
Greater then 72 hours...
SirSmiley 49 Reviews 28 reads

My last review (sent 3/5) took longer than the "up to72 hours" TER says it may take.  

Yeah, BITD, I had a review post in under 20 minutes. Wanted to change a little something, but it was already up. I

Not that!!!

How long before a new review is approved/posted
I have only written one other review since  March 2023 and I cannot recall how long it took  
I do remember BITD when I used to post a lot more reviews (both under this screen name and my previous one) they were posted within hours of submission, or at worse the next day  

I wrote a new review this past Wednesday morning (03/06) yet it hasn’t posted yet  
And no. It hasn’t been flagged for more information or anything like that  

Thanks in advance

Basically, however long it takes for the moderator to read, critique approve or deny.
They get around to it when they get around to it......

Who moderates the reviews?  The moderator of the Atlanta board?  Or do all reviews go to "Central Processing"?  Just curious, if anyone knows.

I’ve had a couple of people ask me the same thing! I’m curious as well!

Same here, I wrote a review this past Wednesday 6 March as well as it still has not posted.  And it has not been flagged for more information or anything like that either. I concur, sometimes, 99% of my reviews are posted by the next day at the latest .

It’s just been posted

My last review (sent 3/5) took longer than the "up to72 hours" TER says it may take.  

Yeah, BITD, I had a review post in under 20 minutes. Wanted to change a little something, but it was already up. I

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