safe as well!  
I read your post a few times and I hope this is a joke/ prank."

Hate to tell you but America probably has the highest transmission of STDs anywhere in the world...

CuriousAdy37 reads

Not only Asians but also some White local escorts in Atlanta are also offering BB, and some are "reputable" indys and some with an agency. Wont out anyone in this forum, but if interested, message me.

Two things...

1) I am sure there are ladies who extend this service on a case by case basis but probably also expect gentlemen not to kiss and tell. My guess is as soon as any of them begin to suspect word is out, they will stop.  

2) One cannot PM an alias.

Keep it to yourself..............

I posted this on the Vegas board and it addresses this thread as well:
Here's the current rundown of who's, what's and hows:
Listed PrEP's are those other than wrapping that rascal which is 99% effective
Viral STI's:  
Herpes - can spread by either skin to skin contact or by bodily fluids. You get it; it's your friend for life. No known PrEP , TasP  or PEP.
HPV - Skin to skin. PrEP - vaccine, Once you got it - you got it.
Hepatitis ABC - all transmitted by bodily fluids.
  A: PrEP - vaccine, TasP - vaccine if caught early. Usually immune system fights it off and it clears in several months - monitor liver function
  B: Prep - vaccine - but limited to young folks. TasP and PEP. Treated with anti-virals - can do severe liver damage if untreated.  
  C: No PreP -you get it - you got it. TasP/PEP anti-virals can be effective. If chronic you're screwed. Need maintenance for life.
HIV - Bodily fluids. PrEP, TasP &PEP all available and all have major side effects and are expensive - no real vaccine but PrEP's have been pretty effective.
Bacterial STI's:
Chlamydia - Bodily fluids. No accepted PrEP or TasP but anecdotal evidence that using a low dose of doxycycline daily is effective. Note: you can probably get your dentist to prescribe as a prophylaxis for gingivitis or periodontitis. PEP is a week or so of doxycycline or a couple of days of azithromycin
Gonorrhea - bodily fluids. Talk about evaluation - this bad boy is always in development of new strains . PEP only - shot in the ass of the antibiotic ceftriaxone
Syphilis - see Gonorrhea and change PEP to penicillin. There is some thought that daily low dose antibiotics may provide some protection but no clinical on it.
Trichomoniasis - Bodily fluids. Nasty little critter. What's fun here is that 70% of those infected don't know it for as much as a month before symptomatic.  Once identified is easily treated with metronidazole for a week.
Let's be careful out there.......

According to the CDC, the following STIs can spread through oral sex: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HPV, HIV.

"In an historic move, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a condom specifically for anal sex for the first time on Wednesday.  In a clinical trial, researchers tested a natural rubber latex condom, the One Male Condom from Global Protection. They found it had a 0.68% failure rate — defined as slippage or breakage — during anal intercourse, leading the FDA to authorize, for the first time ever, a condom for anal sex." - Business Insider.

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