60 and Over

Probably more than dose to think of...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 374 reads

Uneven results could be from timing of dose versus meals and sexual activity:

"As with sildenafil, a high-fat meal delays the absorption of vardenafil by up to 1 h and decreases the maximal concentration of vardenafil by approximately 20% compared with the fasted state.[19]"

"None of the three PDE5 inhibitors act immediately. Most studies have illustrated that the drugs have an onset of action between 30 and 60 min, but the rate of onset of each drug varies between individuals. The prescribing information for sildenafil recommends dosing 60 min before sexual activity,[21,22]"  

"Sildenafil and vardenafil both have a terminal half-life of approximately 4 h,[15,16] and tadalafil has a half-life of 17.5 h."

So if you take your Levitra near a meal, it may take up to 2 hrs to reach maximum absorption, may not reach the intended peak concentrations, and will cease to work in something less than the 4 hr window expected. Cialis may be a good option for "consistency of action", as it is unaffected by food, is active within 20 mins and remains active for an extended time.

For the "second pop" issue it is a bit unclear what you mean to give a good answer....

After ejaculating, your body will produce a hormonal cascade. Oxytocin and Prolactin are released, cholinesterase and norepinephrine are released, etc... This cascade leads to an erectile refractory period, that prevents a repeat erection until the pre-ejaculatory hormonal milieu is restored. The average for all males is about 30 minutes, but  can range from almost no time at all to 20 hours for the average man in his 70's.  

There are no approved drugs in the US for reducing refractory periods, but cabergoline (cabaser) has been used off-label to reduce prolactin let-down after ejaculaation and thus to shorten refractory period. Yohimbine (Rauwolscine) has also been used to block alpha-adregenergic receptors and reduce adregenergic vasoconstriction. Alpha blockers such as Flomax, Cardura, Uroxatraal and Rapaflo may also be helpful in a similar manner  - although again, they are not approved for this use.  

If by "second pop" you mean a second ejaculation... I got no ideas how to help with that one.  

Good luck!

It's the one that works best for me and I take 20 mg. The results  are pretty good but uneven and it's harder these days for me to get a second pop. Thoughts and suggestions? Thanks!

I wish I like you had no sure 1st pop and problems with the 2nd pop.  Oh how I wish.

Uneven results could be from timing of dose versus meals and sexual activity:

"As with sildenafil, a high-fat meal delays the absorption of vardenafil by up to 1 h and decreases the maximal concentration of vardenafil by approximately 20% compared with the fasted state.[19]"

"None of the three PDE5 inhibitors act immediately. Most studies have illustrated that the drugs have an onset of action between 30 and 60 min, but the rate of onset of each drug varies between individuals. The prescribing information for sildenafil recommends dosing 60 min before sexual activity,[21,22]"  

"Sildenafil and vardenafil both have a terminal half-life of approximately 4 h,[15,16] and tadalafil has a half-life of 17.5 h."

So if you take your Levitra near a meal, it may take up to 2 hrs to reach maximum absorption, may not reach the intended peak concentrations, and will cease to work in something less than the 4 hr window expected. Cialis may be a good option for "consistency of action", as it is unaffected by food, is active within 20 mins and remains active for an extended time.

For the "second pop" issue it is a bit unclear what you mean to give a good answer....

After ejaculating, your body will produce a hormonal cascade. Oxytocin and Prolactin are released, cholinesterase and norepinephrine are released, etc... This cascade leads to an erectile refractory period, that prevents a repeat erection until the pre-ejaculatory hormonal milieu is restored. The average for all males is about 30 minutes, but  can range from almost no time at all to 20 hours for the average man in his 70's.  

There are no approved drugs in the US for reducing refractory periods, but cabergoline (cabaser) has been used off-label to reduce prolactin let-down after ejaculaation and thus to shorten refractory period. Yohimbine (Rauwolscine) has also been used to block alpha-adregenergic receptors and reduce adregenergic vasoconstriction. Alpha blockers such as Flomax, Cardura, Uroxatraal and Rapaflo may also be helpful in a similar manner  - although again, they are not approved for this use.  

If by "second pop" you mean a second ejaculation... I got no ideas how to help with that one.  

Good luck!

I go to a men's clinic that sells the top four ED drugs but they are formulated by a compounding pharmacy. They are made of a waxy material that is meant to be placed under the tongue and dissolves. This delivers more of the drug into your system faster. For me it is 20 to 30 minutes and I am good to go. Really good.
It is also important to note that in my case they have added a small amount of apomorphine to the mix. This enhances sensory stimulation; both touch and visual. Possibly aural too I hadn't thought about that until now.  
The "pill" is a 100mg 1/2" by 1/4" tab that is scored in quarters. I take a quarter or 25mg. I usually purchase 5 tabs for $150, or about $7.50 per dose.
I have tried all of them and the Levitra, which I tried last, seems to work the best for me. But there could be other reasons for that as I have been on their program for other health benefits for several months now and I am in better shape.

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