
Re: I enjoy spending time with a lady I am sleeping with
MoMontana See my TER Reviews 4481 reads
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I'm a total GFE and welcome the PSE experience. I also love arrangements . Arrangements make this so much easier.  I like to hang out before the session. Makes it so much easier. I'm a different provider but...
I'd like the opinion of men and the vets! Do u find it too time consuming? I find it safer because my freedom is never on the line?
Dialogue? What are your thoughts 💭

garymoore 17 Reviews 123 reads
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I've had the gamut of providers and SB type arrangements and I strongly prefer the SB type arrangements best. With that said, I also prefer a longer date with a provider so it's more relaxed and natural rather than seeing what we can do in a hours timeframe. On a first date though, I'm not that interested in having drinks or dinner until I see whether or not it is someone I WANT to spend time with. If theres not much chemistry, I don;t want to get tied into a long drawn out thing.  
For women I enjoy seeing, nothing better than a long evening.

GaGambler 130 reads
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I have been almost exclusively been in arrangements over the last year or so, and yes I like the aspect of basically "clock free" dates.

Here is one thing I have found however, "arrangements" with providers seem to be at a MUCH higher rate than a similar arrangement with women I have met through SA. It is understandable that a woman used to getting $400 hr is not going to be thrilled about doing a six hour date for similar money, but even $400 for a six hour date might be a bit on the high side in the Sugar World.

So I guess my answer is, yes I like arrangements, but am I willing to pay "hooker rates" for such an arrangement? Sorry, but that answer is no. I still see providers, but when I am paying hooker rates, I limit the time I pay for to BCD time. Would I be willing to pay "a little" more for some hanging out time? Perhaps, but I doubt many hookers are going to be happy with how much am willing to pay for that extra time spent.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 119 reads
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I think it comes down to what you want from a relationship.  I like having a regular (or two) that know me well and are ready to play on (reasonably) short notice.  I can have continuity (like in role play) and intimacy (of the physical and emotional kind) which is important to me.  And I can do it on my own schedule - which is a factor (as mine is crazy).

Which is balanced against the down side of occasionally not being able to see her because she is unavailable (for whatever reason) is fine with me.  That's why I like having a couple of favorite ladies to choose from.

I've been in arrangements before and they are good.  If you like hanging out together and are looking for the real girlfriend experience they work well.  But what has happened (more than once) to me is you get hit up for requests.  She wants to go shopping, or her car needs fixing, or her rent is due.  And you are expected to man up to keep the relationship going.  So the line between "arrangement" and "girlfriend" begins to blur.  And in my opinion starts to favor the lady - not the gent.

In a "regular" hobby relationship I have most of the advantages (steamy hot sex pretty much whenever I need it) without the disadvantages of a long term arrangement (whenever you get a text starting with "Can I ask you a favor?  I need to borrow...").

And one more thing that weighs in is that I like some variety now and then.  Getting "locked in" with one girl hinders the ability to sample the market when you are in the mood.

But I love that everyone hobbies differently and I'm fortunate we have such sexy, smart, and accommodating women in this town.

All trying to keep us gents happy.

Such a life.


-- Modified on 7/3/2017 1:10:23 PM

foguete69 38 Reviews 94 reads
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Is toward the arrangement method for many of the reasons gambler said.

At least for the more seasoned hobbyist that has been around for a while anyway.
That said there is always a market for on demand pussy, which may command a premium price point.

esc067 29 Reviews 115 reads
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Never tried the SB route, but I do prefer being a regular to 1 provider and longer engagements.

Blondefantasy94 See my TER Reviews 127 reads
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I have done escorting as well as having SB/SD arrangements and I'll be honest I enjoyed the arrangements more because you actually get to learn about them and what they are into, not only that but you build that comfort wall that is so hard for a lot of men to break down sometimes.... believe it or not. Lol I've always preferred long term clientele anyways but that's just my opinion :)

MoMontana See my TER Reviews 176 reads
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The term hook is really Derogatory. Granted I understand everything u speak of. That term justbmake rhe time of your message negative.  
But I get what your saying

MoMontana See my TER Reviews 114 reads
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electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 83 reads
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A rose by any other name...

Give Gambler his due, I'm noticing an interesting trend of "provider" slowly replacing "hooker" in his posts.

I think he's getting soft in his old age.

Or alien bodysnatchers.

One of those for sure.

WilliamKidd 11 Reviews 82 reads
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I enjoy spending time with and getting to know a provider.  It makes the whole experience better when you know the other person and click.  That said my schedule tends to be tough and unpredictable.  I really like the idea of an arrangement but it just does not tend to work well for me.

What I have done in the past is have someone I see regularly.  Then I will see someone new here and there for variety.

gracehadley See my TER Reviews 92 reads
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I got nothing to add, but Gambler- keep using hooker, please!. I despise "provider". We are all adults. Let's call things by their name :)

GaGambler 85 reads
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I think most people who feel uncomfortable with the word "hooker", or "john" for that matter are either ashamed of what they do or have been conditioned by society that what we do is somehow "dirty" and I simply don't feel that way and that is why although you might occasionally see me use the term "hobbyist" or "the hobby" it's rare and I NEVER will call myself a hobbyist, like you I despise the term.

