
Daniela Diamond
penterra 9 Reviews 1818 reads
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Jumping in because I reached out via her website. Things started ok, but then turned weird for me. Standard form and outreach. Heard a response within 24 hours. Email response was a cut and paste form with three screening options. Option 1 - Name, number, 2 references. Option 2 - work verification requiring email from work email address. Option 3 - ID with selfie (personal info blurred). So far, pretty standard. I have references. I go for option 1.  

This is where my “I’ll pass” vibe started buzzing. About 4 hours after I sent my response I see two emails in my email inbox. It’s her reference request outreach to the providers, with my info, with me on Cc and her asking “do you vouch for this gentlemen?” I was like “huh?” I’ve been in the game awhile and have never, ever heard of the prospective client being copied on a reference request. Lucky for me one my ATFs is a guardian angel and she always reverse screens providers before responding. Her spidey sense tweaked too. She emailed me almost immediately with her concerns. TER reviews outdated from years ago in NJ. Absolutely no mutuals. No track history established in Atlanta.  

My other reference did respond and I received an email with  “you have been cleared but are not whitelisted. Your screening in only good for 60 days. Save this email. Your not whitelisted until you’ve had your appointment” Honestly, the tone and vibe made me think I was setting an appointment with a lawyer. I deleted the email and moved on. She may be 100% legit and really UTR. But better safe for me.

She is/was part of a NJ agency known as the Dream Team, they used catchy names for each girl, ie: Trixie Tryst, Kimberly Kisses, etc... Not full GFE (CBJ) if shes still abiding by the rules of the agency..All the girls were mid 20's and up (think Hooters, Twin Peaks waitresses). Reviews were/are always very good for what was offered.I'm fairly ceratin she's still working with the agency as she has recent reviews on another site that is more NJ focused...I'm not certain what the screening is/was like for them. Maybe the Cc was just to let you know she actually did verify your references and their responses??????  

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