I  do apologize that I  sometimes use the term "provider" but I will try to use the term "hooker" more often than "provider" I think I am about 65/35 hooker now. I will strive to get it up to 75/25 at the least in the future. lol

2663460 4 Reviews 68 reads
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Are that i really like the personal connection . After seeing  the same Lady only for a while we worked out a arrangement.For me that works out great .having a set time and days  every month makes it easy. I Love it .

Venture 3 Reviews 62 reads
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I am always looking for a cool friend to go on dates at the lake or beach,  maybe someone that could join me for a day or two.  It often takes too much research and then to sync schedules to find someone cool enough that is not just doing it for the money but also to have some fun which many here would not find synonymous (ie fun and money).  That is usually why it is more fun to be with someone that wants both.  Anyway, the 1 hour chicken choke can be rushed if you like to have 2-3 hr more natural sessions.  It seems many arrangement type of women are more normal type of people anyway for it must be very hard to be an escort with all the risk and never knowing who/what you will see.

SofiaLorraine See my TER Reviews 106 reads
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I've done both escorting & arrangements and I can honestly say I prefer an arrangement much more. Through the years of doing this, I have learned that I'm not always going to be every clients cup of tea, just something they're in the mood for if that makes sense. Growing an arrangement with one particular person was a better situation. The one year I had that with someone special, was probably the happiest I had ever been. We connected on a deep and intimate level. I looked forward to seeing him every week and it wasn't because of the financial help, it was because I really grew to like him. I was even considering something more ( even with the age gap ) I just didn't care, I liked being around someone that made me feel like that. Something where you don't even realize that it's an arrangement

Jeffandy23 13 Reviews 69 reads
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I have not been here for a while. I've actually been off in Sugar land. I shadowed SA for a month before joining. Stayed a premium member for a month and had some interesting hits. After communicating with ladies I narrowed it down and have an awesome SB. We just hit it off wonderfully.

Pros: longer time together, not just a timed session. A chance to get to know each other.

Cons: some ladies just think you are a walking ATM. Sometimes you get some flakes.

So I'm going to give the SD/SB arrangement thing a go.

Soulsearching 79 reads
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Thanks for this comment. Curious about your thoughts on why you despise the term "provider?"  I think it's cold and clinical and have not liked it much. But I also don't like the "hooker" terminology either. It's doesn't do justice to the services you provide? Not trying to be politically correct, just inquiring!

hushfan 11 Reviews 77 reads
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So I've never seen arrangement and SD/SB distinguished from each other. I honestly thought they were one in the same.  So what am I missing?  What's the difference, and is there a fine line between the two?  

NaomiJeanCarter See my TER Reviews 79 reads
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Lol "hooker rates" would you get a load of this guy. Lol some men are so funny.

MoMontana See my TER Reviews 76 reads
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All we can do is take it in stride. I'm a provider ... the hooker ish irks me but in this business... oh well!

GaGambler 102 reads
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I am very "anti PC" and I don't like terms that try to sugarcoat an activity. "Hobbyist" is one of the worst IMHO, I much prefer "whore monger" or even better "whore mongering pig" lol I am what I am, I do what I do and I do so without even the least bit of shame. If I have to be ashamed of something I do, it means I should really be taking a long hard look at that activity.  

I am most definitely NOT ashamed of consorting with prostitutes and as most people who know me can attest, many of my very best friends are hookers.  Some people use the word "hooker" as an insult, I no more use the word to offend than I would expect a nurse to be offended by me calling her a nurse.

I think most "Hobbyists" and "providers" are at least secretly somewhat ashamed of what they do. I have no such shame and thus I have no reason to sugarcoat what I do.

MoMontana See my TER Reviews 70 reads
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GaGambler 76 reads
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There is no real difference between the terms, as you said "it's just verbage" (sic) lol

Where it comes to the context of P4P, the terms are synonymous.

gracehadley See my TER Reviews 79 reads
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I JUST saw this, but yep, it's cold, clinical, PC, and so vague as to be meaningless. Hooker is just funny to me, so I like using it, especially because it always makes my lady friends here crack up and startles the guys, lol. I think the word "whore" needs to be reclaimed- I absolutely love this job, it's extremely multifaceted, and I don't need a dull and sterile term to refer to me OR my job :)

shortstackatlanta 74 reads
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I always saw women about once a month until I found someone who I had feeling for and vise vera. She has left the business  working at a normal job but we still see each other frequently and  I'll help her out every once in a while when she needs 💰 . Works for me and whatever floats your boat

fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 69 reads
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I'm asked this question every once in a while by a young lady (civilian) if I would be open to a SD/Sb relationship. This is after a few fun times out doing the gun range or go carting or dinner as examples. I always say no but wonder if I could do it financially. I'm just curious about an allowance and how often is it given such as weekly, monthly etc. feel free to pm me. Thanks in advance.

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